Only a face a mother could love, I don't know what it is about these talk shows, they pick the most agitating faces ever; glad to say never given them views and don't have cable
Reno 911 did a qanon movie to didn't watch it just saw it
Yes I have used ivermectum for the og "covid" and hcq for newer "strain" personally speaking I think hcq cleared me up quicker, I think about 6 days for ivermectum, and felt better w hcq with 4. Easier to get hands on ivermectum at the moment, so I would say go that route. Also take lots of other vitamins will help too, vit d, c quercetin and zinc
Stay there we don't like your content, fuck entertainment
Look more covid cases from false swabs, omnicum is out of control lockdown v2? Their all probably getting paid to provide these as well my guess
I dislike the bitch she believes jan 6 was a insurrection sent me a 5 page document explaining that trump is a traitor, just as bad as the rest. I can post the sauce need be
Remember the civil war when families fought each other; DS gonna hammer down more we've won avoid politics, recover the bonds; slowly well come back together
Remember all the 20 years of brainwashing is now showing and the effect is now, which is why we are in the position now. Most children feel college is the only way, even at my job people think education is the only opportunity vs the hard work to self educate. The class system has been set for a long while, as if you can see from most Hollywood movies, most families plan for college. We are seeing the ripple to this, but thankfully we will see the rubber band bounce back and solidify the continuation of the United States. As the government continually tries to take our rights away we will awaken. Do not lose hope this is in their plan hence vaccinations to exterminate those who are mentally weak. We will stand strong as patriots and will remain NCSWIC, WWGWGA1. The information war will be the war we fight until this is all over and its coming, maybe tomorrow maybe next year but things will be better and we must not get lazy after this is all over and learn from prior mistakes. Support fellow patriots, casually Redpill normies in the middle of the political stance and pray, we will make it through the Storm we are currently facing! Love you all brothers and sisters!
Somebody really payed attention to symbolism in school excellent dissection of this piece! I really feel you've deconstructed the typical meanings of things and made it clear and understanding to your thought process!
Depopulation silly, the test shot people are becoming iller each month, dark purple around the eyes constantly coughing and looking generally unwell. Those who took it are slowly declining on a month by month basis.
I'll have to try that thanks for the advice!
Had similar thing, I was taking ivermectum and lots of vitamin c. Personally I'm still really congested, but much better. Started off w a sore thrust, it turned to a cough and then nauseous, and chills, and dizziness. Took 4 days to get to feeling alive now
Go look up mugshots a lot of the pictures show people w a good chunk of them with the whites under the eyes showing
The only time I've used an hp device it had a nice bsod feature, support sucks too