2 co-workers have died since vax., 3 clients have died suddenly since vax. My young Cousin, 23 years old got turbo cancer and died in a matter of a few weeks, my Niece's Father in Law turned black in his arm pits, and genitals and died after the vax. Besides this, i know of a 23 year old girl found dead in bed and a teenage girl found dead in the bath tub, and a friend of mine died from a blood clot. Also, another friend found her brother dead on his front lawn.
I guess you haven`t dug into the whole AIDS being caused by an HIV virus yet either. Total scam including fauci just like this scam. You need to do more research.
EXACTLY! 100%. I wish people would WAKE UP. FULLY.
The virus
doesnt exist. It was made up from a computer program. It is a virus IN SILICO.. check what that means. Computer modelling! Also, think about it .... they supposedly spent millions of dollars making a virus deadly to humans through gain of function and then released it from a lab. Oh.. but wait.. it
s not that deadly
..so theyre just shitty at it eh.. come on! The
(IN SILICO) VIRUS was NEVER isolated from an actual person said to be sick from it. AND they wanted NO autopsies! I believe the THEORY of viruses is a scam to keep people in fear of an invisible enemy for control, money, AND depopulation by the shots. ALL shots but the COVID one is one of the worst.
THERE WAS NO VIRUS WAKE UP. There were no major increase in overall deaths (only hot spots where they were killing people in seniors homes and possibly some other areas where, possibly,there were aersolized psrticles being sprayed over communities) UNTIL they rolled out the VAX ! AND This video is full of information AND EVIDENCE. Stew peters isn
t even in it. People should watch it and decide for themselves NOT dismiss it just because they may not like that it`s on Stew peters``site. This IS important.
Then he says, pigs``. Could be a reference to the pigs in the Bible that were filled with demons. This is Biblical. We are battling forces in heavenly places. Could be that he
s talking about demon possessed people. The satanists that he is talking about. Maybe.
He says firè
and later, pigs
. Maybe it`s a reference to the pigs in the Bible that filled with demons. Maybe.
Im so depressed and in so much mental pain I can hardly stand it to tell you the truth. I lost my job from the scamdemic. Most of my family has died from cancer in the last few years and now my only child is a full blown alcoholic and drug addict and I can
t figure out how to help him. I want to scream until I lose my voice. Scream until the pain subsides at least a little. no one seems to care and I`m losing my mind.
I think the medical industry is the CAUSE of a lot of sickness. Not only vaccines.Their 'medications' all have side effects. A person is put on a 'medication' for one thing, long term, and meanwhile it's silently killing your liver for example. Most meds only mask the real problem anyway instead of the doctor finding the root of the problem and fixing/curing that. They love to cut things out too. I know many people who have had their gall bladder removed for example. They remove them like it's nothing, the way they use to remove tonsils at a whim. Then you have the x-rays and mamagrams(sp) that they love and dentists REALLY love x rays. Radiation. If we get rid of the current medical industry, the chemical industry, and the GMO foods that would go a LONG way in preventing people from getting really sick in the first place.
I NEVER get my pets vaccinated! My last 2 dogs lived to be 18 and 15. My dad got the rabies shot for his dog who was very healthy and shortly after, it had cancer tumors on the face and legs and had to be pyt down.
Thank you. Bless you.
I keep praying soooo hard for my son who has become an alcoholic and drug addicted. He's 24 and destroying his life, his mind and body, his family and his future and even though he believes in God and still wears his JESUS SAVES ring, his soul is in danger too. He's been hiding in a hotel for 3 months drinking and doing drugs every day and I cant seem to get through to him. he is my only child and it's killing me too. I am losing my will to go on and if he dies, i will too. As I said i keep praying so hard but it seems that God doesn't hear me, so this post stood out to me.
Good question. I think it's to cause FEAR. They said they would stop us from eating meat...... so they make us fear the meat. They said we wouldn't be flying and now we are told to fear the planes crashing from pilots being injected..... FEAR CONTROLS. I think the crap has to be injected into the person to really work.
I just said these exact words entirely. I agree completely.
%50 "of those tested", not of the entire group. Most likely the ones who got tested were having chest discomfort of some kind since getting the shots, or weakness.
Thank you for posting. This IS important. Death by a thousand cuts. It IS real and will be enforced in the end.
I saw (posted on here) an interview with a guy who I think was from US and is now in Russia. he said he faught with Ukrainian army but only to infiltrate and get info and evidence of war crimes, a self proclaimed spy, then went to Russia. He had videos etc. HE called HIMSELF communist. What does this guy have to do with the murdered scientist?
They always control the narrative. They present and push 2 options. (just like Liberal vs Conservative). When the TRUTH lies OUTSIDE those options. Man-made or lab-created. NO. IT. DOESN'T. EXIST. The weapon is the shot. Viruses DO NOT EXIST.
My son had seizures for the first 3 years of his life. They did brain scans and said they found nothing. Doctors were baffled.... I've always been against vaccines but unknown to me, they gave him a vaccine at the hospital when he was born and also at his first check up. (found out recently). I had had an emergency c-section followed by pneumonia from the breathing tube used during surgery.; then severe mastitis so it was a hard time. He's very smart in some ways but behavioral problems and very anti-social. My only child.
Is this why they went through Melania's closet etc., looking for a pair of dirty panties that might have Pres. Trump's DNA on them, and then say that those panties are this woman's and she kept them for decades hoping for justice someday..... seems like possible set up.
Well..... some say that the royals are reptilians.......
Just watched the video.... I wish everyone would. It's very important.. There is no virus. There is no spike protein, hence NO shedding. BOTH the virus and spike protein were/are scare tactics.. The injection is toxic because of the TOXINS that are in it like liquid nano particles, metals, etc. Love Dr Tom Cowan by the way...... Thank you for posting. May have to re-post a few times for better exposure.
All very good, EXCEPT you did NOT get covid.. there is NO covid. It was/is a HOAX just like the dossier. A boogie-man, some monster that can't be seen story to get people terrified so they can be controlled, herded, into getting the 'vaccine'. Covid is no more real than the 'man-made climate change' killer /monster. I would contend that viruses themselves are ALL a hoax. If they exist they are scrubbers of dead cell debris, not contagious pathogens. Meanwhile the 'vaccine' is the true monster as well as ALL vaccines. Monsters created by monsters, posing as friends, killing and injuring for more than a hundred years.
Seems like a sudden influx of alien posts...... diversion .....every time.
Didn't President trump just do a speech in front of a painting of a fox hunt? No coincidences.