stayawyliberalscum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hopium is alive & well I see.

I overdosed, hopium has no effect on me now.

stayawyliberalscum 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just made a meme, in "new". Have posted everywhere I can along with this 4 chan call to arms!

stayawyliberalscum 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm 53, worst I have ever felt and longest sickness I have ever had, EVER.

Covid is real, and it is dangerous. So many different vectors. This is not a natural virus, this has been seriously enhanced!

Thanks Dr. Fraudski you motherfucker for paying for enhancement research & then releasing this onto the world specifically to bring about mass home ballot fraud to beat Trump!

stayawyliberalscum 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is my 16th day with hard core full blown COVID-19. Gone full into my lungs which were compromised by lifelong asthma & a diagnosis of emphysema/COPD right before this started from my time in Baghdad around the burn pits.

I could see my O2 sensor in real time before and after taking IVermectin. I honestly believe I would be dead if I did not have Ivermectin. It works. It made my O2 so much better & lowered my pulse rate.

I got this from seeing Joe Rogan in Austin on August 18th, I imagine I caught it literally the same night he did, except I am not rich with the resources he had to throw at it. Luckily though, been doing research and had everything I needed to fight it at home instead of going to the hospital where I KNOW they would deny me access to the #1 fighter against viral replication, Ivermectin.

I'm dosing every day probably for another 2 weeks as I still can barely do anything without being winded & coughing fit.

Never masked, not vaxxed, I caught it, is what it is. I am looking forward to having natural immunity now.

Ivermectin saved my life.

stayawyliberalscum 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is even in Walmart in the pet section. Look at the back, for horses.

stayawyliberalscum 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've got so many moving in around here that land north of San Antonio going for 20 - 25 thousand an acre for raw land.

Inherited a nice spread so if I move to ID, I'll be looking for a ready made prepper estate. Nothing too ostentatious, but more importantly self reliant.

Nothing, I mean nothing is 100% these days, just have to play everything by ear.

Being right next to one of the largest cities in the nation, and the huge influx of Cali & other blue state refugees, AND all of the illegals who will vote despite not legally being able to, I am so, so afraid of a blue Texas.

stayawyliberalscum 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not gonna say "Winning" till HydenByden & GhastlyPelosi are out on their asses!

stayawyliberalscum 2 points ago +2 / -0


They do not have the right to refuse service based upon a MEDICAL decision. Equal footing under the law for a public place. Open for business, they are a public place.

stayawyliberalscum 2 points ago +3 / -1

Time for America to wake up to the fact that there are differences between the races. The "diversity is strength" b.s. is meant to destroy us from within. This is all coming from men with little hats.

Do your own research, or stay asleep believing we are all "brothers" which is the furthest thing from the truth.

stayawyliberalscum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Still thinking of moving there.

All in how the world goes the next 5 years.

Got land aplenty in Texas, but these borders are truly fucking us.

stayawyliberalscum 2 points ago +2 / -0


Been looking online at Idaho for years as a great place to move when things turn really bad....like it's looking more and more like.

stayawyliberalscum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Welding, plumbing, electrical.
PRACTICAL is the way to go.

ALWAYS a need for these people!

stayawyliberalscum 2 points ago +2 / -0

This lady has some good stuff. I've been through hell several times over the last year, I will not now, nor ever "mask up".


stayawyliberalscum 3 points ago +5 / -2

STILL waiting.

stayawyliberalscum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Day late, 1.9 trillion dollars short.

stayawyliberalscum 2 points ago +2 / -0

How many trillions have been sunk into the continent, yet things appear worse than we started.

stayawyliberalscum 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm considering having a drunk & loud music kind of day.....

Feels like a Slayer Reign in Blood mood.

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