stevethefish76 6 points ago +6 / -0

GMOs and factory farming are an insufferable blight on America. Farms need to go back to how they are depicted in children's picture books and such. We weren't poisoning the planet back when those were reality.

stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

So for $750, one could even buy a Nintendo Switch and a few games. Wow. People can play that while they live in their car after their homes were destroyed. Thanks, FEMA!

stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

There were some police sheriffs who had reported on nation-wide terrorist attack plans, but apparently this did not come to pass, fortunately.

stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, I first heard about Q in November 2017. I couldn't find any place like qanon.pub until about January/February 2018. GAW didn't start until 2020. I joined here the first few days of its inception, I believe. I used to be active on the Great Awakening group on Gab, but that's fallen into neglect. NeonRevolt used to drive that group, but when the election did not pan out as he predicted in that book of his, he jumped off the Q train.

stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, I'm from Arizona. I never really fit in with society in America. Living in Japan, I'm not expected to fit in, so I'm happy. People here leave me a lone. I've got my wife and daughter and I skype with friends online on weekends, so I'm not alone.

stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines teach school curriculum in English and people in those countries are truly bilingual. In Japan, many of the English teachers can't even hold conversations in English without resorting to Japanese. I don't mind though, since it keeps me employed.

stevethefish76 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, I teach children and adults in Japan. The English level of Japan is abysmally low, but it keeps me employed.

stevethefish76 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, I should have phrased that differently. You weren't the only one to misinterpret what I meant, as a handshake faggot named Lasdoap whose posts were all removed for faggotry and who's likely already been banned from this forum and has nothing better to do with his unhappy, shitlib life than to troll people on here through DMs, he accused me of being a drunk bully. No, I was the one who was bullied in school and it's given me deep empathy for my students. Even these troubled kids whose minds are half gone love me and always want to play with me.

My rant is how the number of these kids have proliferated. Just a couple of years ago, the kids who were 3rd graders (now are 5th) were so wonderful. Maybe one or two boys had issues, but they've shaped up as they tend to do, and I know that the current 3rd graders who are troublesome will shape up eventually too. But whereas several years ago there were maybe about 4-5 kids in the special needs classes, now that number is nearly triple and I don't think the food has changed significantly.

As for my daughter, she's eaten a McDonalds burger ONCE in her life and she didn't care for it. We typically make hamburgers at home, which is only about 2-3 times a year unfortunately, but whatever. Burger King in Japan, however, is FAWESOME. Unlike anything I'd tasted from a Burger King in America. I had one earlier this year and it was a mushroom ranch burger. Fantastic.

stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll have to re-watch that movie, or at least find that scene! I haven't seen that movie in at least 20 years I think.

stevethefish76 7 points ago +7 / -0

The kids are on the spectrum because of the shots they receive from when they are born, not just the Covid vax. I'm also not in America, and the school lunches are actually not bad here. The problem is whatever they may be eating at home that is the problem. The standards here are better than in the USA, but regardless if they are getting processed, pre-made foods at home, that is a big contributor.

And to clear it up, I wasn't the one making fun of kids whose mothers came to school when I was a kid. When I said "we" I meant my classmates. I do not remember ever laughing at another kid whose mother visited the school because I was made fun of when we had parents visitation day. As for that boy at the school I teach, I've been doing this for many years and I've never seen a kid who requires his mother to be with him at all times. It's just bizarre that the school even permits that. The number of special needs children seem to be proliferating though, particularly the younger grades who were most likely given the Covid vax before they entered kindergarten.

stevethefish76 8 points ago +8 / -0

Oh I totally agree with you. I am so glad that RFK Jr. is opening people's eyes to Tartrazine/Yellow 5, for example. That plus sodium benzoate (a common preservative found in most sodas) causes ADHD.

Most candy here in Japan uses natural food coloring. Gardenia petals are used to make pink, for example. The lemon vitamin C throat drops I have uses turmeric for its yellow color, and turmeric is fantastic. However there is a lot of crap in processed foods here too, so it's not just the USA. It's wrecking kids' brains for sure.

stevethefish76 7 points ago +7 / -0

So that classmate of yours just had a smothering mother?

There is something about the injections that targets boys' DNA. I have seen a few autistic girls, but we can see that it affects boys far more than girls. Half the boys are alright, but the other half are space cadets. Over the years they shape up, but the intensity of the behavioral problems is increasing in my experience. Some days are better than others. Thank God it's Friday.

Just yesterday, one of my coworkers mentioned that several of us have had deaths in their families. I usually avoid interacting with them for the most part. They are all on Line and I don't have a smartphone. I wouldn't join their Line group even if I had one though. Libtard echo chamber. Anyway, she counted off about 5-6 deaths in the past year or so in just our small group. Nobody can put two and two together. In just the schools I've worked at, I saw one boy with GBS or whatever causes him to just sit and lurch about, unable to focus his eyes on anything for more than a moment. One little girl's young mother had a blood clot in her brain and died. One student was hospitalized when his vaccine wrecked his kidneys. I also saw many more children with severe eczema. Nobody seems to have any sense of pattern recognition, save for a very few individuals.

stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's the kind of stuff that gets spread around that you have to be careful about. I see Sanhedrin 54B and Ketubot 11b which I mentioned, but I have found that some pics like this which get passed around will make claims about something in the Talmud but upon inspection, I was unable to find and validate. You'd just have to look up the filthy shit on Jew websites and confirm for yourself.

It's important to point out that while the majority of Jews follow the Talmud, not all do and there are sects that reject it. We just need people to know that those who follow Christ are those who claim the birthright of Abraham and are God's chosen people, not these depraved sickos who give newborn baby boys herpes from sucking their dicks after circumcisions.

stevethefish76 16 points ago +16 / -0

Vaccines are completely destroying children's minds, especially the boys. I just finished a 3rd grade class and those kids' minds are just baked. The girls are well-behaved and pleasant, but the boys act like they are drunk or are on drugs. Their minds are totally gone. Can't sit in their chair, can't focus on anything, just either wandering around or flopping on the floor, "dyerr dyrr durrrr!" One boy still has his MOM with him at school. WTF? When I was in the 3rd grade, whenever we saw someone's mom show up to school if he forgot his lunch or whatever, we'd make fun of him AND his mom. I think there is a big problem with that mom not cutting the apron strings, but her boy is still a space cadet like the others. It's Friday and I can just taste the whiskey in my mouth.

Go to RFK's Children's Defense channel on Rumble and there are testimonials upon testimonials of parents who witnessed their child have a bad vaccine reaction and resolved to not give their next child any vaccines. The older child has all the health and mental problems while the younger child can concentrate and do well in school, never gets sick, has no allergies, and on and on.

WE NEED TO MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN. Only then will there be a ripple effect across the world. Stab at the heart of Big Pharma. Boot that goofy fat-ass faggot who thinks he's a girl out his position as secretary of health and send RFK Jr. into the nest with a blowtorch strapped to a pulse rifle and destroy the Big Pharma swamp!

stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mohammad was a depraved, demon-possessed psychopath who married a 6 year old girl, told people to drink camel piss, had his critics assassinated, endorsed rape, killing, and stealing, and insisted that the world is flat.

Jesus said, "The thief comes to kill, steal, and destroy. I have come so that you may have life and have it abundantly." Mohammad was one of the first Antichrists. Some say that he could be fictitious, since it would be impossible for one man to have so many mental illnesses (pedophilia, psychosis, narcissism, megalomania, etc). I think it is possible if the hand of Satan is upon someone so strongly as he was.

stevethefish76 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Talmud is a salacious, raunchy book. It makes excuses for gross stuff like There is a tendency to augment the Torah, such as adding Lilith in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. Whereas Deuteronomy clearly says that a man should not lay with another man in a homosexual act, the Talmud augments this by claiming "Well, that does not say for little boys, so boning boys is alright."

Sanhedrin 54b https://www.sefaria.org/Sanhedrin.54b.2?lang=bi

This same crap also tries to differentiate the difference between engaging in beastiality "active" vs "passively" (as if that makes a difference).

"An adult man who engaged in intercourse with a minor girl less than three years old has done nothing, as intercourse with a girl less than three years old is tantamount to poking a finger into the eye."

Ketubot 11b https://www.sefaria.org/Ketubot.11b.6?lang=bi&with=all&lang2=en

According to the Talmud, Jesus was raised by a necromancer. It says that Jesus is in hell, "punished with boiling excrement."

Gittin 57a https://www.sefaria.org/Gittin.57a.4?ven=William_Davidson_Edition_-_English&lang=bi&with=all&lang2=en

There is a lot of disinformation online about the Talmud, though. I've seen lists of claims of the Talmud saying that Christians deserve death, but when I look it up it's actually about dividing inheritances, or some claim that it's fine for a Jew to steal from Gentiles ("Goyim," the verse provided is actually about planting crops. I have no idea who the hell comes up with that sort of stuff, because they don't check their references and people just pass these erroneous scripture lists around and say, "oh my gosh, it's true!" ...without double-checking. It's just lazy.

stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah. Many of my normie MAGA friends, particularly those who have bought into the "Q is a psyop" nonsense, are talking of an impending civil war, that they will not hesitate to kill their fellow citizens who are deranged, sociopathic Leftists. They keep saying how it's going to get ugly. I try to inject optimism, but they are convinced that America will erupt in a civil war and mass chaos.

stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is incredible. I just finally read what you wrote and I will want to save this text. I have a friend who is so caught up in "end times" stuff that is based mostly on what mortal men have said, not necessarily what God's Word says. I grew up Baptist and my parents watched TBN all the time, so all that Hal Lindsay doomsday prophecies had scared me into thinking that I wouldn't even live until high school, much less a time when I'd be married with a family of my own. I think one stumbling block is to think of the "Antichrist" as a specific person, rather than something more abstract and spiritual. "Is Obama the Antichrist?" I've heard many people ask. He embodies the SPIRIT of the Antichrist, as does Bill Gates, George Soros, and so many others in the past. People get caught up looking out for a boogeyman to come when I think the spirit of the Antichrist is already upon us and threatening to overwhelm us. Cancel culture is the Antichrist, as Christ is about leaving one's past behind and becoming born again, while cancel cutlure is a spirit of accusation and condemnation, searching people's history for sins. That goes against Christ, as does Transhumananism and of course the whole LGBTQP-CIA feldercarb.

stevethefish76 3 points ago +3 / -0

A bit of nostalgia. I picked up Social Distortion's first album last week. Yeah, Mike Ness has TDS and all that, but I don't care. (That's nowadays anyway.) In high school I had this album recorded onto audiocassette from a record player, with all the crackles from a record on it. I think I got it from one of my sister's boyfriends at the time. I lost that tape when that old car caught fire after the engine backfired. I hadn't listened to this album in 30 years, and I still remembered the lyrics to all the songs.

stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

At first I thought maybe she was sarcastic, but adding the word "white" indicates she is seriously a racist moonbat.

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