stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

Over the weekend, I wasted my time watching a video of Charlie Kirk wasting his time bickering with shitlib retards. He's not going to change any of their minds because they are so thoroughly brainwashed into thinking that he is their enemy. I don't really like Kirk and while he addressed the point of the lack of a father in too many black households, he didn't even mention that this is the policy of white Democrats.

So in the video he said "I love the war on drugs" which made me roll my eyes. I think most people know that the war on drugs is a sham, brought on by the CIA and such. 20 years ago I thought it was silly to think that the CIA created crack cocaine to keep black men down, but now I tend to agree with that theory. It made me think about how the war on prostitution could also be a waste of time.

What do you frens think here about legalizing prostitution? Anyone here who lives in Las Vegas with an opinion on that? I think it's disgusting, but it is the "oldest profession" after all and it isn't going away. By legalizing it, couldn't it then be regulated, the women can have proper health insurance, etc? Why go work for Upgraydd when she can work for a regular establishment and avoid exploitation? If sunlight is the best disinfectant, couldn't that put a bind on human trafficking? It could also prevent the clients from being exploited too. I remember in 2000 I was walking a back street in Osaka with a guy I'd met at the youth hostel I was staying at for the weekend and some other guy came and propositioned us to follow him to show us some girls. Neither of us were interested, but stuff like that is scary, and it made me think of that chapter in Catcher in the Rye where Holden Caufield was threatened and robbed by a pimp and his girl.

It's just an idea. This isn't my hill to die on and it's not something I have really researched, but I think that if prostitution could be an officially recognized line of work, it could be regulated, unionized, etc. I don't see the point in prohibiting gambling either, other than that it is relegated to Indian reservations which is a source of income for the people there. I'm not a full-blown Libertarian and I am Christian myself. I've never even shopped at an adult bookstore or even smoked a cigarette in my life, much less done drugs. I just have this idea that perhaps a step towards ending human trafficking, at least to some extent, would be by shining a light on this trade. What are your thoughts?

stevethefish76 8 points ago +8 / -0

I have a friend so hung up on Antichrist fear that he suspects that Trump could be the Antichrist. Forget about Trump's opposition to CBDC, the New World Order, and all that. Would the real Antichrist speak of Jesus Christ the Son of God the way Trump does? No.

I don't even think Yuval Harari is "the" Antichrist. He's a poseur who tries too hard.

stevethefish76 5 points ago +5 / -0

It could be yellow-orange or something for all I know. Only fluorescent light green can look yellow to me, but they wouldn't make a flag that color.

I can see colors, but sometimes they can be... slippery if that makes sense.

stevethefish76 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mark Dice calls him George Snuffalupagus. That kills me.

stevethefish76 17 points ago +17 / -0

These morons don't know anything about Trump's policies, nor can they name single one of Kumstain's policies. Between this, the gun scares and the bomb scares, it's obvious that they want to scare people away from Trump's rallies.

stevethefish76 7 points ago +7 / -0

I haven't seen a pager since the late '90s. I had no idea they are even used anymore until the news of exploding pagers came along.

stevethefish76 3 points ago +3 / -0

My normie Republican sister who can't tell the forest from the trees thinks that Kari Lake lost fair & square because she personally doesn't like Lake and doesn't care for MAGA either. I swear, she is so clueless. That election was so obviously stolen because Katie Hobbs was secretary of state in charge of the election and cheated like crazy.

stevethefish76 3 points ago +3 / -0

Instead of calling for more research, they should prioritize calling on all of these injections to be banned. J&J and Astrazeneca shots have already been banned, and the remaining two, Moderna and Pfizer, have proven to be dangerous too.

stevethefish76 9 points ago +9 / -0

I have a friend who is 66 years old, semi-retired. He used to work in Hollywood and was essentially forced to get the Covid injections to keep his job. I told him not to. I said he should cram as much as he could into a U-Haul and book it to Phoenix and get a job doing data entry or something, but he didn't listen to me. He said after the second shot, he could tell that his body was F'ed up. He hasn't felt the same since then. He works out twice a day and is in good health despite some age-related and congenial problems, but the second shot did something permanent to him.

stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

Salty is the main reason why my friend and I started channels on Odysee. Rumble is alright, but it is 99% politics. Odysee, OTOH, is built off the LIBRY foundation and appeals to a broader base. There's gaming, entertainment, travel, the Linux scene, etc.

I like Odysee a lot, but here's the main problem with the platform: THE META TAGS ARE USELESS! Let's say you do a video about this second Trump assassination attempt and the video is called, "Uh oh! It happened again!" You put the meta tags Trump, Trump assassination, shitlibs, etc. (You're limited to only 5 meta tags, which is also gay.) When the video gets uploaded, the recommendations on the side are just of other videos containing "uh oh" and "it happened again," so instead of seeing MOAR videos regarding the assassination attempt on the golf course, you get a video recommendation about someone's dog puking on the carpet, grandma locking her keys in the car, or what have you.

I emailed Odysee and told them exactly this problem. Their meta tags are useless and even searching for specific meta tags results in nothing. I was assured that this would be implemented in the next build for the site, but meta tags should have been working from the beginning. That's crap.

Furthermore, even though the site has categories, you cannot choose the category you want your video to fall under, unlike YouTube. I like Odysee a lot, but if they cannot help creators get the viewership they deserve, people will give up on the platform.

stevethefish76 9 points ago +9 / -0

You can tell the guy who recorded this video is especially smart because he didn't record in vertical mode. I hate it when people do that.

stevethefish76 3 points ago +3 / -0

Probably. He was on Enterprise. I never really watched Enterprise because it never really gelled with me.

stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

...except that "Flat Earth" is neither mainstream nor Biblical.

stevethefish76 4 points ago +4 / -0

Predictably, Hollywood's movie about Barry Seal starring Tom Cruise made the CIA seem innocent of the drug-running, and depicted Seal stocking all the money in his home for himself. Yeah, right. The best part of the movie was that Star Trek actor's impersonation of George W. That was spot-on.

stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

TURKISH DELIGHT? Why, I'd betray my brothers and sisters for some delicious Turkish Delight!

stevethefish76 3 points ago +3 / -0

We're a happy family

Me, Mom and Daddy


Sitting here in Queens

Eating refried beans

We're in all the magazines

Gulpin' down Thorazines

We ain't got no friends

Our troubles never end

No Christmas cards to send

Daddy likes men


Daddy's telling lies

Baby's eating flies

Mommy's on pills

Baby's got the chills

I'm friends with the President

I'm friends with the Pope

We're all making a fortune

Selling Daddy's dope

stevethefish76 6 points ago +6 / -0

Research on fenugreek's affects on testosterone:


Results: Free testosterone levels were improved up to 46% in 90% of the study population. 85.4% of the study population showed improvements in sperm counts. Sperm morphology improved in 14.6% of volunteers. Majority of the subjects enrolled in the study demonstrated improvements in mental alertness and mood. Furthermore, cardiovascular health and libido were significantly improved. Extensive safety parameters were evaluated which included blood chemistry data. No significant changes were observed in serum lipid function, cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL and LDL levels, hemogram (CBC), hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity.

stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wait... this isn't fake? Help me out here. I don't live in America...

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