I pray for healing in Jovan's body in Jesus name! Amen.
And to you as well! Love our friends down under! Merry Christmas!!
You can go back to read the ID2020 website and the ID2020 Alliance. The Alliance was held in the spring of 2019, attendees were many Silicon Valley Tech companies with an intent to implement a vaccine that would bear biometric abilities. All the milestones have been met so far.
Interesting ... 'Barrett said he will turn his focus now on learning more about international finance and climate change policy, two issues that are likely to be at the forefront of his new role.
Ah-hem - 17 years!! :)
Yep 10 minutes ago.
True, I have a few friends that are commercial pilots. The FOX news article is just an article that mentions the use of Pepcid. There are many articles you can look up, I just posted one convenient article to help you. Look it up! By the way I am also a pilot but do not have covid. Just dig a little.
You can look it up to verify. I have quite a few friends that are, that's how I was aware. But also Dr. Peter McCulloch just spoke about it.
Ok, Biden First!
Also, add Pepcid AC (famotidine). Commercial Pilots have been adding this to their regimen of supplements and vitamins.
My name is written in the palm of God's hand! Thank you Jesus!
Remember the video created of the Queen last Christmas, yet it wasn't the Queen? Could this be the same, its not really Trump, it is an illusion? Please tell me it is an illusion???? Computer generated graphic? Something is not right. and I do not believe Trump was with Bill OReilly or that he would encourage the vac, its deepstate fakery!!
Thanks for the laugh!! :-) :-)
That's a Nay! You will want only Ivermectin 1.87%.
And the post below mentioned taking with DMSO is an even bigger Nay! DMSO for those that aren't aware is Dimethylsulfoxide and can cause cancer, its used to make paint.
Well he has a crooked face, so there's that :) :)
Sorry for what your dad is going through. However, you are venting at the wrong people. We are your friends. Those involved with ID2020 Alliance, China, Fauci, NIH, CDC, Byeden, Gates, Soros, OBummer, Killary, Bernanke, the list goes on... these are the folks you need to vent with. The shot program needs to stop now. Mad scientists need to be locked up for life. Those responsible for this 'planned' virus are the ones you need to be mad at. Oh, and by the way, I lost my very healthy brother end of July after he received his second dose of Pfizer, so I can relate, but I am not mad at any one of the patriots for not wearing a mask. Please do not comply with this BS. Live your life and project your fight toward those that are trying to destroy your God-given freedoms, and freedom of life.
Racine WI former mayor, Gary Becker case was in 2009. Current mayor is Corey Mason and I was hoping (filled with hopium) it was him.
ID2020 just as planned... Lots on the inet if you search ID2020 or ID2020 Alliance
They are sick! Here is the Kentucky promo https://youtu.be/sv8juqb8KsE
and Kentucky: https://govstatus.egov.com/shot-at-a-million-home
How do you spell Desperation?
You can put lipstick on a pig but its still a pig! Why would a cute girl even look at that ugly 'it'? Nasty!!
Matthew 18:20
'For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.'