I think is a false flag. I'm about 5 miles away. the neighborhood is very ritzy, white, private school near homes of Nicole Kidman, Al Gore, Reese Witherspoon. Very exclusive wealthy neighborhood.
But remember that Nashville has a big deep state/pyramid/DNC presence and with all these colleges, leans heavy BLUE.
Lots of BLM signs in the professor's yards around Vanderbilt and the colleges, Belmont, etc. One of the female 'domestic terrorists' arrested in Atlanta Cop City last week lives in this same area.
statistics of Presbyterian Church members race are mostly white. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/religious-denomination/presbyterian-church-in-america/racial-and-ethnic-composition/
Neighborhood is VERY RICH, private school. Not far from neighborhood of Nicole Kidman, Al Gore, Reese Witherspoon.
Remember where Reagan came from: Hollywood. And also recall the assassination attempt that nearly killed him. That put a serious damper on any big changes he was contemplating. I can't blame him for choosing his battles very carefully.
"Blackwashing" So it's fine for the communists to put black actors (regardless of their acting skills or abilities) as white historical figures in this dystopian mirror world and very bad for a white actor to wear black face to play as a black person. and we aren't allowed to object or express an opinion or dislike to the phony rewrite of historical facts because that would be 'racist'. Remember how popular the play Hamilton was? That was the signal to the cabal of how MSM needs to react to the blackwashing. It's very similar to having all the Jewish actors pretend to be Christians in all the modern Hollywood treatments of Jesus and Christmas stories.
Patriots KNOW that the murder of those women and children by FBI was an act of domestic terrorism committed by the Rogue FBI and DOJ. I love that Patriots are now gathering there to support President Trump because he and we are ridding our Country of these evil people. The Waco Massacre was James Comey and Bill Barr - a distraction from their other act of terrorism on OKC - blowing up the federal building. James Comey was John Doe #2 who was never arrested! Federal Agents committing False Flags on American Soil and killing American Citizens! It is time END the Federal agencies!
Yep - I went to college right next door to this boarding school in Rome GA (Shorter College then transferred to Berry College in same town). Ron is my Governor now and I'd vote for him as FL Gov again. But stepping into the deepend of the pool yet not defending a party member unjustly and unlawfully accused (and Ron is a JAG!) says 'chickshit' to me. He's unchallenged, untested, and does not have the requisite decades of experience and he's got a Bene Gesseret wife.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joint_Special_Operations_Command Joint Special Operations Command.