tdachel 6 points ago +6 / -0

Forget their faces - look at their eyes. They ALL have the same eyes - eyes that look dead and void of any joy at all.

tdachel 8 points ago +8 / -0

My gut tells me that they have come to their end of show. I think they've likely been used for all the ghouls can get outta them and all that is left are their organs. If that is the case, they will loose their organs and then be ground up into meat or fertilizer or just thrown away... They all look to be older than 12 so they are of no value to the adrenochrome harvesters. Pray for them. Pray for them and their families and indeed - their souls.

tdachel 3 points ago +3 / -0

OK, how can someone down vote this? We have some scum among us... Seems there may be a dislike for God† slithering around here...

tdachel 9 points ago +10 / -1

This is beyond horrible! Note the timing! Are they trying to take our attention away from ukraine and all that Elon and the rest are doing. Deepstate just shifted momentum. Special forces could clean this up real quick, BUT needs to be done right. God† is with us and will be victorious. We need to stick to the plan. Pray for strength and forgive those that are doing these evil things. I know it is hard. Trust in God†

tdachel 2 points ago +2 / -0

OK!!! Note the interaction at 6:39! Something is up, kids. This could be very interesting!!! Almost another Jeb Bush moment and we can never get enough of those. Both justices had a look of shock on their faces and did not verbally respond to President Trump. The look on their faces may have been better than anything they coulda' said. They weren't as animated as Jeb, but it sure looks like there is something going on.

tdachel 3 points ago +3 / -0

It was a great speech. In particular I liked - ►"And our message to every child in America is that you are perfect, exactly the way God made you." ►"This will be our greatest era. With God's help over the next four years, we are going to lead this nation even higher."

This speech showed the separation of good VS evil. The American ppl have spoken and not in difficult terms to understand. The vast majority wants nothing to do what the left is pushing, but yet they persist. Why?

tdachel 23 points ago +23 / -0

Come back to the table and meet with President Trump with apologies and represented by the leader of Ukraine as selected by the Ukrainian voters on paper ballots and verified to be a legal election.

tdachel 2 points ago +2 / -0

AGREED!!! Track, collect and sell all their assets. Legally try them and pound the guilty ones into fertilizer or ship them into space. There is no room on earth for their type.. They need to made examples of and by doing this, they will finally be serving mankind.

tdachel 8 points ago +8 / -0

We need to leave NATO and the UN. We keep our assets (buildings, whatever) and boot the people out. We can do Eminent domain on their homes and send them all back to their home country. I would want to give them fair market value on their homes, etc, but with all the money they've made - they'll do just fine with the Eminent domain price. Fly them home in a stripped down C-130 and start up our own clubs to take the place of NATO and the UN and managed by OUR rules.

tdachel 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see this as part of the plan. Before it was just US that knew this stuff and were getting anxious, now many many more know this stuff and now there's ppl getting anxious, but I think more are getting pissed. Our momentum grows and the negativity towards the perps is boiling over. I'd say things are moving forward rather nicely.

tdachel 0 points ago +3 / -3

Agreed! But... (sorry, I know I've posted this a couple of times, but I think it needs to still be put out here) ►

God† tells us we're supposed to forgive others if we expect to be forgiven for our own sins. God† also loves justice. So personally I believe that we should forgive them, and I have, but for the sake of justice and preventing future atrocities, punishment must be swift, severe, and certain. THEY MUST be made examples of and the public must be horrified at what is done to/with them so no one again EVER does this.

tdachel 6 points ago +6 / -0

The left and their pals be wetting themselves.

tdachel 5 points ago +5 / -0

Agreed, now for the next one - is the salvation army corrupt as well? Please say no...

tdachel 5 points ago +5 / -0

...and let us watch. We have the technology and many would want to view and see this. Call it closure, justice, and I think with many of these people, we need closure.

tdachel 2 points ago +2 / -0

Clod-ia has just shown to the whole world that she is bought and paid for.

tdachel 8 points ago +8 / -0

EXACTLY!!! You see a fly... You swat it into oblivion. Maine is a changed state (for the better) as of today.

tdachel 4 points ago +4 / -0

The crimes, all crimes need to be paid for. Justice must be done! They stole our money, they lied, and what about the children and their families? They stole our children and robbed them of their lives, innocence, family... When people learn about what they did to our children and why!!!... NOPE. They knew what they were doing. They tried to hide it and blame others that were innocent and failed. THEY GOT CAUGHT and they are still trying to hide what they've done!!!

God† tells us we're supposed to forgive others if we expect to be forgiven for our own sins. God† also loves justice. So personally I believe that we should forgive them, and I have, but for the sake of justice and preventing future atrocities, punishment must be swift, severe, and certain. THEY MUST be made examples of and the public must be horrified at what is done to/with them so no one again EVER does this.

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