This video shows an event in Canton, Ohio. This is clear when the video is viewed in its entirety and the perp is placed into a police Explorer SUV clearly marked "CANTON POLICE." However, there is ample evidence of the killing of animals in Springfield floating around. For example, RAV today played an audio recording of a police call where the caller described a situation of a group of Haitians killing ducks/geese in a local park down to a description of the truck they were driving with a partial plate number.
Absolutely, no doubt. This, plus the fact that Springfield is relatively close to the Goob's Homestead is probably a factor as well. He has already proven that if tragic circumstance occurs a distance away, say East Palestine for instance, urgency (or even any meaningful action at all) is not required.
Gubner Goober (AKA: DuhWhine) is throwing 2.5M and sending the Highway Patrol to deal with fiction? Don't think so. Not even Goobs would do that.