thebiggestpoop 1 point ago +1 / -0

She's a lot more Q than any of you cucks waiting for daddy to save you as you sit and convince each other any day now people will wake up.

And that anyone who says otherwise is a "doomer" or "extremist".

People thought the same about the Nazi's.

There is no resistance. Only those willing to put up with more bullshit than others.

But ultimately. Nobody is really resisting.

Or you'd seek justice for the thousands of children already dead.

It's okay. The courts will save you. Everything will come out in the end just like it always does in history. /s

thebiggestpoop -5 points ago +1 / -6

Apparently we'd like to deport you as well.


thebiggestpoop 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's literally the definition of a Karen.

The headline is typical Karen Reddit-user prose. See r/Portland.

"I'm concerned" followed by a whole bunch of BS and then "I'm just concerned" as their excuse.

They really know nothing and even when they ADMIT they know nothing still think they're being helpful. Or they at worst thibk they're neutral. But they're neither as we all know.

thebiggestpoop 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay for me for me 💁 it was cheaper than the human shit I could find near me so I just used this. Take 1/6ish a tube every two weeks. No side effects. And no Covid yet.

I had some weird symptoms that COULD be from bf's vaccine shedding. Really not sure on that one. But I felt like at least my slight slight SLIGHT shortness of breath resolved. Honestly might be in my head.

But no side effects and it doesn't taste terrible so I'm going to keep taking it I think. I mean it's not good lol tastes like apple flavored hemorrhoid cream but it's not TERRIBLE.

thebiggestpoop 54 points ago +54 / -0

Severe Myocarditis:

You're dead in hours or days.

"Mild" Myocarditis:

50% fatality within 10yrs of onset.

If you're doctor hits with this "mild" shit you should print them up a study or two on "mild" myocarditis and then tell them they're a murderer after shoving a few studies in their face.

Then you had better find a good cardiologist.

An average cardiologist will put you on statins and a beta blocker. A good cardiologist will put you on a good diet and an alpha blocker instead.

Both with still send you home with a 50% chance of fatal heart attack in the next 10 years.

Good luck with your mild condition.

thebiggestpoop 8 points ago +9 / -1

Now THAT is my kind of comment! Fucking finally someone around here with some brains!

thebiggestpoop 1 point ago +2 / -1

Exactly. Same with her prosecutor records.

They're going to need something better than that.

IF there's a play here it's an op to get rid of Biden. Not Kamala.

thebiggestpoop 1 point ago +5 / -4

Like what? She seems pretty clean to me. I mean at least in terms of ways the party could pressure her.

It would have to be a HELL of a lot better than "she was a mean prosecutor" at this point.

I'm not sure this is the angle here. Maybe she's going out. Maybe something else is going on.

thebiggestpoop -2 points ago +1 / -3

Nope. I just take big poops.

Maybe not THE BIGGEST I haven't weighed it yet.

thebiggestpoop -6 points ago +1 / -7

Nice username. Explains your thoughts concisely. I dig that kind of clarity.

thebiggestpoop 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah I get the connection to the Clintons but I don't get it either.

Something just doesn't sit right about a "set her up with an attorney who'll make sure justice isn't done" theory. Though that could be partially right for sure.

by BQnita
thebiggestpoop 1 point ago +2 / -1

Adam Curry was predicting this too last week!