I haven't listened, but if you were a white hat, what would you want history to say? 1. Military stepped in to save the Republic. or 2. Supreme Court ruled Congress had a duty to investigate, failing that, committed treason for putting the people in danger. or 3. Civil War 2. I know one thing for sure, we will never have a fair election again if something isn't done and time is running out for the People to act if we are to secure our freedoms.
The way I see it is Trump so damaged their income stream they must do what ever they can for money. Biden has little control over the entire military but he can move some assets around. I don't think he has nukes to deploy either. So we get things like FTX funneling money directly to democrats and selling weapons and oil reserves. But don't fret, we NEED to disarm to some degree and stop making war.
reading some of the comments about "old guys" remember, us old guys watched on live tv as they shot Kennedy and the rest of the turmoil of the sixties and seventies. We were the generation that the sexualisation in school began with sex education. We got to vote at 18, and the draft had ended. I was a few miles away from Kent State where the deep state took over the peace movement. We were the first conspiracy theorists. We had no choice but to learn how to use computers. I've had a good life with children, and now 7 grandchildren 2 born during covid smartly navigated. WE must have done something right because they are all MAGA. I hope I live to see what nothing can stop, I've waited and fought my entire life for this moment. I was also there when the Hunts tried to take over the silver market, what they were doing was trying to expose the banking corruption. I think I ready this time.
The Viet-Nam war started with the false flag event of an attack of one of our navy ships by Vietnam fishing boats. The captain of the boat was the father of Jim Morrison of the DOORS. I remember how happy Johnson was.
everyone knows al qaeda didn't hit the towers. right?