not big enough YET
thanks Fester always great...gotta have the Sunday funnies
damn i dont remember her being that thin
we want our fukin money back
major freedom boner
the storm is coming........let it rain
Lol your right we can get Collins instead
No wonder Murkowski is still there rank choice non citizen voting
ill give ya the uppie just for the koala done
Not only that with all the sensors for heat seekers and such the cabin musta sounded like a Vegas casino.....
the normal ones murCOWski, Collins, Mconnel and a few other RINOS...we need to get rid of all of them
must have looked like the hamster tank at the 5 & dime that is a buck & ten now
she is breaking her oath of being an LEO and committing a federal crime in the process. It is cause for removal and having her certifications stripped........
get the wood chipper
Ol BJ trying to hide his gimmes.. its gonna blow up in his face
They should put fire ants in Carney’s shorts
Grasley getting ahead of the curve
same shit another confirmation.........
hope she bags all of them
cant they come up with something better than the last minuet slander job.........same bullshit every time......democrats suck
i wanna see the first ones get popped
cleaning out the dead wood
"Maybe someday they will become Americans like the rest of us and find that common sense is better than perpetual resistance and anger."