That's exactly why I shared it. They are so dumb to think their little "code talk" will not land them in trouble. If you see something say something.
Interdasting. He knows.
Not sure. They had social media accounts as they went online/offline. They said they were requiring pictures to verify soon. It might not let you for now. Time to recycle old pictures 😂.
Ding ding. I think this is the exactly what is to come.
Not saying this didn't happen. But it's a little neat. I was thinking more 3 letters is more likely. But im curious to see how this plays out.
He says he will "Finish the job" yikes.
There's a lot of doubt on the signature match too. Just stating the obvious.
I cannot believe they are looking to make a movie about this BOZO too. 🙄
Anytime someone tries calling it out online as weird, the hive out there seems to try screaming about climate change in the comments. (Not here).
Nashville Christmas a few years ago that whole rv thing.
I like tucker... I do. Can anyone clear up the comet ping-pong thing with tucker though?
Amen!! Rah 🦅
I'm guilty of it 😅. Supposed to be traveling tomorrow over a thousand miles.
Kek. A broken clock is right 2 times a day I guess.
Cool thanks but I'd rather hear from anyone other than a day old handshake
Having cars idle for an indefinite amount of time. Instead of letting them go, seems counter intuitive to their "movement" lol.
Its over let's go!!! Come on AZ.
Someone should tell schiffty he can't run two times at once.
Hope you are right anon. Im not going to gloat if they do just going to sleep easier tonight.
Any way around phone number verification? I'm not putting my phone in it. It didn't take my test phone number. Saw this thought id share. Check date.
B if we don't know for sure they don't know
Oh he's pissed. I love that he's going to make it a living hell for their government.