xzars_folly 1 point ago +1 / -0

This isn't just insanity.

This is focused sedition to cause as much damage as possible to the nation.

xzars_folly 6 points ago +7 / -1

Yah we are. The radioactive contamination from limited nuclear strikes is a LOT less than people think. Nearly all of it halflives to about nothing in a month.

I mean something like 1 million nukes have been tested since they were invented. If they were capable of poisonings the earth, they would have. Besides 3 mile island leaked more radioactive contamination than all the nuke testing in history.

Besides, there is basically nothing of hard value in those cities. They are were 80-90% of the "problem" people of America live. From junkies to criminals, to shit-stirring treasonous elites, to the masses of unemployed parasites, they fill blue cities. They produce nothing, they suck the lion's share of tax money off the production of red counties to keep their welfare machines going, they have no industrial bases, no farming bases, they are nothing but markup mesiters, excel bitches, and bankers the whole way down.

Oh no if Silicon Valley was nuked you would love Facebook's servers. Many argue this would be a good thing for the earth.

xzars_folly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yah this is a stepping stone to remove the people's choice candidate from eligibility to run for office.

Thus turning the USA into a banana republic.

xzars_folly 10 points ago +10 / -0

Its because remember the one thing complete losers hate most is YOU being successful and happy. Because if you succeed, you remind them of their failure. So they have to make you fail too so they don't feel inferior.

And the internet is FULL of losers, its where losers end up after hitting every rung on the way down.

And yes its a supremely chaotic-evil behavior.

xzars_folly 3 points ago +3 / -0

I also note...

Its NOT working on the kids. Its just making them HATE gays.

Its almost like people, even young "impressionable" ones, don't like stuff being shoved down their throats and told to comply or else.

xzars_folly 15 points ago +15 / -0

I look at people funny when they try to tell me Fox Nooze is legit.

The bloody network is OWNED by the globalist family the Murdocs who are died in the wool liberal socialists.

Their other owner was that Alaweed (spelling?) guy in Saudia Arabia Muhommad Bin Saud had arrested for treason, so now its just an Australian globalist, ol Rupert.

They are and always have been CONTROLLED OPPOISTION! Their primary job is to trap the minds of anybody who opposes the ruling Democrat party into understanding the Democrats are bigger, stronger party, that no republican can actually stop them, only slow them, and to keep conservatives thinking inside the box of the system, and STAYING pro globalist, pro globalist, and opposed to meaningful reforms.

NeoCon like Bush or McCain/Romney or NeoLib like obama/hillary/biden, they are side of the same shit sandwatch.

All Fox News is is a NeoCon outlet that made sure you supported Chaney's Oil War, and later John McCain's global shit stirring and high treason. They made sure that American conservatives took horrendous points of view the aliented anybody in the center, pushing more voters to democrats, while at the same time making sure "America First" policies were rejected by the republican voters.

It took Trump to break their hold on the American right and actually get Patriots to think about maybe America should come first.

xzars_folly 9 points ago +9 / -0

Speaking of Canadian Truckers...

I wish somebody would do a head count on them. I have some serious worries about how many of them are even still alive, let alone free of prison.

I have a very bad feeling it ended VERY badly for them.

xzars_folly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Backup grid?


They don't even have a 20% capacity buffer in case of a partial loss of grid, or to keep their existing equipment from running over capacity.

Germany at this point is one good powerplant accident from a grid cascade failure and a nationwide blackout.

Though many regions in the US are no better.

Globalists don't like spending on infrastructure because its not money directly into their pockets. Never mind the fact the UN found that for every $1 spent on national infrastructure, it generates about $250 of GDP by permitting business to to thrive.

xzars_folly 1 point ago +1 / -0

LMAO, I said I was the "no fun at parties guy" as in the guy who spoils the "fun" of a story by pointing out the science. I made no mention of trying it or even wanting to try doing it myself.

I've never attempted Hof's method myself, I don't see the point in it for me in my life. I'll stick with being good enough to skip a coat when grabbing the mail in the winter. I am indeed lazy, what is your point?

I'm sure you could go out and train to be a competitor in the World Strongest Man yourself, what are you lazy for not doing it? Wait, what is that, you don't wanna be a strongman so badly you are willing to ruthlessly training your body every day of every week for years? You too must be lazy.

If you want to go do the Hof, it, go do it. You will be cooler than me for the ability. I can't rock climb, deepwater dive, or BMX either. I'm good with this.

So its YOU you are attacking me on a strawman. I am just pointing it is well inside the human design to do what he does, if you have the time and inclination to do so.

I'm sure his techniques work. I am saying that they are not literally magic you dignus, I've seen plenty of people who think it is.

xzars_folly 11 points ago +11 / -0

They reek of feds.

All 20 something males in a visible peak of physical fitness, all of them what that "Cop gait." The fact they are also tucking their shirts says they are either police or military, as only people of either tuck their shirts anymore. Bubba and gang never tuck, and any redneck who does is 90% likely to be a veteran.

I am struggling to imagine any veterian doing any of this either. Vets were MAGA not this bullshit complete with "new" flags.

To be harsh about it, none of them are weak or skicly enough to be Antifa. That and a complete lack of dyed hair and satanic symbols to boot.

Then to say nothing of the fact, unlike an actual movement, these guys have no demands, no goals. Even Antifa has goals, crazy ones, but goals. They just show up to walk around, be ultra visible, make a few "whyte powah" sounds, try to be "Scary" and leave.

xzars_folly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because "BLM" types and boomer Karen 100% fully believes its real.

60 IQ types is the core democrat base. They know fully well who they are pandering to.

Most inconveniently for the Biden regime, Patriots proved to be peaceful law abiding American citizens who were not racist and just wanted the government to stop supporting foreign nations first. Thus there are no scary MAGA militants because all MAGA was was ordinary people who VOTED for America-first, not actually crazy fringe miilitants....so they have create fake radical militants to have radical militants to vilify.

xzars_folly 3 points ago +3 / -0

Know what is gonna be fun?

When all those people, I think fully 1/2 of Germany population now and something like 70% of the people under 40 years old, who are 1st generation immigrants from HOT equatorial cultures face a 10 month long German winter with no heat and no hope of getting heat. Not like they are from ultra-violent countries with a long history of civil wars or anything...

Then remember how thre Greens happily bragged they got Germany to shutter its entire nuclear energy program? Even if somehow they still HAD the reactors, which I think the already destoryed, getting Uranium and restarting the program takes months and $millions per reactor. Good luck.

And Biden has already sent them all the oil the US has to give, the majority of US production is going to both Europe and China right now, and the Strategic reserve is drained.

Full stop, this is actually the end of the EU and the EU nations that support it. Europe is gonna be a blanket of riot's, uprisings, and violence by January.

xzars_folly 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'll be "that guy who is no fun at parties."

Don't get me wrong Mr. Hof seems like a great guy. And I think for mental health the stuff he talks about is a good idea.

But his "magic iceman" technique is 95% about conditioning one's mind to not overreact to cold, and then slowly conditioning his physiology to cold.

Because end of the day humans are really, really, really, really, really, really resistant to cold. Like a naked human has the same heat retention as a shaved grizzly bear despite the latter have 300% more mass and much more ball-like shape.

And the longer you expose yourself to cold, the more your body physically adapts to it, expressing new genes, altering the kind of fat you store under skin, changing your metabolism, and even creating anti-freezing proteins, thickening your blood and so on. Mr. Hof has spend his whole like exposing himself to cold. Its one of the reasons people 10+ climates handle it better than people who move there. Its not just a head-game, people "used to it" physically don't suffer in cold anywhere near as much and will get hypothermia much, much later than fresh transplants from a hot climate.

And then if your ancestors are from a cold climate, you will get several more degrees of cold-adaptation as humans with long histories in cold, like Scandinavians and Germanics start with a better baseline because they are literally evolved for it. Physical evolution to handle cold is how the Vikings were able to navigate the north Atlantic in their longships and not all turn into popsicles.

Oh look Mr. Hof is germanic and started his "cold adventures" in his youth, so has been doing it for decades.

He is not super natural, he is pushing the human design to its limits.

xzars_folly 1 point ago +1 / -0

You underestimate how vegetable I am talking.

Like can't dress themselves and would die of exposure like a shambling zombie.

NOT the morons and stupid people we see walking around here glued to the cell phones. Those are people with damaged souls, thanks to the evils of modern media, their souls are something less than human now. But they still have them.

xzars_folly 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nice thinking....

But it doesn't work like this.

The body without an attached soul becomes a vegetable.

Theologans and spiritualists know this well. The soul doesn't provide life, the biological process of the body does that. It doesn't provide energy, food-calories do that. It doesn't even do the thinking, the brain does that. The soul provides the animate spark, the seed that is the core of will that causes a person to do things. To get up, have a goal, seek a need, follow plan, do their job, look to the future.

So to remove the soul from a body wouldn't leave a person in any possible sense of the word. It might be able to walk, look at things, respond to simulai, maybe even seek and eat food. But that won't be a person, it will wander aimlessly, no goals, no direction, not even of the most basic. Left alone It won't even attempt to amuse itsself, it will sit in a corner dumbly until poked, it won't have ANY goal. Even laziest, most degenerate of souls still have SOME animus, even if all they aspire to in a day is get a McD's, get high, and watch Netflix all day, those are goals, drives, and executed will.

And I have to imagine if you were to encounter an actual homunculus, it would CREEPY AS FUCK. Like not a person who is slightly off, but horror movie monster your mind is screaming to RUN RUN RUN levels of creepy. And there is good reason for it. If a body doens't have a human soul attached, things that never were, things that should not be, will attach to and animate that body. Its why there is so much talk about demonic and "evil spirts" possession and how worried religions are about shutting that down.

So no I am not concerned, the soul is more powerful than the contrivances of modern science. There is no vaccine that de-souls a person. What affects your soul is your thoughts and actions. THAT is what matters. From people who are mean and hurtfun in their daily live, to openly horrific criminal behavior, one can easily taint their soul by the choices they make in life, and INTENTIONS matter. Even "good" actions, like feeding the poor, can be corrupting if undertaken for selfish means, such as desire for attention, political gain, or even exploit those they aid. By the inverse, "Evil" actions that are done with good intent still elevate the soul. A great example is killing a bad guy to defend the innocent in a self defense situation.

Now the degeneracy of modern media? Yah that is fucking up people's souls greatly, particularly anything that heads towards the demonic values of enjoying harm caused to the innocent. One doesn't even need to DO the deed, just wishing to do it is actually enough.

xzars_folly 3 points ago +3 / -0

You know I would LOVE if somebody did a deep dig on this and see how many former Eastern European soviets are actually invovled in teh Socialist take over of America.

Because I have this sneaky feeling quite a fiew. Not Russian though, I would suspect people from the old Eastern Bloc nations like Bealurs, Ukraine, or Yugoslavia and IN PARTICULAR, East Germany where the really crazy crazies came from.

Because I have a feeling after the Soviet Union failed, and the Russians killed it, they came to America to try again.

And yes, RUSSIA, a mere member state of the Soviet Union, sure the biggest, but still a member state, the "texas" of the SU if you will, killed the soviet union via Mikeal Gorbachev. He was the one who issued the edict to dissolve it, and the all-RUSSAIN military bloc under General (at the time) Boris Yeltsin of the Red Army literally fought the resulting civil war by laying seige to the Soviet Parlement and shutting down and arresting the Soviet Politburo when it tried to defy Gorbachev's edit and stay operational. Oh sure it was a very, very short civil war because it was utterly one-sided in the Russian's favor, ending in about a week, but it was still fought.

Basically the way to look at this is Gorbachev and Yeltsin rebelled against the Soviet Government, and then quickly defeated it, thus ending it. Is just to no surprise a nation doesn't fare well when its a Head of State and its lead military commander, along with his loyal troops, are those who rebel.

Funny enough that part of history is not often taught, probably because it rightly credits Russia with ending the Soviet madness. Sure American pressure weakened it, but without action by the Russians, who at this point were utterly sick of the hellhole of communism, the Soviet Union might well still be around.

Its as if today the Eastern European commies have never forgiven Russia for killing their "commie utopia" of the Soviet Union and seek revenge for it.

And to think the Russians were by far and above the most successful communists, and they STILL consider the Soviet Years to be the worst quality of life Russia ever suffered.

xzars_folly 1 point ago +1 / -0

RP is completely right here.

Corporations normally are VERY shy about engaging in ANY controversy they don't have to. They normally WANT to be bland, brand-focused, and totall all about selling their product.

Corporations shouldn't care about black lives, shouldn't care if you got vaxxed, shouldn't care if you are MAGA, and DO NOT WANT to be out there putting out "Statements."

The problem with a business taking any politica statement is it puts them on one side of the fence, one that will be the losing side in America's political circle, and it alienates customers. "White" (because most Hispanics think of themselves as white) people make up still 70% of the population, and 95% of the money. Why then did corporations go anti-white to the point of open racism? Why did corporations openly brag about throwing people out of their stores over masks when they knew a huge portion of the population HATED the mandates? Why did corporations get on board with the vaxx when at least 1/2 their workforce resisted getting the shots?

Why do corporations continue to adamantly back democrats when it was democrat-mandated lockdowns and covid rules that nuked their profitability, and Woke policy and CRT is causing their customers and employees to flee?

So clearly somebody is pushing corporations around. My guess, WEF and other banker cartels are the ones forcing corporations to bend the knee though minority shareholder activism and controlling capital.

xzars_folly 1 point ago +1 / -0


Have you ever seen a Tesla taken apart?

I have.

Those batteries were NEVER meant to be removed or repaired, despite the fact they are a wear-item that WILL fail. Thus a Tesla is a "disposable car" with a limited lifespan. Its not meant to be serviceable, even by techs.

And all the "green" tech is like this. They are building equipment with 5 year service lives. Why? Because mad gains globalism over any sense.

xzars_folly 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Pink slime" is what is known as "mechanically separated" meat.

Here is how they make it: They take the bones, necks, and other bit of chicken that are not easy to butcher. They go into a big machine to process them. It Grinds up a combination of whole chickens, and carcasses, up into bits so the bones are in big chunks. Then they press it all, with several tons of force, though a mesh so the meat squishes out, the bone chips are left and sent off to make fertilizer. This also serves to double as "Grinding" the meat via the mesh creating...

Get this...finely ground meat. Which looks like, since its wet, slime. Because CHICKEN meat is, get this, pink.

The fact McWoke fills the final product with MSG and preservatives is the BIGGER problem. Don't buy McD's.

xzars_folly 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yup, not like Musk ON PURPOSE picked massive banks of lithium batteries for his green energy home batteries, and his electric cars.

I mean lithium batteries ONLY have a 2-3 year working lifespan, as we all know well from our cellphones and how they die after so long.

So its fun going green, it means buying everything you own over again in 5 years.

Blue States will be riding horses shortly, and since CA already banned cooking with fire, I guess they will be eating raw food like animals, since its not like anybody but the genuinely rich can afford green tech.

Which I do figure that would fit their egomania, to have only 5% of the population able to afford electricity.

Or people can do what they are doing, and flee blue states at top speed.

When the try to flip all the red state blue, there will be a....thing, because Red States are where everybody ran to get away from the insanity.

xzars_folly 4 points ago +4 / -0

Also going broke.

I've been boycotting pretty much ALL media anymore.

I tell you, it way to get thing done.

xzars_folly 2 points ago +2 / -0

Miley for me also doesn't compute.

Son of combat vet, 82nd Airborne, 10th mountain division personally put in place by Trump. Doesn't seem the kind to be very woke to me.

Something is going on at least.

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