Chris Miller recently said he and Pence just planned "the most complex military ops in history" - how the HELL can patriots who know everything in advance, allow a TRAITOR to witness such secrets about THE PLAN? I don't think so. VP had to be very well vetted from day 1. This suggests to me that Pence is actually playing his part according to plan, and isn't really a traitor. Think about it, had he not certified the election results, the steps ahead(many of which seem clearly planned as well) could not have come to pass. Thoughts?
Edit: such great responses!! You guys and this community are GREAT!
Something that confused me out about Trump's speech on 6th are these consecutive lines about Pence:
It seemed weird to me to describe doing nothing (letting Biden win with fraudulent votes) as courageous.
Pure speculation.
In my view that's in accordance with my theory: it takes courage for a person of integrity to knowingly sacrifice his reputation for the sake of the plan and be seen as a TRAITOR by 70 million people... And POTUS is even throwing us a clue about it.
Yeah, that was something that stuck out to me as well. You might also note that around the time where Trump, Pence, and Pompeo all did those photos near the holidays that Pence seemed sort of grim. Knowing he was about to step into hell for the good of the nation would do that to a man, especially a devout Christian.
Duuuude. I remember this
I've been saying that Day one - he played his part. I knew that he was good when TRUMP said ... it takes courage to do nothing ! I just couldn't figure out what he meant -- When pence didn't do what every thought he should do -- I knew he played his part -- he did nothing !! That way all these idiots committed treason!! TRUMP is A genius !!!
Interesting take! I was under the impression that Pence “doing nothing” would be a bad thing, like Trump was basically saying “don’t send the electors back to the states and see what happens to you motherfucker!”
That was my impression too.
Started to get this feeling too. If he was part of the swamp, he would've invoked the 25th by now.
Also, remember the coin given to Pence? Instead of putting it straight into his pocket like a rat, he opened his hand and stared at the darn thing for the whole world to see. It's almost as if he's telling Trump "look, they think I'm on their team."
Disagree. Miller did that for optics. Pence is playing a role, but he is compromised (Lin Wood wouldn't say Pence has molested 13 year old boys for "disinfo") Likely a deal was made for him to accept fraudulent electors (pushing it back to states who are compromised was never the plan) in return for leniency. Explains why Pelosi couldn't get through to him about 25th (kept on hold for half an hour, then hung up)
a) He didn't say molested. He said something like "favors 13, 14, 15 year old boys". This could be in relation to his eagle scout stuff. b) Expect disinformation to be rampant as per Q.
It seems people are often coming to this site from TDW as a refuge and not realizing what Q is all about, in depth and just carrying on with logic and business as usual.
This is what he says
You think false accusations of pedophilia is a strategy that Q is going to employ?
Maybe have a little more humility when it comes to this stuff.
i mean, the stakes are high enough and we know disinfo is part of the game
lol "humility". Don't moralfag at me.
Things are not operating as before. What part of that don't you get?
If the true hope was for him "to do the right thing", why would "a compromised pedo" be appointed VP in the first place?
The VP vetting process is massive, by the way.
Pence wasn’t picked by trump per say, he could run as a republican without one of those republicans I think pence was the best choice since he was “conservative”
Bush wasnt Ronald's choice either, was the compromise.
Agreed, that would open Lyn up to defamation lawsuit if it wasn't true.
Strong possibility... I've been thinking the same. Lot of benefits to letting Pence play double agent.... But I can't go against LinWood..... unless LinWood provided that as disinformation........ would be a perfect play. I'm 50/50 on it.
I think I saw something that confirmed to me Lin is still in direct contact with Trump. What I noticed and pieces together might not be what trump wants and so yeah. I wish I could say my theory, but Lin wanted it hidden and I will respect his wishes
This is where I'm at. I think Pence was a double agent. Lin Wood is smearing him with false claims along with the other credible claims to give him street credit with the dems. They let him in to do exactly what Trump wants. Trump always makes them do what he wants without them knowing. Lol!
I concur. As I reflected on it and see what is happening, I think Pence is doing what they needed him to do. At first, I was mad at him for not allowing more time and allowing the ballots to be audited, but now seeing how insane the Democrat Party is to impeach, I think they knew dragging it out was going to mess up the plan. This has to be done by the military now. No question. Virtually every other agency and group is corrupted. It is time. And Pence couldn’t be seen as getting in the way of their plans.
So when Trump tweeted that the best thing to do is NOTHING, I think that was code for allowing the fraudulent votes to be counted. IMHO.
Makes sense, I hadn't thought of that!
So many possibilities in the comments! I love it!
My guess is Pence was seen as clean from the start, but later discovered to be dirty. From there, POTUS could have used him as part of the plan or let him do his thing as if POTUS wasn’t aware.
I’m leaning more towards POTUS letting Pence know that he knows he’s dirty, and his only saving grace would be to do exactly as he’s instructed. I lean this way because remember, they wanted to oust Trump and have Pence as prez because he’s “more controllable.” Controllable by the DS would mean he’s also controllable by Trump.
Yea, I have had this thought as well. It could be either way. Either Pence betrayed, or he was in on it and just doing things according to the plan. Only POTUS knows the truth. We will just have to wait and find out.
I have said this before. I liked pence. Plot twist inbound for sure.
True... but how do you know which seeing how panic Nancy and the rest of dc is right now. Thats how
I was thinking about this and perhaps it was planned that Pence would let everything play out the way it did. This way they certify the results, knowingly committing treason among other crimes. It's no longer a conspiracy to treason, but rather actual treason. Now we know who is a traitor, corrupt, and now trump can act.
Is Pence a 'Doomed Spy'??
Sun Tzu RE: Spies (
Knowledge of the enemy's dispositions can only be obtained from other men. [10]
Hence the use of spies, of whom there are five classes: (1) Local spies; (2) inward spies; (3) converted spies; (4) doomed spies; (5) surviving spies.
When these five kinds of spy are all at work, none can discover the secret system. This is called "divine manipulation of the threads." It is the sovereign's most precious faculty. [11]
Having LOCAL SPIES means employing the services of the inhabitants of a district. [12]
Having INWARD SPIES, making use of officials of the enemy. [13]
Having CONVERTED SPIES, getting hold of the enemy's spies and using them for our own purposes. [14]
Having DOOMED SPIES, doing certain things openly for purposes of deception, and allowing our spies to know of them and report them to the enemy. [15]
SURVIVING SPIES, finally, are those who bring back news from the enemy's camp. [16]
Maybe he is just playing his part in all of this?
Been saying this to my wife. She hates him!
The envelope though.
Think about it: that could ALSO have been a ruse..... for the others.
in fact, such a deception would have been NECESSARY.
This makes sense
Absolutely. Just take a look at Karen's motions when she does get the booklet. She leafs through the booklet until she reaches the envelope, but doesn't open it. In fact she just sees it and keeps flipping.
Could he have turned and sided with trump after the letter? Remember, we dont know what is on the letter they received. Or, the trap was set and pence played his role as a traitor so that white hats could go deeper into the swamp? If thats the case, the letter would be a fake so that the swamp who already recruited him would think trump knows he is a traitor?
Pence is the only one that didn't look at his during the funeral. His wife never pulled it out of the program folder if I remember correctly. so it could have been a plant.
I'm on board bro. That's part of what adds to the validity of Lin Wood. He talks MAD shit on Pence.
And I truly believe the story with Lin Wood is to talk so much shit that the truths he reveals go under the radar.
It's just plain not smart to talk about assassinating/killing/shooting the VP or whatever he said exactly today.
So I'm withholding my judgement on Pence. I don't want him to be VP in Trump round 2, but I'm not convinced that he is a total traitor.
What makes a good movie? Great actors.
My barber has a client that is best friends with Pence. He said Pence is loyal to the bone!
Ive always thought he could be a double/triple agent....we all know the blackmail schemes.....what if they trapped pence in one of their bm schemes so he went along with their demands until trump was elected.....wouldnt he have the ultimate revenge to get them for what they did to him?? Would make for a great plot twist no? In the beginning they mocked him for saying he never goes anywhere without his wife ...or something like that...they mocked his faith...all tge other stuff (envelope, handskakes, chujmmy chummys) was optics to make the demons think he was on their side....guess well find out soon enough...?
Not necessarily. The VP pick isn't all about the GOP candidate, it's about winning an election. Optics matter when it comes to a running mate, and establishment might be able to tip the scale on that decision
IF I remember right, that was Trump trying to make peace with the GOP, by taking Pence? Reagan made the same Deal to take on Bush 41.
He did say that, publicly, a few days before the apparent treason
He follows the Constitution.
Pence is dirty. Always has been. Pedo, treason, GITMO, hanging.