I told my husband, even though we haven’t seen it yet, Luke 12:2-3 MUST come to pass at some point because it’s in the word and all of God’s promises are yes and amen. His word holds the foundation of the world together.
“There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.”
Luke 12:2-3 NIV
Note the context of this scripture is right after Jesus warns to be on your guard against hypocrisy. We are living in the most hypocritical time of history.
That verse is saying to trust in God above all because no matter what anyone plans, it is up to God. If anything, he’s saying it was God’s Will for The Plan to fail. :/
Don’t try to reinterpret religious texts to fit your skewed narrative. It’s one thing to have faith; it’s an entirely other thing to deny reality. God gave us a brain to think with. I suggest you use yours, asshole.
“On the day when I act,” says the Lord Almighty, “they will be my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as a father has compassion and spares his son who serves him. And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.
Malachi 3:17-18 NIV
I wouldn't know as I've only really discovered Q recently. The guys in the video seem expert at what they do, I've watched them a number of times now, and I'd say they're an excellent source of info.
My guess is that markers are not sequential. It may also be the case that they can be used multiple times to track different sets, and differentiate by context.
Also, I'm assuming it is "progress" based on the fact that it's a new message and it points to a Q post.
Thought - just spitballing here. 1921 mirror is 1291 and its rather fitting. We all anticipated very public arrests. Maybe remove arrests is remove it from our Immediate expectation At the moment.
I still believe!! And I wont stop believing till these evil people ruining kids are stopped. More people are waking up and asking questions. Just because they arent on here doesnt mean they arent. They asking trusted people they love that disagree. And getting valid answers and wondering why. As long as more people are asking questions and really starting to question what the fuck is actually going on we are winning. We just have to stand strong and prove all we can prove. Dont try to force anything on anyone. But at the same time be ready with truth. I know at least a dozen of my friends have asked questions ive given them answers and really seen them just be in shock. Still unsure what to think. But a few days later asking more questions getting more truths. We ARE WINNING. sorry for the rant ❤
Lol, which plan are we asking about? The plan to save the world? It has been in tact since the world began. The plan to save America? Just listen to President Trumps last 5 speeches, nothing has changed except the way the battlefield looks. Trump just castled, chess move. As for this tweet, I am guessing Mike Pompeo is calling out the divisiveness we witnessed with fake inauguration vs. transparency and truth. My take anyway. God Bless.
Some of us never even thought it.... most that did are still determined to listen to anyone who mentions Q ... without actually knowing anything about what Q has posted over the last three and half years...
Unpopular opinion: why should I trust Pompeo? Besides Q saying Trust Kansas?
What has he done? Besides tweeting in a predicted pattern that every one knew about?
Should I trust Wray?
How do I know Pompeo was not a sleeper, who like Wray fooled Q.
A do not follow people blindly, it took me many months for me to stop calling Q : possible insider or larper. It took proof after proof and critical thinking. Without Trump, any government official can coop this movement: just say a few bible verses and regurgitate some Q drops. The only other person I trust is Gen. Flynn because he earned it.
I really have no idea how this is all going to pan out.
Logic tells me that all those moves that were made before Trump left office weren't just 'make-busy' - they were for a reason. A reason we have yet to discover.
They can't ban someone for words that have been around for awhile. It would be interesting the reaction if they did ban him. He'll work around the rules but still say things that connect with who you are. Good or evil? Smart or stupid? Free or ...
"God wins"
I told my husband, even though we haven’t seen it yet, Luke 12:2-3 MUST come to pass at some point because it’s in the word and all of God’s promises are yes and amen. His word holds the foundation of the world together.
“There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.” Luke 12:2-3 NIV
Note the context of this scripture is right after Jesus warns to be on your guard against hypocrisy. We are living in the most hypocritical time of history.
That verse is saying to trust in God above all because no matter what anyone plans, it is up to God. If anything, he’s saying it was God’s Will for The Plan to fail. :/
In polish we say " a man plans, God laughs". Basically saying no plan is perfect and indeed it is up to God in the end.
You are sincerely dumb. As God never fails.
That is literally what I'm trying to say. The only person "sincerely dumb" here is you. You are a fucking retard lmfao
YES. Those words have no power here, No Fail. We already won.
Lol you’re such a faggot dude.
Don’t try to reinterpret religious texts to fit your skewed narrative. It’s one thing to have faith; it’s an entirely other thing to deny reality. God gave us a brain to think with. I suggest you use yours, asshole.
Well that's the thing—he's saying that it was God's Will for the plan to fail then because the plan was made by men...
Pompeo telling Doomer to chillTFO.
Cmon man!
Seems like the Bible is the new Q posts. And who knows the Bible?
You could always learn it.
What I meant by that is that Christians know the Bible.
Some Christians know the bible, the rest CINOs. The events that will unfold should turn people to Christ.
“On the day when I act,” says the Lord Almighty, “they will be my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as a father has compassion and spares his son who serves him. And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not. Malachi 3:17-18 NIV
Look at the power being demonstrated by the FEW who still adhere to the teachings of the Bible.
The greatest book in the history of man.
100% agree.
The Bible has always been in q posts
I do
Redpill Daily guys decoded this:
Plan is progressing nicely I'd say. Marker 1 confirmed.
The proverb is also very fitting.
I wouldn't know as I've only really discovered Q recently. The guys in the video seem expert at what they do, I've watched them a number of times now, and I'd say they're an excellent source of info.
My guess is that markers are not sequential. It may also be the case that they can be used multiple times to track different sets, and differentiate by context.
Also, I'm assuming it is "progress" based on the fact that it's a new message and it points to a Q post.
does he have a new social media ?
twitter @mikepompeo
ah nice thanks !
Thought - just spitballing here. 1921 mirror is 1291 and its rather fitting. We all anticipated very public arrests. Maybe remove arrests is remove it from our Immediate expectation At the moment.
Ps- when Do i get to be a fist bump instead of a dam handshake?
Just keep contributing and it will be gone before you know it.
Probably harder now than a few weeks ago due to the influx of imbeciles, but you'll get there.
Thank you
I still believe!! And I wont stop believing till these evil people ruining kids are stopped. More people are waking up and asking questions. Just because they arent on here doesnt mean they arent. They asking trusted people they love that disagree. And getting valid answers and wondering why. As long as more people are asking questions and really starting to question what the fuck is actually going on we are winning. We just have to stand strong and prove all we can prove. Dont try to force anything on anyone. But at the same time be ready with truth. I know at least a dozen of my friends have asked questions ive given them answers and really seen them just be in shock. Still unsure what to think. But a few days later asking more questions getting more truths. We ARE WINNING. sorry for the rant ❤
Lol, which plan are we asking about? The plan to save the world? It has been in tact since the world began. The plan to save America? Just listen to President Trumps last 5 speeches, nothing has changed except the way the battlefield looks. Trump just castled, chess move. As for this tweet, I am guessing Mike Pompeo is calling out the divisiveness we witnessed with fake inauguration vs. transparency and truth. My take anyway. God Bless.
Who’s this ‘We’ mate..?
Some of us never even thought it.... most that did are still determined to listen to anyone who mentions Q ... without actually knowing anything about what Q has posted over the last three and half years...
Ok, obviously I should have been a lot more pedantic with my summary headline.
These bible verses are too vague and really confuse me
post 1921 talks about podesta
q also says podesta is the first arrest
Be aware Podesta might not be a name.
Podesta, Italian Podestà, or Potestà, (“power”), in medieval Italian communes, the highest judicial and military magistrate.
Chief Justice Roberts?
Unpopular opinion: why should I trust Pompeo? Besides Q saying Trust Kansas? What has he done? Besides tweeting in a predicted pattern that every one knew about? Should I trust Wray? How do I know Pompeo was not a sleeper, who like Wray fooled Q.
A do not follow people blindly, it took me many months for me to stop calling Q : possible insider or larper. It took proof after proof and critical thinking. Without Trump, any government official can coop this movement: just say a few bible verses and regurgitate some Q drops. The only other person I trust is Gen. Flynn because he earned it.
It's a fair point
i agree with this. he knows what we are thinking and he knows this message would let us know that the plan is still on course ...march 4th?
I really have no idea how this is all going to pan out.
Logic tells me that all those moves that were made before Trump left office weren't just 'make-busy' - they were for a reason. A reason we have yet to discover.
It's the ORIGINAL inaugural date based on the ORIGINAL US Constitution..
why is he still on twitter? need him to make a gab asap
I agree it doesn't look promising, it's difficult to extract meaning from these posts without imposing our own bias.
They can't ban someone for words that have been around for awhile. It would be interesting the reaction if they did ban him. He'll work around the rules but still say things that connect with who you are. Good or evil? Smart or stupid? Free or ...
It didn’t workout as planned but it’s not over.
Don't forget what's at stake.
I grieve for the losses on both sides but make no mistake, this is a war for all the marbles.
Only those who put dates and times on the plan are pissed off. Veteran Anons know it's about events and happenings.
I get that, but can you deny there are a lot of new people here who jumped the gun?
You know very well that was who it was intended for, especially since you are implying you have veteran comprehension skills.
Bible also says we reach a really bad point of what looks a lot like globalism before it all burns up, soooooo
He's saying that they had some ideas of plans to keep in power (nothing to do with Q though) but these plans failed one after the other.
Don't look for anything beyond that.
And please don't look for Q#1921. Completely unrelated.
I'm looking at real world events to be honest.
Any Q related links might be interesting, but I'm in no way assuming I am able to interpret Q drops with sufficient prescience.
Drop 1005
I said this.
Thanks for putting more eyes on the idea.
The shills were adamant that he meant "its over, go home! It didn't work!"
Come on, people.
I think he’s saying God wanted Biden as President.
stop dooming jeff sessions will switfly arrest biden in the white house bathroom while he is taking a shit
Sessions started the ball rolling for the arrest of Epstein.
wow you people are the clowns you say the left are
"You people"...painting with a broad brush, aren't you???
Get lost...no one cares what you think or have to say on here.
You are the larp pretending you have something to contribute.