no, hes not. they killed him publicly and made sure the audio would be available for slueths to find. but they killed the gain on the camera so you cant see shit. now, that camera looks fine. but the night before, that night, and the night after it was nearly blacked out.
this was a shot heard round the world, if you knew where to look
Not entirely correct, he won't be present tomorrow morning for an external ceremony where he should stand for quite long, but will lead the prayer at noon from the Vatican library
It's transient, by the time he's evaluated if there's nothing found, it isn't unreasonable. Like a headache, could knock you down or could be a great excuse.
Well this Pope is obviously an antichrist and a devil. But EVERY pope that ever held the office was also a deceiver and an antichrist. The Catholic church is leading people directly to hell, and there is no salvation found there.
Too many people know about their trickery now, I overheard a conversation at a restaurant and people were talking about the popes hologram they saw on the internet. ?
The post is merely showing that at this time in history when the deep state is supposedly being gutted out, the pope, who is suspected of being one of the aforementioned deep state, will not be making a scheduled appearance. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. Anyhoo, if the pope really was taken out by military forces for crimes against humanity, would the Vatican readily and voluntarily release that information? Or would they maybe lie about it to buy some time?
that's the fucked up part about all of this Q COULD be coincidence. Or it COULD be happening...ya know? I mean it does lean like coincidence, it truly does, but mother fuck I want the other theory to be true
Yes it’s definitely the most frustrating part, but I also argue that it’s the most beautiful part of the plan. A few years ago I would believe that tweet at face value and think anyone who disagreed was a conspiracy theorist. Now everything I see, I question. Who at the Vatican said that? What news reported it? Who tweeted it? What would motivate one of those sources to lie? It’s a beautiful ballet that simultaneously make me want to bash my head into a wall. Maybe that’s the dereprogramming.
I'm at the beginning I think...I'm on a rampage to disconnect from prying eyes and I have nothing to hide, I just value my fucking digital privacy. If I want to tell someone something, that's on me, its not to be forced out of me. Its fucking hard to do too...I just deleted Facebook, but first I deleted all of my posts, everything, i scrubbed it down to the basic profile at launch...then deleted the account. No reason, it doesn't mater, those fuckers save everything anyways...I guess it just gave me satisfaction.
Q posted photos from AF1 over North Korea. How exactly is that a coincidence? That could only be done by a member of President Trump's inner circle who was on AF1 at the time.
Q posted a photo ripped from Creepy Porn Lawyer's phone. CPL posted the same photo to his Twitter a few days later. How exactly is that a coincidence? That could only be done by someone with the tools to to photos from people phones.
Q told John Perry Barlow his life was in danger now that he was no use to the DS. Ten days later John Perry Barlow was dead.
Q said No Name would be back in the news in 30 days. Thirty days later, to the exact minute, No Name's death was announced.
You've clearly never read the Q drops. Read the Q drops before posting on Q again.
I read it as "due to severe satanic pain"
my eyes suck
It happens, specially after watching bidet taking Oath on a upside or satanic bible, but soon you will be fine don't worry
I don't know if you meant to spell Biden as bidet... But I like it! Lol!
I've been doing that for a while now. Though may be an insult to bidets...
Bidets clean your shits. Do you think Biden reached this level of usefulness ?
it wasn't just your eyes, I read it that way too
Hijacking top comment to provide sources
MSN (ew) - (no idea who they are) -
Yahoo (are they really news?) -
I really wish people would link to articles instead of these kind of tweets. Makes it a lot easier for people to digest the information.
Not just you, I did the same thing ? also have you seen the video of him disappearing into thin air after a speech? The Vatican tried to cover it up.
I mean, your eyes aren't wrong.
The hologram machine must be broken.
Becoming more like what we saw with RBG
The Pope is on a rope swinging in his cloak.
no, hes not. they killed him publicly and made sure the audio would be available for slueths to find. but they killed the gain on the camera so you cant see shit. now, that camera looks fine. but the night before, that night, and the night after it was nearly blacked out.
this was a shot heard round the world, if you knew where to look
Did you read the comments on that video? Someone said they’re not a Qanon person but it’s starting to look more real each day.
Considering the fact I’ve lurked on this site for a few weeks now I think it’s fantastic other people are being alerted to the events unfolding too.
My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my Father. Prepare to die!
Do you have 6 fingers on your left hand?
Anybody want a peanut?
Pretty soon we will hear he passed from the china virus?
Not entirely correct, he won't be present tomorrow morning for an external ceremony where he should stand for quite long, but will lead the prayer at noon from the Vatican library
If true then I wonder if he's not on a house arrest this would explain it.
Wondering if this could have any correlation to Dan Scavinos Instagram story post of the painting of Trump that looks to be in a cathedral
When was the last time we saw him? Before the "power outages"?
Didn't Steve Piecenik say pope was arrested and so was Nancy
The video on the 13th, yes he said the pope was arrested.
You mean the BLACK Pope is MIA.
I'm afraid the Pope is history...
It's transient, by the time he's evaluated if there's nothing found, it isn't unreasonable. Like a headache, could knock you down or could be a great excuse.
When was the last day anyone saw him publically?
Good hope he died a horrible death
Anyone else hear the pope died last year sometime? I remember hearing the rumor but have no idea where. Didn’t think much of it at the time.
He got pretty sick at the height of the virus in Italy, disappeared for about a week, then was back seemingly well.
Surely there's a good chiropractor or physical therapist in Italy.......
The Pope has a history of disappearing into thin air
Pope on dope...
I posted a picture about that and M police removed it ! Go figure?
I’ve had sciatica, it’s not that bad, I still ran a marathon with it. What a fucking lying pedo shitstain he is.
Well this Pope is obviously an antichrist and a devil. But EVERY pope that ever held the office was also a deceiver and an antichrist. The Catholic church is leading people directly to hell, and there is no salvation found there.
Holograms get back pain?
Too many people know about their trickery now, I overheard a conversation at a restaurant and people were talking about the popes hologram they saw on the internet. ?
I mean there's zero disputing it. They tried a hologram stunt last April and got caught with their undies down. BAD.
Save that, pedes, as I'm sure it will come down at some point.
Sciatic pain can be debilitating but generally is not as long as you have something to support yourself on so yeah that's silly
Yeah you're either walking or lying down...
Side note ... I find compression shorts help a lot... worth a try, if you're suffering
yeah damn straight and i would know.....
Unless he knows he'll be engaging in activity that will trigger it.
Who's going to oversee the homosexual orgies at the vatican, if not the anti-pope himself?
Lin Wood also said a month or two ago that Obama was arrested
Because the Vatican/news would never lie?
The Good guys win is what happens then. That is sufficient.
The post is merely showing that at this time in history when the deep state is supposedly being gutted out, the pope, who is suspected of being one of the aforementioned deep state, will not be making a scheduled appearance. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. Anyhoo, if the pope really was taken out by military forces for crimes against humanity, would the Vatican readily and voluntarily release that information? Or would they maybe lie about it to buy some time?
that's the fucked up part about all of this Q COULD be coincidence. Or it COULD be happening...ya know? I mean it does lean like coincidence, it truly does, but mother fuck I want the other theory to be true
Yes it’s definitely the most frustrating part, but I also argue that it’s the most beautiful part of the plan. A few years ago I would believe that tweet at face value and think anyone who disagreed was a conspiracy theorist. Now everything I see, I question. Who at the Vatican said that? What news reported it? Who tweeted it? What would motivate one of those sources to lie? It’s a beautiful ballet that simultaneously make me want to bash my head into a wall. Maybe that’s the dereprogramming.
I'm at the beginning I think...I'm on a rampage to disconnect from prying eyes and I have nothing to hide, I just value my fucking digital privacy. If I want to tell someone something, that's on me, its not to be forced out of me. Its fucking hard to do too...I just deleted Facebook, but first I deleted all of my posts, everything, i scrubbed it down to the basic profile at launch...then deleted the account. No reason, it doesn't mater, those fuckers save everything anyways...I guess it just gave me satisfaction.
It doesn't.
Q posted photos from AF1 over North Korea. How exactly is that a coincidence? That could only be done by a member of President Trump's inner circle who was on AF1 at the time.
Q posted a photo ripped from Creepy Porn Lawyer's phone. CPL posted the same photo to his Twitter a few days later. How exactly is that a coincidence? That could only be done by someone with the tools to to photos from people phones.
Q told John Perry Barlow his life was in danger now that he was no use to the DS. Ten days later John Perry Barlow was dead.
Q said No Name would be back in the news in 30 days. Thirty days later, to the exact minute, No Name's death was announced.
You've clearly never read the Q drops. Read the Q drops before posting on Q again.
where are the pics of confirmed Q posting from AF1 and that its actually AF1 and they are actually over North Korea
Yeah, we shouldn't question the story. The Vatican definitely doesn't have a history of lying. Taking them at face value is the big brain move :)
Appropriate username.