Actually what I found works best is if you send them gibberish but end with a question mark. Totally stumps them. I used this on a few bot accounts on reddit
It would be best if you always made fun of the shills, trolls, and Doomers. They HATE Humor. Never get nasty or called them bad curse word names. Think up of a name like "Sideways Camel Toe" when they are calling people names. We are the people of fun! I know it has been a stressful week or so. But it is time to start having fun again! ?
I've heard from Juan o savin about NPC in social media reading comments and such. But when it came to memes, that all say something along the line of "I don't get it etc."
This statement is incorrect. Why would they use low level ai, I means honey cookies should be stored at 14 mph while driving through a storm, because things.
Ah well shit Im out then. I cant type a good response to save my life! Jk. Im glad to gear it. At a time like this trimming the fat is essential. Thanks.
Fun way to test this. Go on boards and start ragging on random, high profile things like, coke a cola, or the vatican, and watch how fast the shills swarm. Works best on reddit.
Example: "Coke-a-cola kills people, its so full of sugar! Why does it feel like no one talk about this?"
It can’t interpret Visual art either like a human sees it, were able to see a picture within a picture, or like placing Trumps head on rambo body the ai can’t interpret what it means like a human
human lefty shills for some reason go full tilt mode when you simply ask them if they are mad and will become obsessed trying to prove they arent mad(funnier) and have a mental breakdown trying to prove they dont care about being humiliating by attempting to act as retarded as possible to pretend they arent mad as if they might be enjoying their time when deep down they are so mad.
In other words, NPC's.
Oh sweet delicious irony ?
not irony, just an accurate description
Everyone should know this. Research the seven dwarves!
i just did and now my search history is flooded with porn!
Actually what I found works best is if you send them gibberish but end with a question mark. Totally stumps them. I used this on a few bot accounts on reddit
Yo momma jokes for the win
The best way to deal with shills is to deport and move on. They get paid per response
just. deport
just pretend they don't exist.
So you're saying they can't pass the Turing Test?
It would be best if you always made fun of the shills, trolls, and Doomers. They HATE Humor. Never get nasty or called them bad curse word names. Think up of a name like "Sideways Camel Toe" when they are calling people names. We are the people of fun! I know it has been a stressful week or so. But it is time to start having fun again! ?
Yeah, they are such poop noses ?
Beep boop beep boop. I AM A ROBOT. I NEED PUSSY. Beep boop.
Shadow ban the shills... but don't kick them off completely.
Make them think they are still interacting, but they will just be interacting with themselves on a fake version of this website :D
radar radar
call em that
cause a trippy loop
Hey sweet cheeks. You sound mighty fine today.
Or you know, don't feed the shills!
I’ll admit to being fooled at first.
Can I get some Examples or Screen shot of that?
I've heard from Juan o savin about NPC in social media reading comments and such. But when it came to memes, that all say something along the line of "I don't get it etc."
? beep boop ?
No shill/troll comments make sense to me. That how I know, on some level, they're all bots. Human or AI, it makes no difference to me.
This statement is incorrect. Why would they use low level ai, I means honey cookies should be stored at 14 mph while driving through a storm, because things.
me: "trust the plan"
bot: "stupid racist Q larper"
me: "is that the best you've got?"
Wonder if the AI shill would explode like the the computer on Star Trek I, Mudd episode if presented with what's known as the Liar Paradox.
"Everything I say is a lie."
ah, thank you for making it clear to everyone. I've been doing this for a few weeks now.
They have a particularly tough time with questions.
like "oh hello NPC, good point about licking obama's nutsack but what do you think about deez?"
“How many green toes do they have?”
Some weird responses
Ah well shit Im out then. I cant type a good response to save my life! Jk. Im glad to gear it. At a time like this trimming the fat is essential. Thanks.
Deport and move on.
The best way to mess up their programming is tell them to go dilate or they're not a woman. The low iq ai can't respond properly
Fun way to test this. Go on boards and start ragging on random, high profile things like, coke a cola, or the vatican, and watch how fast the shills swarm. Works best on reddit.
Example: "Coke-a-cola kills people, its so full of sugar! Why does it feel like no one talk about this?"
was watching a video with a guy that said they have trouble recognising faces sometimes, literally that was a comment to a post I made
who does this!?
these guys...
It can’t interpret Visual art either like a human sees it, were able to see a picture within a picture, or like placing Trumps head on rambo body the ai can’t interpret what it means like a human
human lefty shills for some reason go full tilt mode when you simply ask them if they are mad and will become obsessed trying to prove they arent mad(funnier) and have a mental breakdown trying to prove they dont care about being humiliating by attempting to act as retarded as possible to pretend they arent mad as if they might be enjoying their time when deep down they are so mad.
That's so unfair. :(
Why can't we have the insanely hot, supermodel infiltrator AIs like they had on BSG?
Do we know roughly the number of regular users/posters/commenters on this site. ie.what sort of reach we have?