I was extremely fortunate, I served under Reagan. Be patient, POTUS will have this worked out soon and your son will be able to serve under an honorable CIC.
For those already in, I don't think the military will let old sniffy do much.
My son was headed to be a proud 3d generation soldier but I talked him out of serving under Black Jesus. I am embarrassed t have Slick Willie's signature on my retirement certificate.
Lets make a thread - on every social media - and try get trumps attention to have trump sign over the Biden signature. Tipex was a thing back in the day.
This would be so epic if this community pulled it off through social media.
And it would be a solid for any trump campaign anyways.
Trump jnr. Might be easier to get the message through tbh. We can bombard his Twitter, through the full might of greatawakening.win and patriots.win.
And you have a certificate signed by the greatest president the USA has known in many generations.
The Air Force is a great foundation builder for a civilian career. Minus the Trump years, we realized what was really going on. I enlisted in 2010, peak Obama years, and our Army was gutted. Tour in Iraq. Tour in Afghanistan. We sat back and watched how everything our troops fought for was forgotten. Everything we, our troops did, was in vein. Biden is not president. Truth will prevail. God bless you. God bless your son!
Biden is not the lawful president. The military is currently in control and working with Trump. Your son would be supporting the takedown of the deep state more directly.
Hopefully POTATUS and his fellow make-believers won't be around for much longer, and your son can proudly serve under the rightful president that we all voted for.
Had this exact conversation with my brother about my nephew joining. He feels the same way, just can’t let him do it while the forces of evil at the helm.
God bless you and your son!
Hear hear!
Good call! No one should be used as a pawn in a globalist war that only enriches globalists..
What are some things we can do instead of joining the military?
Chant Black Lives Matter and Loot and Burn the Nearest Democrat Stronghold.
We need him now more than ever. Build that patriot’s confidence and let him know he’s doing the right thing.
Fear not !
“walked away unexpectedly”
I was extremely fortunate, I served under Reagan. Be patient, POTUS will have this worked out soon and your son will be able to serve under an honorable CIC.
For those already in, I don't think the military will let old sniffy do much.
My son was headed to be a proud 3d generation soldier but I talked him out of serving under Black Jesus. I am embarrassed t have Slick Willie's signature on my retirement certificate.
Lets make a thread - on every social media - and try get trumps attention to have trump sign over the Biden signature. Tipex was a thing back in the day. This would be so epic if this community pulled it off through social media. And it would be a solid for any trump campaign anyways.
Trump jnr. Might be easier to get the message through tbh. We can bombard his Twitter, through the full might of greatawakening.win and patriots.win.
And you have a certificate signed by the greatest president the USA has known in many generations.
Your son’s duty is to defend the Constitution above all else. I understand your anger ma’am, but it’s God’s Plan, not yours. Have faith.
It’s his choice and I can respect his opinion but now is one of the most crucial times ever for Patriots to join the military.
We cannot afford to turn over the one institution remaining to the leftists.
If the armed services turn liberal, we’re toast.
I COMPLETELY agree with this. All the Updoots.
My youngest has been USAF for 12+yrs. Not a happy camper right now.
Unfortunately, Biden doesn't care.
We need patriots inside the system, now more than ever! I hope he reconsiders. Biden isn't in charge of anything.
The Air Force is a great foundation builder for a civilian career. Minus the Trump years, we realized what was really going on. I enlisted in 2010, peak Obama years, and our Army was gutted. Tour in Iraq. Tour in Afghanistan. We sat back and watched how everything our troops fought for was forgotten. Everything we, our troops did, was in vein. Biden is not president. Truth will prevail. God bless you. God bless your son!
If you pick the right job in the AF.
I completely understand that feeling. I am supposed to be leaving in the next few months.
Biden is not the lawful president. The military is currently in control and working with Trump. Your son would be supporting the takedown of the deep state more directly.
100% bang on. Now would be the time to join.
Hopefully POTATUS and his fellow make-believers won't be around for much longer, and your son can proudly serve under the rightful president that we all voted for.
Stick to your guns, Momma!
Very wise!
I recommend NOBODY who was going to enlist follow through with it.
Well he could wait 8 weeks and enlist under Trump.
Wheredja get 8 wks
I'm sure they'll figure out a way to draft him.
He might as well, trump will be back in by the time he goes to basic.
This only ensures the concentration of traitors in our military, sadly.
Sauce? Why do you say this is fact?
Any hopium much appreciated!
Remember when the "U.S." Navy came up with the slogan "...a global force for good"? What does that tell you?
The U.S. military IS the mercenary force of the globalists.
Watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ck3rQiAJKbM&feature=emb_logo
Had this exact conversation with my brother about my nephew joining. He feels the same way, just can’t let him do it while the forces of evil at the helm.
If it's HIS plan your politics should be meaningless.
good Man!!
Make sure he picks the right job in the AF
I didn't
Nor should he, collateral damage will all he'll be.
Heaven forbid Biden stays in office, your son might have just saved his own life, and prevented it being cast into some needless and stupid war
Well said. Let the soy boys join instead and the trannies
I wondered if this was going to occur. Good on you.
The captain of the ship is already beating the war drum. It has zero to do with our security too.