So between now and Monday some judge will step in at the last minute and say it is not legal to arrest them and the shenanigans will continue on until people just quit paying attention.
Where are the outlaws in AZ? Just go confront these cunts somewhere outside their work and show them how poorly you think of them. I am sure they will change their tune should they start losing teeth and fingers from falling down due to being clumsy.
The resolution has to be read 3 times in session. It was read Wed, Thurs, and closed Friday. On Monday they will read it, vote on it and send out the hell hounds to arrest these criminals
Please call these people and tell them you support them and a forensic audit...
These 3 people decide how the audit proceeds....
Sen Karen Fann 602-926-5874
Sen Warren Peterson 602-926-4136
Sen Michelle Ugenti-Rita 602-926-4480
Tell them... “Need a deep, forensic audit of ALL (not a sampling) ALL original ballots ...ORIGINAL BALLOTS
I think he was on Bannon's show when he anounced this. He mentioned the wait time was due to statutes or protocols or policy or some such. This is different from normal subpoenas.
This is one legislative body doing it to another so a differnet set of laws apply. Also the enforcement is different, hence the Sergeant at Arms (one guy) with the aid of US Marshals instead of the local police.
Thing is they can't say they weren't warned multiple times if they end up getting arrested. They really don't want to have to arrest members of their own party, but at this point it's beyond ridiculous their antics.
Gotta give the swamp-beasts enough time to flee.
exactly. Why would you say on Monday I am sending marshalls. knock down their doors like they did to Roger stone in the middle of the night.
And tip off RSBN so they can film it.
he said in the interview that's when they will be in session to do the paper legwork
Also, it gives them more time to panic, and destroy things, and make it even more obvious that they stole the elections.
Because it won't happen. Otherwise they would do it. 4+ years of this bullshit.
Give them plenty of advance notice so they can make their getaway.
Seriously. Fuck. If they asked me to fly to AZ and do the audit right now I'd tell my wife to hold my beer and go.
This is the entire country on the line. Not a Pokémon convention. Enough with the fucking delays!
No doubt. What does waiting until Monday help? Arrest them on Friday so they have to stay in until Monday.
paper shredders go whurrrrr all weekend
and sudden fire in the warehouse on Sunday nite 3am
thanks for the warning !
It's so when everybody is watching the big game they can have a judge step in and prevent them from arresting them. Its all theater.
I'm going to laugh my ass off if they burn the whole warehouse down in a desperate bid to destroy the evidence.
So between now and Monday some judge will step in at the last minute and say it is not legal to arrest them and the shenanigans will continue on until people just quit paying attention.
Got to give them enough time to destroy the evidence and get their stories straight.. otherwise it would be racist or something...
Sounds like when Obama would tell ISIS when and where they were getting bombed.
It’s like they’re yelling “I’m gonna get you!” While giving them a head start... smart play...
Where are the outlaws in AZ? Just go confront these cunts somewhere outside their work and show them how poorly you think of them. I am sure they will change their tune should they start losing teeth and fingers from falling down due to being clumsy.
Trump said to never tell the enemy your plans! How dumb are these guys?
Probably said that to keep them off guard and got them already
Arrest them now, what the fuck.
Got to give them enough time to destroy evidence and come up with some bullshit defence.
Better late than never. I'll believe it when I see it.
Hoping something here breaks, this could be the crack in the dam.
Drip, drip, drip, FLOOD!
The resolution has to be read 3 times in session. It was read Wed, Thurs, and closed Friday. On Monday they will read it, vote on it and send out the hell hounds to arrest these criminals
Not holding my breath on that one.
May I suggest the use of your nightstick Marshal?
Does anyone believe at this point there is anything left to audit?
Did they pull a Hillary and beat the machines with hammers yet?
Suicide weekend
I'd wager this happens about the same time the military arrests Biden and reinstalls Trump. Supposedly any day now...
Hopefully they’re under surveillance and will be hit with destruction of evidence charges.
Why warn them? Ugh.
meanwhile, they are folding ballots over n over and sending em to each other through the mail to get all the kinetic artifacts they need.
Or They're arrested already and we don't know it.
Please call these people and tell them you support them and a forensic audit...
These 3 people decide how the audit proceeds.... Sen Karen Fann 602-926-5874 Sen Warren Peterson 602-926-4136 Sen Michelle Ugenti-Rita 602-926-4480 Tell them... “Need a deep, forensic audit of ALL (not a sampling) ALL original ballots ...ORIGINAL BALLOTS
I think he was on Bannon's show when he anounced this. He mentioned the wait time was due to statutes or protocols or policy or some such. This is different from normal subpoenas.
This is one legislative body doing it to another so a differnet set of laws apply. Also the enforcement is different, hence the Sergeant at Arms (one guy) with the aid of US Marshals instead of the local police.
Hey! Turn off that blue light filter before you take a screenshot jackass!
Lol, jk but yeah kinda not.
Well, they need the weekend & Superbowl distraction to BURN DOWN THE FUKIN WAREHOUSE!!! Why would you tell your enemy wtf?!!!
Thing is they can't say they weren't warned multiple times if they end up getting arrested. They really don't want to have to arrest members of their own party, but at this point it's beyond ridiculous their antics.
Can't wait to see what a proper audit shows up.
Aw, I wouldn't be surprised if they haven't already been "wiped"...and not with a cloth.
Woohoo!!!! This is awesome! I sure hope it will at least be on ALL the local news if not nation wide. Looking forward to this.