Pretty Interesting
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Q post 1495:
Can't be coincidence.
Guardians is code for Secret Space Program I think:
But why aren't other hotels having the same issues? Not everyone can afford Trump's hotel, so I would think we would be seeing something similar with some of the more popular cheaper hotels, but as far as I know we haven't....
Seems plausible to me. Right now the number of people who expect something to happen on March 4 is a small enough group to need rooms that can be accommodated by one hotel. And of course the first choice for them would be the Trump Hotel.
Plausible. Nah, for all we know the hotel is saying that at trumps direction to throw off the D.S.
It didn't look like any of the hotels have a price increase or had a very minor increase around March 1-5. You also bring up a good point that we likely aren't gonna be able to afford Trump rooms. So, if it is because pede's keep booking rooms, why are just enough rich pedes going to Trump hotel on those dates specifically?
Or does the hotel know something we don't know and are just getting ahead of everything being revealed???
I just find it odd, and I'm not quite sure what it means.
But why would the other hotels be raising their rates? Are you thinking something went out to all the other hotels letting them know there is going to be a changing of the guard?
I'm sorry you've been so unemployed. You should spend less time collecting Soros checks so you can find a real job.
Why? There is zero proof anything will happen then???
Haven't they been this price for awhile? I 'member seeing a post about it before the fake inauguration. I think it's a nod to Q-post 1495, like another pede pointed out.
Hmm... very interesting. What are they planning for? What do they know is coming?
Well the new inauguration would make sense. 19th president.... I hope
I wonder how much it is with tax? $1700?
I believe it would be $1,776
The $1495 room, called Deluxe King with 350 sqft, has a tax rate of 14.95% bringing it to $1718.50.
The next room up, called Premier King with 400 sqft & 480 sqft accessible, is priced at $1545 with the same tax rate of 14.95% bringing it to...
There is also another level, called the Executive King with 560 sq ft, priced at $1645. It also has a tax rate of 14.95% & it brings it up to $1890.93.
Found these rates on (1st google result). But these also show up on the Trump Hotel website as the Best Unrestricted Rates.
So, I actually looked into some of these numbers (original price, tax rate dollars & cents, tax added, total with tax, & square footage) from both a date/year in history perspective (less interesting aside from 1718, 1776, & 1891) & from a Q Drop perspective (more interesting)...
There are some interesting coinkydinks.
Lots of symbolic & historically relevant stuff (1776 obvs, but also 1718 was when San Antonio was established with the Alamo... Is listed as the 17th most visited city & was under siege by Mexico from Feb. 23th - March 6th & lost before US victory April 21st...) combined with Q Drops talking about Independence and the establishment of a New Guard...
The lowest room price (on, but not on Trump website) was also a King & was listed directly above these King rooms. The google search for 1324 was veeery interesting. I expected primarily dates, like I got for all the other searches, and instead I got all sorts of US codes, mostly about harboring ALIENS. And at the bottom of the first page, a fall 2020 FL state bill concerning CHILD WELFARE in COURT. Hmm. Why would lead us to this piece & not the Trump site? I dunno. But it was notable.
Might have to make a separate post about all I looked into.
All this necessarily means is a lot of people believe that Trump will he inaugurated in March, all the market demand for those rooms could literally be from people on this board or other similar boards.
Those numbers. Q post is declaration. Of independence. Add them up 1+4+9+5 is 19. 19th pres.... Coincidences.
Not a coincidence except to claim what the 19 means. That's a guess
I see what you did there?
A Wednesday and Thursday at that. Very very interesting.
Yes, interesting.
Anybody know what percentage of rooms are booked?
Can we call and ask lmao?
Good idea. If I was home right now I'd call them and ask them what their availability looks like for the 3rd and 4th.
How do we now POTUS isn't just trolling the deepstate rats?
as plausible as any guess for sure.
I don't doubt the rate hike, but if I owned a hotel and thought such a hike could impact (even slightly) my enemies, I'd do it
Q post 1933
That's my post on Q drop 1933 which addresses the weekend before that week and also says "BIG week ahead" which would put us during the old innauguration week.
All Hotels do this when an event is known/in town.
Do a test: Check how much a room at any Hotel near this years SuperBowl was a couple months prior and then bounce it against same-week event.
Happens all the time. It's price gouging, yes, and the Hotels know people will need a place to stay during an event.
So, what "event" is going to happen during that timeframe in DC? wink
I'm gonna call Trump International and let them know they have a price mistake for the mid-week days at the start of March and see what they say.
1+4+9+5=19 Trump will be the 19th President
The rates were different week ago $1196 for the 3rd and sold out on the fourth. 1+1+9+6 = 17
LOL Who has a wad of $$$$$ like that to piss away on a week in the arm pit of the America? I wouldn't give DC a penny of my money.
Doesn’t this piss you off, that all these pedo clowns know exactly what is going on, yet we who are forced to fund and endure this are left in the dark? Well it pisses me off but there’s not anything I can do about it so I’ll suck it up and keep moving forward.
Keep 'em guessing.
Isn’t he having a rally?
Here is my two cents. This is probably the event: The NATaT Virtual Townhall: Even though is states that it’s “virtual” , there is most likely an event going on for individuals to network and “schmooze” to lobby for $$. Even though the key speakers are lefties, if it’s a national town hall event, there will be some conservatives and they would most likely be on per diem (think of it as free expense account) which would mean they are not using their own money, so why not stay at my favorite president’s hotel right? This happens quite frequently in D.C. when major events roll through town or the “busy season” starts or even when Congress comes back in session. Per diem rates for government/state employees will change according to the “season” in D.C. which will allow them to stay at certain hotels, so they are able to get their work done when they go to D.C.
Just checked online and the earliest date open to book in March is the 9th.
Damn! Almost 8k for a week. Trump hotels don't play do they?!
What's happening march 4th?
This is for a regular room. If you want a double queen room (QQ) the price is $1745!
I'd expect it to be $1795.00.