For the mightiest power the world has ever seen they sure need to dangle a lot of carrots and sure need to lay lots of traps and sure need to dish out a lot of rope for perps to hang themselves.
What happened to good old fashioned U.S shoot first, ask questions later?
hey remember when the military led a sophisticated 3 year internet intelligence leak prior to all of those events that you mentioned??? while simultaneously assuring us that they have a plan to counter it all??
yeah, me neither - you and all the shills who liked your post can fuck off
its almost like you havnt read Q posts or paid attention to anything.....
our military is not 100% white hats. the libs have gotten many communists to high ranks in our military...
according to Q this has been a plan long in the making... maybe they were aware of it in 2006 but felt powerless to stop it....
the dims went after Flynn so hard because he apparently knew which high ranking military members were patriots and which were deepstate communist fakes
like i said it doesnt sound like youve even researched Q at all
oh yeah PS - John McCain was the fucking republican candidate in 2006..... 2006 election was cabal vs cabal.... wtf do you expect the military to do????
you did read about John Mcain is Q's posts, right???
why the fuck am i wasting time with a dumb ass shill faggot who hasnt even done his homework lmao
wHy DiDnT ThE MiLiTaRy StEp In WhEn OuR GoVeRnMeNt WaS ToTaLLY CoNTRollEd By BAD GUYZ?????!?!??!?!??!?!?! wHy DiD ThEy HavE tO WaIt UnTiL ThEy HaD A FriEnDlY PoTuS???
youre just not intelligent enough to grasp all of this buddy.
in the last 2-3 weeks alone, nikki haley, ted cruz, and mitch mcconnell all outed themselves as globalist communists
if Q had kicked down the doors during Joe Biden's inauguration... Trump would be president with snakes all around him in the republican party.
No normy conservative would have ever believed those people were black-hats; many people wanted cruz or haley to run for president!
but you've been here a long time and you feel entitled to something NOW - so Q should act NOW with a half assed plan, instead of doing it properly, because THIS GUY HAS BEEN HERE A LONG TIME!!!!!!!! /s
No shit. Id rather have to explain the same shit to the normies for the next 4 years over and over again rather than wait for them to realize they're all fucking morons.
WOOOOO FUCK YEAH IN THE SHADOWS!!! Can’t wait for four years of Xiden while the military ‘does things in the shadows.’ March 4th you should all decide if you’re going to continue believing this because I’m not. And before one of you fucks calls me muh shill I was on Qresearch on 8kun before your mom shit you out. People can only wait so long.
I'm with you man. I've been with Q and Trump from the start as well. Been doing this research for quite a while now. I am also extremely concerned. Think about Generals like McMaster, Kelly, and Mattis. Literal globalist shill cowards who have disgraced our military and country and turned their backs on Trump. It took guts from real leaders like Mike Flynn to stand up to it, look what they put him through. I can't even imagine how many more traitors there at this top level. If the mitary doesn't act to preserve the American constitution soon, we will be over, there is no question. I do feel like Generals such as General Ron Burgess are behind Q. We could easily be seeing a quite civil war in our own military. Strange to see Pompeo so confident that Trump will be president again. The truth is, literally no body knows whats going on at the top. Q was a window into that knowledge. They did take down some high profile names. Check out Kip Simpson on youtue for some inspiration as well. But I am also slowly losing faith as well until I see real action against criminals in government and the media spreading war like, anti white, racist propaganda against regular Americans and clearly cheating in the Election. It will be a sad disgrace if our military doesn't stand up to this shit.
However long it takes. Waiting on the wider plan to take effect doesnt mean also being complacent at a local level and in your community bro.
The DS plan didnt happen overnight. It happened over decades of creeping control and removal of rights. It's possible removing all this will also take decades to fully undo.
In the meantime, we do what we can on an individual level to push back.
I’ve been telling folks, what I expect is a media blackout, all TVs taken control of and public confessions from all the traitors playing 24/7 for the next year.
I said this same thing recently and somebody downdooted me for it. Had to clarify that I didn't mean "go all 'Mars Attacks!'" on Congress. Although that was my favorite part of the movie...
Every week that goes by there is another corrupt crime that is committed by the left/demoncraps/repukicans. Durham and Military Intelligence has a hard time keeping up with the treason and sedition. Seems like one Faux Flag after another over and over again.
Real Justice is desperately needed if only we had a real honest DOJ, FBI and judges.
As an 82nd airborne line medic veteran, im so proud of my service to shooting at and watching the enemies of Israel turn into mince meat from 50 cal gun runs and hellfire missile airstrikes
I'm sold that this isn't how it goes down. I don't know how it does but I don't think the military is the answer, if it was they would have done it already.
The military is mostly run by a bunch of pencil pushers and bureaucrats. Donald Trump is the defacto general of the entire armed services, even now. Anything he says, any command he gives, over half the troops would follow. Can the same be said about ANY of the senior members of the military? No. They are simply tacticians in all of this, not leaders. Again, Trump is still commander in chief. His word is everything.
For the mightiest power the world has ever seen they sure need to dangle a lot of carrots and sure need to lay lots of traps and sure need to dish out a lot of rope for perps to hang themselves. What happened to good old fashioned U.S shoot first, ask questions later?
Option 5: Military already lost. So drink copious amount of gin and wank yourself into an early grave.
Option 6 Military complicit and we are doomed
May your blindness heal.
Hey that's not hopium
Cynical, but more true that false, unfortunately
hey remember when the military led a sophisticated 3 year internet intelligence leak prior to all of those events that you mentioned??? while simultaneously assuring us that they have a plan to counter it all??
yeah, me neither - you and all the shills who liked your post can fuck off
You have failed to negotiate.
"no deals"
you must be a real slow learner then, bud
There is an answer, you are too lazy to be entitled. So contjnue your blind nonsensical rants about what you are blinded to.
its almost like you havnt read Q posts or paid attention to anything.....
our military is not 100% white hats. the libs have gotten many communists to high ranks in our military...
according to Q this has been a plan long in the making... maybe they were aware of it in 2006 but felt powerless to stop it....
the dims went after Flynn so hard because he apparently knew which high ranking military members were patriots and which were deepstate communist fakes
like i said it doesnt sound like youve even researched Q at all
fuck off "faggot"
You are dumb as shit then If you followed q you should see clearly. You have no comprehension.
is a pedo chicom president, though??? you really cant confirm anything that you just said.
I'll say it again, have you even read Q's posts????
youre starting to sound like a deepstate pedo who is wondering when hes going to be taken out....
be patient fag, it'll happen
oh yeah PS - John McCain was the fucking republican candidate in 2006..... 2006 election was cabal vs cabal.... wtf do you expect the military to do????
you did read about John Mcain is Q's posts, right???
why the fuck am i wasting time with a dumb ass shill faggot who hasnt even done his homework lmao
wHy DiDnT ThE MiLiTaRy StEp In WhEn OuR GoVeRnMeNt WaS ToTaLLY CoNTRollEd By BAD GUYZ?????!?!??!?!??!?!?! wHy DiD ThEy HavE tO WaIt UnTiL ThEy HaD A FriEnDlY PoTuS???
youre just not intelligent enough to grasp all of this buddy.
Don't. He hasn't studied shit for five seconds. His questions belie his colossal ignorance.
You have group think with the blind mice. Trust me, many like you are thoughtless.
in the last 2-3 weeks alone, nikki haley, ted cruz, and mitch mcconnell all outed themselves as globalist communists
if Q had kicked down the doors during Joe Biden's inauguration... Trump would be president with snakes all around him in the republican party.
No normy conservative would have ever believed those people were black-hats; many people wanted cruz or haley to run for president!
but you've been here a long time and you feel entitled to something NOW - so Q should act NOW with a half assed plan, instead of doing it properly, because THIS GUY HAS BEEN HERE A LONG TIME!!!!!!!! /s
fuck off shill
Thanks for saying that. And ditto just to be deferring to the Great One.
dude whats your problem youre just thinking with emotion
hes a scared pedo waiting for Q to knock on his door
Grow up you little tard.
i know right, its been decades and nothing has happened but I think we are about done with this bullcrap. Im ready
No shit. Id rather have to explain the same shit to the normies for the next 4 years over and over again rather than wait for them to realize they're all fucking morons.
Why won't the military do their job and save us from the foreign election interference??!! We have been under attack from the CCP!
If you look at crumbs, DUMBS are being take down, kids are being saved, pedos are being arrested and something strange is happening with media.
To me, it seems Military are doing everything but in the shadows. Reread drop 577.
WOOOOO FUCK YEAH IN THE SHADOWS!!! Can’t wait for four years of Xiden while the military ‘does things in the shadows.’ March 4th you should all decide if you’re going to continue believing this because I’m not. And before one of you fucks calls me muh shill I was on Qresearch on 8kun before your mom shit you out. People can only wait so long.
I'm with you man. I've been with Q and Trump from the start as well. Been doing this research for quite a while now. I am also extremely concerned. Think about Generals like McMaster, Kelly, and Mattis. Literal globalist shill cowards who have disgraced our military and country and turned their backs on Trump. It took guts from real leaders like Mike Flynn to stand up to it, look what they put him through. I can't even imagine how many more traitors there at this top level. If the mitary doesn't act to preserve the American constitution soon, we will be over, there is no question. I do feel like Generals such as General Ron Burgess are behind Q. We could easily be seeing a quite civil war in our own military. Strange to see Pompeo so confident that Trump will be president again. The truth is, literally no body knows whats going on at the top. Q was a window into that knowledge. They did take down some high profile names. Check out Kip Simpson on youtue for some inspiration as well. But I am also slowly losing faith as well until I see real action against criminals in government and the media spreading war like, anti white, racist propaganda against regular Americans and clearly cheating in the Election. It will be a sad disgrace if our military doesn't stand up to this shit.
it doesnt happen on YOUR time. We have one shot at this; it cant be rushed. Its done when its done.
We are talking about removing a 70+ year GLOBAL cabal. Its not easy and it wont be fast.
Leave if you wish. The end wont be for everybody.
How long will you wait?
However long it takes. Waiting on the wider plan to take effect doesnt mean also being complacent at a local level and in your community bro.
The DS plan didnt happen overnight. It happened over decades of creeping control and removal of rights. It's possible removing all this will also take decades to fully undo.
In the meantime, we do what we can on an individual level to push back.
Fuck yeah. And do it C.O.P.S. style.
I’ve been telling folks, what I expect is a media blackout, all TVs taken control of and public confessions from all the traitors playing 24/7 for the next year.
Delete social media, let us return to normal.
That would be amazing....
It’s a wet dream I know, but my husband smokes crack and sucks dick in the back of limousines so anything can happen I guess.
Myanmar's military is the only one with balls.
Move in during the SOTU address... All of the crooks in one convenient place.
I said this same thing recently and somebody downdooted me for it. Had to clarify that I didn't mean "go all 'Mars Attacks!'" on Congress. Although that was my favorite part of the movie...
Every week that goes by there is another corrupt crime that is committed by the left/demoncraps/repukicans. Durham and Military Intelligence has a hard time keeping up with the treason and sedition. Seems like one Faux Flag after another over and over again.
Real Justice is desperately needed if only we had a real honest DOJ, FBI and judges.
As an 82nd airborne line medic veteran, im so proud of my service to shooting at and watching the enemies of Israel turn into mince meat from 50 cal gun runs and hellfire missile airstrikes
I'm sold that this isn't how it goes down. I don't know how it does but I don't think the military is the answer, if it was they would have done it already.
Well, at least we can be confident they'll never obey illegal orders to fire on American citizens.
Sure we can.
The military is mostly run by a bunch of pencil pushers and bureaucrats. Donald Trump is the defacto general of the entire armed services, even now. Anything he says, any command he gives, over half the troops would follow. Can the same be said about ANY of the senior members of the military? No. They are simply tacticians in all of this, not leaders. Again, Trump is still commander in chief. His word is everything.
Trump also has the largest army in the world.
Armed US civilians.
Trump and the Patriots are in control.
Exactly. The largest standing army awaiting orders.
What's with all the waiting?
I agree. I am sick and tired of this dog and pony show. Let’s get on with it
Not just democrats. No need to add R or D in front of pedophile.
This will trigger many low energy doomer posts this is doomer bait fr
Todayfagging is just datefagging with present moment awareness
Nah. We need to suffer some more, and those kids can wait it out too.
i fear you are correct