Can someone fill me in on what's actually going on with the Italian government? I don't speak the lingo and the MSM is as useless as they always are. I prefer the heads up from someone on the ground anyway.
Supposedly their deep state had something to do with the steal and they have all been resigning or being arrested. This gentleman is a whistle blower who swore under oath to have used an Italian satellite to flip votes from Trump to Biden on election night.
Why did they choose Racine, Wisconsin (the historic Bellwether of America) as the model and key pivot district used to rig the swing states?
Joe Biden made the “highly unusual move” to endorse a rigged Billion Dollar Referendum there, Mayor Pete made the final pitch for Biden there, and Brad Smith, the President of Microsoft and key advisor to the global elite on COVID and elections, is from there. Who are the Racine Dominicans? Who are the Pilgrims Society? Why is Racine the model for the global agenda?
Here is a summary as it related to more recent events.
Joe Biden endorsed a rigged billion dollar referendum in Racine in a “highly unusual move” to create the models for community health, education and policing. They also rigged the recount to make it ‘pass’ by 4 votes. There were sudden spikes in COVID in the area before the April Primary and November General Election. Racine also passed “the most over-arching COVID order or ordinance in the nation” and is openly defying State Supreme Court orders. They are completely unchecked.
Weill Cornell / Cornell University is closely connected with Racine, Wisconsin. Hunter Biden’s back tattoo is Finger Lakes where the main Cornell campus is located. Some of the most powerful people in Racine are members of the Sphinx Head Society (similar to Skull and Bones at Yale). Joe Biden made his speech at Cornell the same year the school received its largest ever donation - from Racine. Mason Lab partnered with Weill Cornell to create experimental testing programs in Racine. It closed when it began to be exposed.
Racine is controlled by a string of corrupt, criminal and pedophile officials and community “leaders”, and despite being the Invention Capital of the World where they made the first automobile, it is now the worst city in Wisconsin by design, and worst city in the nation for black Americans by design. Slavery never “ended” in Racine with Joshua Glover, it evolved.
Racine, Wisconsin is the historic Bellwether of America where many key global decisions have been made including nuclear arms control, international criminal courts, sustainable development and the World Core Curriculum. Brad Smith with Microsoft and ElectionGuard is the key advisor to all of them using COVID and elections to forge Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset Wisconsin the “test” for ElectionGuard, and Nancy Pelosi said “it’s all riding on Wisconsin”. Directly related to Color Revolutions and the National Endowment for Democracy is the Council for a Community of Democracies and its historic meeting in Racine. Another key meeting is the Earth Summit in Brazil - Racine was the model used for Sustainable Development that serves as the foundation for UN Agenda 21 and 2030.
Scott Walker, Paul Ryan and many others are directly involved, and terrible things happened to sources and witnesses after going up the chain to the highest levels of the land including Loretta Lynch personally. This is not a game. This is the most targeted, censored and banned information with a group constantly downvoting, lying, threatening and doing anything possible to get others to not investigate,
These are some of the links to verify this information, and there is much more. Please help share any of this information and expose the “root” and model for their agenda.
This is what SenateAnon said before they vanished:
”keep digging into Racine”
Racine is the global model for the real agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast enforced by Quantum AI and the Quantum Internet, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.
Well, too bad for Obama and too bad for the Italians, the Israelis built that satellite. Trump added Israel to centcom, on top of all the other peace treaties he worked out for them. Essentially making Israel a US airbase. It’s fucking nuts.
Why would he do that?
Why did Pompeo meet with the head of mossad in a cafe?
Many say Durham is doing nothing. I dont know, the 1 picture of Durham always looks scary. The photo resonates "I am the law, judge and executioner" the type of guy you dont mess with. Plus the total silence surounding him gives me the chilles. I think the silence means he is doing something big-time.
Well the Vatican was reportedly raided a couple of weeks ago when it was blacked out for a couple of nights and there were rumours beroglio has been arrested. Iirc he wasn’t seen for a while after and there were other Vatican folks arrested too. Not sure if he’s been seen publicly since?
What does Durham talking to Mifsud's lawyer have anything to do with Italy and the election? Also -knowing someone was interviewed isn't a bombshell lol
If you actually follow PapaD on Twitter, you'll find that he posts the same bullshit (including variations on this goodie) every 2-3 months. The other favorite is 'buy my book because I'm the only one that lived it.'
His story probably has some relevance, and maybe (in MANY years) we'll learn it's true - but for now, he's a grifter looking to cash in on his "fame."
In Italy Is happening something that happens Every 2 years. The coalition of politicians in Power starts fighting bcs One doesn't agree anymore with some law that the other party proposes. They argue and if they don't find a common ground, this happens. The government falls, to avoid going to new election, they usually decide to give Power(here comes the president) to a special team(see Draghi & co.), that Is asked to be in Power until the crisis Is over. Nothing new, and 99% no Q related, sadly. Btw Q said Italy Is with potus.
This could actually be the biggest BOOM ever. Or, like usual, nothing. But....I think it's a BOOM that won't really be seen until the battle is in the public eye. I believe that Italian guy who admitted to altering our votes.
The Knights of Malta's headquarters is one of the very few sovereign states in the world. And it is only the land on which the building sits, very strange. They are related to The Knights Hospitalar I do believe, which is also related to the american red cross, where thier red cross comes from if I am not mistaken. Very very old order. Stemming from circa 1000 a.d. they did however in the crusades whoop the Mamluk Slave Army back in the day when Islam was going on thier rampage and smashing out the templars. Whooooo them holy wars been raging for a while now!!! Jesus is King, that's what I keep in my heart.
Sidenote: Epstien's temple design is a throwback to the Mamluk's.
Can someone fill me in on what's actually going on with the Italian government? I don't speak the lingo and the MSM is as useless as they always are. I prefer the heads up from someone on the ground anyway.
Supposedly their deep state had something to do with the steal and they have all been resigning or being arrested. This gentleman is a whistle blower who swore under oath to have used an Italian satellite to flip votes from Trump to Biden on election night.
Mifsud was involved in Russiagate... This is the first I've heard of him also being involved in Electiongate.
I am now convinced that Durham was a planned distraction, and just tune it out now.
Who are the Knights of Malta and Club of Rome?
Why did they choose Racine, Wisconsin (the historic Bellwether of America) as the model and key pivot district used to rig the swing states?
Joe Biden made the “highly unusual move” to endorse a rigged Billion Dollar Referendum there, Mayor Pete made the final pitch for Biden there, and Brad Smith, the President of Microsoft and key advisor to the global elite on COVID and elections, is from there. Who are the Racine Dominicans? Who are the Pilgrims Society? Why is Racine the model for the global agenda?
The Parousia begins in Racine, Wisconsin.
Isn't Foxconn plant (chinese) in racine/kenosha too?
my friend works there. they pay you 50k to get microchipped, LOL
That is correct, it is in Racine County, with “innovation centers’ around the state.
Foxconn Industrial Internet is now based in Racine and Shenzhen, China.
Why is Shenzhen the model community for the CCP?
What are Quantum AI and the Quantum Internet?
Did you know the President of Microsoft is also from Racine? His name is Brad Smith.
Whoa. Okay here's a theory. Is Q the NSA's real AI? "You'll never believe who you've been talking to." ?
That's my guess... looking glass and q are just supercomputing that can predict the future.
The Knights of Malta is a pretty good Smashing Pumpkins song ?
Redpill me on Racine please. I want to know more.
Here is a summary as it related to more recent events.
Joe Biden endorsed a rigged billion dollar referendum in Racine in a “highly unusual move” to create the models for community health, education and policing. They also rigged the recount to make it ‘pass’ by 4 votes. There were sudden spikes in COVID in the area before the April Primary and November General Election. Racine also passed “the most over-arching COVID order or ordinance in the nation” and is openly defying State Supreme Court orders. They are completely unchecked.
Weill Cornell / Cornell University is closely connected with Racine, Wisconsin. Hunter Biden’s back tattoo is Finger Lakes where the main Cornell campus is located. Some of the most powerful people in Racine are members of the Sphinx Head Society (similar to Skull and Bones at Yale). Joe Biden made his speech at Cornell the same year the school received its largest ever donation - from Racine. Mason Lab partnered with Weill Cornell to create experimental testing programs in Racine. It closed when it began to be exposed.
Racine is controlled by a string of corrupt, criminal and pedophile officials and community “leaders”, and despite being the Invention Capital of the World where they made the first automobile, it is now the worst city in Wisconsin by design, and worst city in the nation for black Americans by design. Slavery never “ended” in Racine with Joshua Glover, it evolved.
Racine, Wisconsin is the historic Bellwether of America where many key global decisions have been made including nuclear arms control, international criminal courts, sustainable development and the World Core Curriculum. Brad Smith with Microsoft and ElectionGuard is the key advisor to all of them using COVID and elections to forge Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset Wisconsin the “test” for ElectionGuard, and Nancy Pelosi said “it’s all riding on Wisconsin”. Directly related to Color Revolutions and the National Endowment for Democracy is the Council for a Community of Democracies and its historic meeting in Racine. Another key meeting is the Earth Summit in Brazil - Racine was the model used for Sustainable Development that serves as the foundation for UN Agenda 21 and 2030.
Scott Walker, Paul Ryan and many others are directly involved, and terrible things happened to sources and witnesses after going up the chain to the highest levels of the land including Loretta Lynch personally. This is not a game. This is the most targeted, censored and banned information with a group constantly downvoting, lying, threatening and doing anything possible to get others to not investigate,
These are some of the links to verify this information, and there is much more. Please help share any of this information and expose the “root” and model for their agenda.
Biden endorses referendum in highly unusual move:
Brad Smith talks about COVID and digital 9/11:
Why Brad Smith is the global ambassador for big tech:
Brad Smith, Microsoft and ElectionGuard use Wisconsin as pilot:
Racine tests how much COVID power they have:
Fauci became the expert by Cornell:
Racine and the Council for a Community of Democracies:
Brad Smith and Microsoft using pro sports to control market innovation:
Mason Lab, Weill Cornell and experimental COVID testing in Racine:
Foxconn and connections with the Agenda and Referendum:
Brad Smith, Microsoft and ElectionGuard are Trojan Horse for Military Industrial Complex Takeover of Elections:
History of Racine and China Relations:
Racine, Climate Mayors and Paris Agreement
Here is the testimony from Paul Kline about this exact “flow of Zuckerberg’s money” to Racine:
Better then a commie jogger
Racine is the reason Q was created.
The Anon before Q was SenateAnon.
This is what SenateAnon said before they vanished:
Racine is the global model for the real agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast enforced by Quantum AI and the Quantum Internet, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.
We were sharing The Truth long before Q existed.
Do you know why Senator Paul Wellstone was killed?
We do.
Do you know why Paul Ryan really resigned?
We do.
Racine is the most censored of all topics on the Internet. This is one of many reasons why questions are used in some cases.
Trump and Q can Save The World any time they are ready with One Word.
What is your source for Mifsud being involved in the election steal?! This is the first I'm hearing of it.
They used a Vatican owned satellite to capture and alter the US 2020 election results.
Italian military contractor LEONARDO was sponsored by Vatican to capture voting results and manipulate them in real time.
Screw Obama.
Well, too bad for Obama and too bad for the Italians, the Israelis built that satellite. Trump added Israel to centcom, on top of all the other peace treaties he worked out for them. Essentially making Israel a US airbase. It’s fucking nuts.
Why would he do that? Why did Pompeo meet with the head of mossad in a cafe?
Because they gave it all up.
Can someone fill me in on what’s going on with Durham????
Mifsud is a central character/witness to the whole Russiagate conspiracy perpetrated on President Trump to oust him from office.
He went “missing” for a little bit but good to know that Durham, and likely Pompey have interviewed him.
This. Durhram didn't interview him about the election. It was about Russiagate.
Durham is lurking, waiting to drop the MOAB. It's coming...
I will press the button where is it ?
Yeah, I feel that way too.
Many say Durham is doing nothing. I dont know, the 1 picture of Durham always looks scary. The photo resonates "I am the law, judge and executioner" the type of guy you dont mess with. Plus the total silence surounding him gives me the chilles. I think the silence means he is doing something big-time.
X22 Report suspects just as much. Durham doesn't like to make public appearances either. I believe he's really onto something.
"The first arrest will shock the world." ~Q
Obummer? Killary? John Roberts? Lady Gaga? Tom Hanks? Joebama himself? Bill Gates? Bill Clinton?
the pope? Xiden? the Queen of England?
Well, given this Durham Italy bombshell right here, you may be right that the Pedo Pope will be the first arrest...
Catholic Christians are located on every single continent.
I'm not even Catholic and for me the idea is still hard to fathom. Red shoes, really? Oh well, I'm gonna go pop some more popcorn.
Well the Vatican was reportedly raided a couple of weeks ago when it was blacked out for a couple of nights and there were rumours beroglio has been arrested. Iirc he wasn’t seen for a while after and there were other Vatican folks arrested too. Not sure if he’s been seen publicly since?
What does Durham talking to Mifsud's lawyer have anything to do with Italy and the election? Also -knowing someone was interviewed isn't a bombshell lol
If you actually follow PapaD on Twitter, you'll find that he posts the same bullshit (including variations on this goodie) every 2-3 months. The other favorite is 'buy my book because I'm the only one that lived it.'
His story probably has some relevance, and maybe (in MANY years) we'll learn it's true - but for now, he's a grifter looking to cash in on his "fame."
His story is true..
MJ has a really good compilation album called HIStory. Fav song on there, They Don't Care About Us.
Man in the Mirror Looking Glass... Coincidence?
There are no coincidences.
Thats a lot of claims without sources, anon
Idk, ill cross my fingers but not hold my breath.
I'm sick of popcorn damnit.
I want to see the kickoff already!
? i know, but you know how many commercials before kickoff? lol
In Italy Is happening something that happens Every 2 years. The coalition of politicians in Power starts fighting bcs One doesn't agree anymore with some law that the other party proposes. They argue and if they don't find a common ground, this happens. The government falls, to avoid going to new election, they usually decide to give Power(here comes the president) to a special team(see Draghi & co.), that Is asked to be in Power until the crisis Is over. Nothing new, and 99% no Q related, sadly. Btw Q said Italy Is with potus.
Farts. I was hoping there was more to this.
All well, we still have Myanmar! You aren't gonna convince me that they aren't a part of this!
This could actually be the biggest BOOM ever. Or, like usual, nothing. But....I think it's a BOOM that won't really be seen until the battle is in the public eye. I believe that Italian guy who admitted to altering our votes.
The Knights of Malta's headquarters is one of the very few sovereign states in the world. And it is only the land on which the building sits, very strange. They are related to The Knights Hospitalar I do believe, which is also related to the american red cross, where thier red cross comes from if I am not mistaken. Very very old order. Stemming from circa 1000 a.d. they did however in the crusades whoop the Mamluk Slave Army back in the day when Islam was going on thier rampage and smashing out the templars. Whooooo them holy wars been raging for a while now!!! Jesus is King, that's what I keep in my heart.
Sidenote: Epstien's temple design is a throwback to the Mamluk's.