posted ago by Anishinaabe ago by Anishinaabe +245 / -1

Edit 1: failure I got the run around, and the person I eventually talked to had no idea what's goin' on, nor where to send me. I red-pilled her, and now I don't know where to turn to sue the fuck outta Wiscaansin.

I am tired of nothing being done about the fraud in my state.

I have been irreparably harmed by the lack of representation and transparency from my state, and I therefore have no further faith in said state.

Indeed, since my vote cannot be audited in a sufficient fashion, I cannot be assured of my vote.

This harms me totally and for the rest of my life, so I seek damages and reparations for the years I am forecasted to live.

Edit 2: failure I may be pissed that I went unheard, but I did get to red-pill a secretary. There's that, and she works for the state. If I did my job correctly, she's a new pede.