What is the other name? It must be in the public domain for them to mention it.
Was George under another public name for the 20 years they were silent?
When we find out this name, there will be a lot of comms there to go through.
Q said no outside comms and so many are jumping on this bandwagon. George might be the new media we are waiting for but I don't think they are Q team and we shouldn't go there.
There's an easily discernible lack of hope amongst some patriots with this election steal.. someone discerning might decide to help fill that vacuum as an opportunity to make money and build a new brand.
Not saying it's bad but they aren't Q and I don't trust them yet. No outside comms. If Q was switching comms they would have told us through their secure channel.
This could be the new media we were promised or it could be another pied piper. I'll watch and wait.
You really think Q would never use double meanings?
In fact, using multiple meanings & references to say the same thing many different ways and to say many different things in just one or a few ways is exactly what I would expect cryptographic comms & intelligence experts to do.
When we moved from our Twitter account that had close to 300K followers, dozens of people immediately tried to 'fill the void', and 'be' us. They have tried soliciting for 'donations' on Gofundme, CaspApp, Venmo, through fake Paypal's as well as Bitcoin.
So, it is absolutely necessary, that we 'claim' EVERY aspect of the online space, to STOP these people doing what they are doing, from all the way down there in mommy's basement.
To say again; We don't have a 'GEORGE' PayPal, CashApp, Venmo etc, we don't use ANY crypto.. We are NOT on Teespring anymore. We STOPPED using them a month ago. We will never ever be on GOFUNDME either, (unless we are promoting a cause that we 100% believe in, that is not our own)
So right now, we are in the process of verifying all our socials. We are self funded but you having our site and name on your chest or back, helps MORE than you realize. It's a catch 22 really, if we don't, someone else will, and we don't want people to think they are buying something that is not officially linked to us.
If you're new here, you have probably asked yourself, 'who is GEORGE NEWS?'
In a nut shell, we are Patriots. We have been 'online' for a long time. Both by the name you know us by now, and another. We are also credentialed for WH, State, and DoD. Yes, we are known to WH Admin (current and very much the great team 45 one) We have been invited to many secure 45 events, both locally and internationally and are also known to the WH Travel Office. Basically, we are here for the long haul. We are NOT planning on going anywhere. We are IN this. Also please note, messages we may delete here are these:
The same url / link / shared message from another group that has been posted multiple times within a recent time frame, as well as spam bot type messages staring with a "/" forward slash.
Messages asking you to email or call them (with number or email address showing)
Any form of doxing or harassment, etc.,
ANY type of message relating to a free "DJT 45" COIN.. there are no official coins available.
That's just a random example, seriously you should see some of the photos. Aboard marine 1, AF1, inside the oval office, always close enough to touch POTUS. Just search for George posts on here and you'll find them.
Saw that, read it, liked it agreed with most of it.
This message dropped shortly after that and no one here seemed to pick up on it so I thought I'd add it.
I can't help but read this in an Asian accent, "current and very much the great team 45 one". Anyone else get that too?
Also interpreted as 45 won
Yes it almost reads "current and great team 45" as if 45 is current. I would say the language is odd.
‘One’ is in reference to the first term of 45
yea that language and the fact they are selling shirts has my senses up.
It definitely reads like some poorly translated chinese.
It was authored by Sum Ting Wong.
Well hopefully he heres from Bang Ding Ow.
45 [term] one
Talking about the first term.
What is the other name? It must be in the public domain for them to mention it. Was George under another public name for the 20 years they were silent?
When we find out this name, there will be a lot of comms there to go through.
Is that name Q maybe?
That is where my mind went when I read it.
Same here and why I posted it.
Q said no outside comms and so many are jumping on this bandwagon. George might be the new media we are waiting for but I don't think they are Q team and we shouldn't go there.
Q said no outside comms. George News isn’t Q, I think it’s Jr.
JFK Jr or Don Jr?
Don Jr
I was thinking No Such Agency has "not" been around for about 20 years IIRC the post 9/11 military arm/data miners.
Might be another well known news org.
I think they meant that the channel was originally an 8kun channel
I could have sworn I read somewhere they said they were anonymous. My brain went to the group Anonymous. Idk
"I'll be back in some form"
Or they want you to believe that.
There's an easily discernible lack of hope amongst some patriots with this election steal.. someone discerning might decide to help fill that vacuum as an opportunity to make money and build a new brand.
Not saying it's bad but they aren't Q and I don't trust them yet. No outside comms. If Q was switching comms they would have told us through their secure channel.
This could be the new media we were promised or it could be another pied piper. I'll watch and wait.
I hope they are legitimate for the record.
Q said “no outside comms” so either the chans are comped and Q team is now using GN to communicate or this is fake & gay.
Exactly One thing that makes me go Hmmm though is when Q says "HELLO GEORGE".
Still too cryptic to connect these dots.
George is most certainly Soros.
You really think Q would never use double meanings?
In fact, using multiple meanings & references to say the same thing many different ways and to say many different things in just one or a few ways is exactly what I would expect cryptographic comms & intelligence experts to do.
Damn. That makes sense.
Uhh no?
I would put money on the latter being the case.
Not explicitly claiming to be Q.
Pinned message on Gerogenews telegram group.
Aegon, what does the bottom of the message say?
"02/21/2021 #UPDATE
When we moved from our Twitter account that had close to 300K followers, dozens of people immediately tried to 'fill the void', and 'be' us. They have tried soliciting for 'donations' on Gofundme, CaspApp, Venmo, through fake Paypal's as well as Bitcoin.
So, it is absolutely necessary, that we 'claim' EVERY aspect of the online space, to STOP these people doing what they are doing, from all the way down there in mommy's basement.
To say again; We don't have a 'GEORGE' PayPal, CashApp, Venmo etc, we don't use ANY crypto.. We are NOT on Teespring anymore. We STOPPED using them a month ago. We will never ever be on GOFUNDME either, (unless we are promoting a cause that we 100% believe in, that is not our own)
So right now, we are in the process of verifying all our socials. We are self funded but you having our site and name on your chest or back, helps MORE than you realize. It's a catch 22 really, if we don't, someone else will, and we don't want people to think they are buying something that is not officially linked to us.
If you're new here, you have probably asked yourself, 'who is GEORGE NEWS?'
In a nut shell, we are Patriots. We have been 'online' for a long time. Both by the name you know us by now, and another. We are also credentialed for WH, State, and DoD. Yes, we are known to WH Admin (current and very much the great team 45 one) We have been invited to many secure 45 events, both locally and internationally and are also known to the WH Travel Office. Basically, we are here for the long haul. We are NOT planning on going anywhere. We are IN this. Also please note, messages we may delete here are these:
The same url / link / shared message from another group that has been posted multiple times within a recent time frame, as well as spam bot type messages staring with a "/" forward slash.
Messages asking you to email or call them (with number or email address showing)
Any form of doxing or harassment, etc.,
ANY type of message relating to a free "DJT 45" COIN.. there are no official coins available.
And lastly, if in doubt, ALL our links are at https://linktr.ee/georgenews and our store link
"GEORGENEWS.SHOP" https://georgenews.shop
now redirects to our NEW and Official partner.
Have a GREAT day!
(above is a quote from Telegram)
https://t.me/georgenews is the URL for telegram we find in the linktr.ee URL
First time I heard about GEORGE, was when the Judges started tweeting links to them.
Things that make you go hmmmm..............
Aww the judges still around?
Over on gab.
well, that isn't very subtle at all.
I’ve been thinking about this for a while. Think we have a “new” source of bread crumbs.
Sum Ting Wong
The Anonymous Collective. They talk about it all the time. I think they were the OG Anonymous.
I'm still not sure about George. Could be an independent patriot... but not through in any trust over there yet.
What independent patriot is gonna have pics of spitting distance pics of Potus at the DMZ in korea?
Tucker carlson was there....and he does have his own media company too....
That's just a random example, seriously you should see some of the photos. Aboard marine 1, AF1, inside the oval office, always close enough to touch POTUS. Just search for George posts on here and you'll find them.
I dont doubt that if Trump is starting his own media he would give it inside access.
Drop the memes. Moving target. Makes you wonder
Saw that, read it, liked it agreed with most of it. This message dropped shortly after that and no one here seemed to pick up on it so I thought I'd add it.