Amen to that! In fact, everything that's going down now needs a museum dedicated to it as a reminder of what can happen when "We the People" get complacent. It should be mandatory viewing, either in-person or online, before anyone is allowed to vote.
Who's plan though it seriously could be either one. If white hats then you know makes sense. If black hats what if this is to cover that the installment of the puppet didn't really seem to take. They set the state swap the puppet to Harris and maybe even have her play a bit of good cop roll back his worst policies maybe to quiet us down? Maybe they can start saying "at least we don't have Biden"
The DS ALWAYS had the plan of switching out Pedo Joe. I believe this is the obvious answer to why they hid him in the basement -- Damage Control. They also lied about his mental acuity so now they can roll out the narrative that it is NOW in decline and use the 25th am.
This doesn't get mentioned on this board much but Kameltoes is illegal. She is not legally able to serve as VP let alone Pres because she's and anchor baby. Neither of her parents were US citizens. Her mother is a red dot Indian from Canada and her father is from Jamaica.
Course the ds shoved through Barry so unless the military steps in we could be looking at a Kameltoe pres with a Big Mike tranny VP. This would be the perfect sock puppet set up for Barry and co.
I am aware that Harris should not be able to legally serve. Question is do they just sweep that aside or is the big reveal that we get both a Pres and VPres we didn't vote for or consider? I think it's likely to be swept aside she is obviously a puppet herself think of how much the news didn't really talk about her on either side really. A couple disturbing socialist comments is all I heard.
Not working well enough. Liberal school teachers I know are virtue signaling about how they are getting the vaccine and everyone must not be selfish and take it or they are part of the problem.
Legit a friend in another state just told me they took the vaccine and I was well tell me how it goes.they were what ya mean.i go I cant take it due to fertility risks and there jaw dropped. Had no idea this thing could have bad effects.
IMO, getting rid of the cabal is the easy part. The hard part is un-brainwashing the masses. 95% of the people I know are lib-tards that will willingly go get a vaccine for a non-existent virus.
Starting? Great so by 2024 they'll be ready to vote for Trump in another rigged election.
Calling it now -- (NOT Pedo Joe because he'll be out of the picture long before then) next DeomRat to run for president will get 300 million votes easy.
Those libtards are not entrenched at all. On a scale of 1 to 10, they are probably a 6 or 7. The ones I come across (10 out of 10) are still suffering from TDS and think they are in paradise right now.
So, the "plan" is for a demented pedo puppet dictator to be replaced with another puppet dictator even further to the left, ideologically. That's some great plan!
Look, at least half of those public school teacher colleagues of yours are Bernie Bros to begin with, and the rest of them will go absolutely ape shit crazy with glee over the first "woman of color" President. These people are anything but "woke".
Try bringing up Hunter's laptop or "business" dealings and watch them close ranks.
Not trying to be a negative Nancy here, but that's not nearly enough
These people are so abjectly retarded that the very next words out of their mouths after they say Biden sucks would be "iF ONly It wAS HiLlAry!!!"
In fact one could say this is part of THEIR plan, get people to see how bad and unfit Biden is (because he has been acting that way since the beginning) so they won't say anything once they bring out the 25th amendment and Kameltoe takes charge.
Of course that could still be part of the whitehat plan, because then my friends is when the true precipice will be reached, the one right now is a mere little ledge.
Teachers are trained in woke before they can graduate. Science teachers teach global warming, recycling and shit like that.
Take shop class to get some reality.
Do they realize that they also suck, too?
I wish I could upvote this more than once. Too bad we don't have a Dominion upvoting system here.
If it makes you feel any better I just gave you 1.25 upvotes.
I have a feeling there will be a fire sale on Dominion machines in the very near future. Keep your eye on eBay and maybe one could become yours.
It'll be a collector's item. ;-)
The dominion machines need to go in museums with a placard that says: "NEVER FORGET"
Amen to that! In fact, everything that's going down now needs a museum dedicated to it as a reminder of what can happen when "We the People" get complacent. It should be mandatory viewing, either in-person or online, before anyone is allowed to vote.
I'd buy one just to go all 'Office Space' with it in a field somewhere.
Agreed the most woke people i work with are the most racist.
Well if you're entire worldview was built upon sex/race youd be racist af too.
Name checks out lol.
The plan wasn’t to show that Biden sucks!
Gen Flynn keeps saying there is no plan, so maybe showing Biden sucks is a plan???
^^^This exactly!
Why would General Flynn ever say there is a plan if the plan existed?
I think he was using the mirror tactic myself.
But when someone you consider a leader continues to deny there is a plan it's kind of unnerving.
Mabey there is no plan.
I’m thinking more and more we are it, we are the plan and we need to make the changes by starting in our own communities and work up from there.
Could be.
We just have to pray we didn't go through the last 4 years just to go back to the evil ways that lead to DJT in the first place.
Ohh no.its going to be much much worse.
Who's plan though it seriously could be either one. If white hats then you know makes sense. If black hats what if this is to cover that the installment of the puppet didn't really seem to take. They set the state swap the puppet to Harris and maybe even have her play a bit of good cop roll back his worst policies maybe to quiet us down? Maybe they can start saying "at least we don't have Biden"
The DS ALWAYS had the plan of switching out Pedo Joe. I believe this is the obvious answer to why they hid him in the basement -- Damage Control. They also lied about his mental acuity so now they can roll out the narrative that it is NOW in decline and use the 25th am.
This doesn't get mentioned on this board much but Kameltoes is illegal. She is not legally able to serve as VP let alone Pres because she's and anchor baby. Neither of her parents were US citizens. Her mother is a red dot Indian from Canada and her father is from Jamaica.
Course the ds shoved through Barry so unless the military steps in we could be looking at a Kameltoe pres with a Big Mike tranny VP. This would be the perfect sock puppet set up for Barry and co.
I am aware that Harris should not be able to legally serve. Question is do they just sweep that aside or is the big reveal that we get both a Pres and VPres we didn't vote for or consider? I think it's likely to be swept aside she is obviously a puppet herself think of how much the news didn't really talk about her on either side really. A couple disturbing socialist comments is all I heard.
That's my point about Barry -- they will just force her through and the FAKE news will lie and make shit up to make it seem legit. Shills.
Yeah I guess it makes sense to just force one through instead of two.
Not working well enough. Liberal school teachers I know are virtue signaling about how they are getting the vaccine and everyone must not be selfish and take it or they are part of the problem.
Legit a friend in another state just told me they took the vaccine and I was well tell me how it goes.they were what ya mean.i go I cant take it due to fertility risks and there jaw dropped. Had no idea this thing could have bad effects.
My body my choice only works for them
Just smile as they inject that poison. Tell em you identify as being vaccinated.
Biden SUCKS! I thought he was into pizza not hotdogs, Obama was the hotdog fan...
...and not in a good sense.
IMO, getting rid of the cabal is the easy part. The hard part is un-brainwashing the masses. 95% of the people I know are lib-tards that will willingly go get a vaccine for a non-existent virus.
Starting? Great so by 2024 they'll be ready to vote for Trump in another rigged election.
Calling it now -- (NOT Pedo Joe because he'll be out of the picture long before then) next DeomRat to run for president will get 300 million votes easy.
It’s going to be Kamala, she’s a foot in for president and will become shortly.
Ehhh they are just setting the stage so they can start demanding heels up take over. That's the real commies woke crowd's wet dream/goal.
Those libtards are not entrenched at all. On a scale of 1 to 10, they are probably a 6 or 7. The ones I come across (10 out of 10) are still suffering from TDS and think they are in paradise right now.
Well that is certainly good news. But they voted against Trump bc the MSM told them too, They were never really Xiden supporters.
I mean, if you're old and senile and trapped in an old folks home, it's better to think you're in Fiji than to think you're in Los Angeles. Lol
Liberals have short memories. They will forget how shitty he is and go onto hating the next opposition candidate when they are told so by the media.
I guess breaking the liberal hivemind is a necessary step.
That is what the left wants, for Biden to be removed so Harris will become Head Resident.
They'l concede that but still say he's better than Trump because orange man bad
So, the "plan" is for a demented pedo puppet dictator to be replaced with another puppet dictator even further to the left, ideologically. That's some great plan!
Look, at least half of those public school teacher colleagues of yours are Bernie Bros to begin with, and the rest of them will go absolutely ape shit crazy with glee over the first "woman of color" President. These people are anything but "woke".
Try bringing up Hunter's laptop or "business" dealings and watch them close ranks.
Not trying to be a negative Nancy here, but that's not nearly enough
These people are so abjectly retarded that the very next words out of their mouths after they say Biden sucks would be "iF ONly It wAS HiLlAry!!!"
In fact one could say this is part of THEIR plan, get people to see how bad and unfit Biden is (because he has been acting that way since the beginning) so they won't say anything once they bring out the 25th amendment and Kameltoe takes charge.
Of course that could still be part of the whitehat plan, because then my friends is when the true precipice will be reached, the one right now is a mere little ledge.
Why do they say he sucks? Is he not wacko enough?
This was the plan all along. Trump had to lose to show the deep state how much worse Biden is.
Teachers are trained in woke before they can graduate. Science teachers teach global warming, recycling and shit like that.
Take shop class to get some reality.