Not to take away from this because it's relevant and fascinating, but sometimes I forget just how badly Twitter amplifies the bullshit. Over on the side-bar is this:
UK national news - Last night - Women are sharing their experiences of constant safety fears following the disappearance of Sarah Everard
Like really? All women are now walking around in fear for their lives? This is the kind of paranoia we're amplifying?
Sorry to get off-topic, and I'm proceeding to watch the videos now.
Next visit Yahoo! to see what they deem as top news. None of it is news, it is all programming.
Is it any wonder that no one would dare touch anything about Racine or Wisconsin particularly when Nancy Pelosi said “it’s all riding on Wisconsin?” It is quite ironic that only one who covered anything in detail about Racine has been The Verge, where chief propagandist Nilay Patel leads the Big Tech newsletter. He is from Racine. So is Brad Smith, the President of Microsoft.
When has anyone ever told you the President of Microsoft grew up in Racine, or that Facebook’s chief censorship lawyer Anna Makanju led key community organization efforts for George Soros in Racine?
Regarding the UK and your handle, have you ever researched Lord Carrington? Who are the real Pilgrims (Society)?
Racine is the gateway to the Path of Souls through Orion and the Milky Way. This is why there are so many mounds in the area. What happened at Carthage and Aztalan?
Racine was also the Invention Capital of the World and one of America’s most industrious cities. Racine was the original Chicago. Ask Mitt Romney why he was named after the QB of the Racine Legion NFL team, what the Voree plates are, and why he chose Paul Ryan as his running mate.
Why are the Knights Templar closely linked with Racine? Why is the Vatican also closely linked with Racine? Why is the head of Shriners International from Racine? Why is the founder of Rotary International from Racine? Why is Racine the birthplace of modern propaganda?
What is the Sphinx Head Society and what is the hidden knowledge from the Hall of Records?
Racine is the most important place in ancient, historical, present and future times that so few know the real story of.
The corrupt moderators and administrators deleted a lot of important information, however you can still connect many dots by using and looking up comments and posts about Racine. It goes back several years.
A few brave people exposed the corruption and manipulation at Voat, and Racine was a key element of this as it became very clear that they could not allow anyone to know what was really going on in Racine. Users were bribed, blackmailed, doxxed, threatened and attacked both on Voat and in real life. Professional assassin teams were sent after a couple of members in particular.
Jenny Moore’s last submission on Voat was when she forced George Webb (Sweigert) to go to Racine. He never wanted to, and was exposed as a liar right in front of her. She eventually figured it all out, and George has blocked users who have asked about what really happened in Racine. There is much more to this story. Why would George claim to have met Jesus Christ in Racine who George said “had the drop on him”, only to later say he never wanted any help from Jesus or from Jenny, and gave them both too much credit? George is not Christian. Jenny was.
Voat was a honeypot from the beginning, and once exposed, they shut it down.
People are siffering, our dollar is inflating, good jobs are being nipped at the bud, gas prices shooting up, energy independence is fading as we fund terrorists for the same oil we have at home, criminal governors still govern, crime is high, as are suicides and divorces, these are real life consequences to this election steal that teal people are suffering through.
And though we believe in a plan, we don't know what it is, what it involves, or how much more we have to suffer.
My life hasn't changed at all but for many people, life is hell.
Phil Kline with the Amistad Project has been all over this from the beginning. Zuck's evil. See below for a full report on just how deeply involved with this steal he really was.
IMHO every vote that these people had access to is invalid. All of them. This is literally one political party being able to count the votes without the other side having any say so. Its the very definition of rigged. Sigh. Whatever.
Sometimes I really think all it takes is just for a few brave leaders to call things out, to get the populace into motion. Sometimes I believe this is why it is said, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming. Because We The People are what is coming in my opinion. And we're already on thier tails hardcore. All we have to do I believe, is just keep pushing.
Watching For Slush Funds...Critical (Though Half-Baked) Hypothesis Regarding Elections Assistance Commission
Yesterday the Dominion CEO testified to a committee of the Michigan Legislature. In his testimony, he defended his company's products and cited several organizations that support him. One of those mentioned was EAC, the Elections Assistance Commission (EAC).
Title Of Voat post about this hearing: "Live Link: Dominion CEO Testifying Before Michigan Legislature"
Most of us voters do not know about the EAC, as they don't directly serve US, but rather serve the Elections officials. But, since I believe in scrutinizing all of the little known government agencies for their slushiness, this one is under the microscope now.
Here's a link to their website and the page under scrutiny now:
BTW, D-guy (Dominion-guy) mentioned HAVA in his testimony as did others in recent days (like ASOG in their forensic audit report and Amistad's Kline in his testimony to AZ or WI(?) Legislature). I'm gonna have to read up on the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) as I continue to bake this hypothesis.
Anyway, here's the half-baked hypothesis:
"They" are always looking for avenues to increase control of US while diverting funds to "themselves". (The boundaries of "they" are hard to define, as I don't limit it to just Democrats.)
"They" work to create agencies that allow them to allocate taxpayer dollars with little scrutiny, like EAC.
The Election Assistance Commission was created with a dual goal in mind for "them": * Control of elections and * opportunity to obtain taxpayer dollars for skimming (the slushy part).
So, coincidentally, I notice that Senator Ron Johnson, R(WI?), Is holding a hearing today at 9:00am Eastern about Elections Integrity. Perhaps the EAC will be mentioned.
Title Of Voat post:
'Americans Don't Believe This Was a Legitimate Election' - Senate Committee to Hold Oversight Hearing to Examine Irregularities in 2020 Election Tomorrow Morning
Again this was from 2-3 months ago, but the article made me think about it again.
Interestingly, Wisconsin was given an award by EAC for their 2020 Elections Performance. 2020 CLEARIE Award for "Winners for Improving Accessibility for Voters with Disabilities:"
Ottawa County Clerk/Register of Deeds Office, Elections Division (MI) got a 2020 CLEARIE Award "For Outstanding Innovation in Election Cybersecurity and Technology:"
Maricopa County Elections Department (AZ) got a 2020 CLEARIE Award from EAC "For Outstanding Innovations in Election (Large Jurisdictions):"
And what's gonna happen to Zuck? Probably nothing.
it's to the point where...
Normie: looks at the crime
Also Normie: Hmm... so it was! Aaaanyway, as I was saying, Orange Man Bad, amirite??
Yup the rhinos will call them in for a zoom call yell at them like a 5yr old and go about their day that's all.
Racine, Wisconsin is the model pivot district used by Zuckerberg, CTCL, Knight Foundation and other partners involved.
Here is the testimony from Paul Kline about this exact “flow of Zuckerberg’s money” to Racine:
Expose the “Root” and model - Racine, Wisconsin.
Not to take away from this because it's relevant and fascinating, but sometimes I forget just how badly Twitter amplifies the bullshit. Over on the side-bar is this:
UK national news - Last night - Women are sharing their experiences of constant safety fears following the disappearance of Sarah Everard
Like really? All women are now walking around in fear for their lives? This is the kind of paranoia we're amplifying?
Sorry to get off-topic, and I'm proceeding to watch the videos now.
Next visit Yahoo! to see what they deem as top news. None of it is news, it is all programming.
Is it any wonder that no one would dare touch anything about Racine or Wisconsin particularly when Nancy Pelosi said “it’s all riding on Wisconsin?” It is quite ironic that only one who covered anything in detail about Racine has been The Verge, where chief propagandist Nilay Patel leads the Big Tech newsletter. He is from Racine. So is Brad Smith, the President of Microsoft.
When has anyone ever told you the President of Microsoft grew up in Racine, or that Facebook’s chief censorship lawyer Anna Makanju led key community organization efforts for George Soros in Racine?
Regarding the UK and your handle, have you ever researched Lord Carrington? Who are the real Pilgrims (Society)?
Fascinating connections I had no idea existed! Why Racine, though? What started there and why did they pick that place in particular?
The "Knight Foundation" sounds like some Knights Templar cult stuff...
Racine is the gateway to the Path of Souls through Orion and the Milky Way. This is why there are so many mounds in the area. What happened at Carthage and Aztalan?
Racine was also the Invention Capital of the World and one of America’s most industrious cities. Racine was the original Chicago. Ask Mitt Romney why he was named after the QB of the Racine Legion NFL team, what the Voree plates are, and why he chose Paul Ryan as his running mate.
Why are the Knights Templar closely linked with Racine? Why is the Vatican also closely linked with Racine? Why is the head of Shriners International from Racine? Why is the founder of Rotary International from Racine? Why is Racine the birthplace of modern propaganda?
What is the Sphinx Head Society and what is the hidden knowledge from the Hall of Records?
Racine is the most important place in ancient, historical, present and future times that so few know the real story of.
Wow. A mini-history lesson! Thanks, Fren!
Now the question is, what can we do about it? What are we doing to do about it?
Is it like a tumor that must be removed? Can we treat it with "chemo" (NCSWIC)? If it's so entrenched, is there really anything that can be done?
Expose the “root” (Racine means Root) by any means necessary.
Shine the light on Racine and The Truth will emerge for All to Know.
Turn their own model community against them to reveal the real Agenda.
The Truth has been Shared since The Beginning.
The Parousia begins in Racine.
This is a .win
What really happened at Voat?
What really happened to @Jem777 and @WIsconsin_Is_Corrupt from Voat?
Racine, Wisconsin is the real reason Voat was shut down on Christmas.
The corrupt moderators and administrators deleted a lot of important information, however you can still connect many dots by using and looking up comments and posts about Racine. It goes back several years.
A few brave people exposed the corruption and manipulation at Voat, and Racine was a key element of this as it became very clear that they could not allow anyone to know what was really going on in Racine. Users were bribed, blackmailed, doxxed, threatened and attacked both on Voat and in real life. Professional assassin teams were sent after a couple of members in particular.
Jenny Moore’s last submission on Voat was when she forced George Webb (Sweigert) to go to Racine. He never wanted to, and was exposed as a liar right in front of her. She eventually figured it all out, and George has blocked users who have asked about what really happened in Racine. There is much more to this story. Why would George claim to have met Jesus Christ in Racine who George said “had the drop on him”, only to later say he never wanted any help from Jesus or from Jenny, and gave them both too much credit? George is not Christian. Jenny was.
Voat was a honeypot from the beginning, and once exposed, they shut it down.
People are siffering, our dollar is inflating, good jobs are being nipped at the bud, gas prices shooting up, energy independence is fading as we fund terrorists for the same oil we have at home, criminal governors still govern, crime is high, as are suicides and divorces, these are real life consequences to this election steal that teal people are suffering through.
And though we believe in a plan, we don't know what it is, what it involves, or how much more we have to suffer.
My life hasn't changed at all but for many people, life is hell.
lmao remember when 'law' and 'order' was a thing?
It will be again when this alien is serving life in Gitmo.
What's that?
Phil Kline with the Amistad Project has been all over this from the beginning. Zuck's evil. See below for a full report on just how deeply involved with this steal he really was.
Amistad Report
Here is where Phill states that Racine, Wisconsin was the model community -
Testimony from Paul Kline about this exact “flow of Zuckerberg’s money” to Racine:
I'm shocked \s
Kamala Harris' niece is married to one of Facebook's top executives.
IMHO every vote that these people had access to is invalid. All of them. This is literally one political party being able to count the votes without the other side having any say so. Its the very definition of rigged. Sigh. Whatever.
Is it 1776 yet?
Time to lock this alien looking piece of shit up!!
Sometimes I really think all it takes is just for a few brave leaders to call things out, to get the populace into motion. Sometimes I believe this is why it is said, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming. Because We The People are what is coming in my opinion. And we're already on thier tails hardcore. All we have to do I believe, is just keep pushing.
Duh. He was open about funding it. So was the gates foundation
If TPTB won't investigate him, let's do it ourselves and get the info out there until they HAVE to pay attention to it.
Meekon headed, moon faced fag.
From Voat about 2.5-3 months ago:
Again this was from 2-3 months ago, but the article made me think about it again.
Interestingly, Wisconsin was given an award by EAC for their 2020 Elections Performance. 2020 CLEARIE Award for "Winners for Improving Accessibility for Voters with Disabilities:"
Ottawa County Clerk/Register of Deeds Office, Elections Division (MI) got a 2020 CLEARIE Award "For Outstanding Innovation in Election Cybersecurity and Technology:"
Maricopa County Elections Department (AZ) got a 2020 CLEARIE Award from EAC "For Outstanding Innovations in Election (Large Jurisdictions):"