There’s no good reason why every last governor across this country shouldn’t be like this guy, yet so few are. I can’t wait until this cesspool of government is cleaned out from top to bottom and these DS players are ended.
In the meantime... enjoy your sunshine and (relative) sanity in your beautiful native state.
I disagree. While I am glad he is coming around......... there’s no good reason why every last governor across this country shouldn’t be like Gov Noem of SD.
Yes, she’s one of the “so few”. Imagine how amazing our entire society-and the world - would be right now if we’d had people of this caliber in leadership roles all along. SMH
That point being if the citizenry votes in a way that she doesn’t approve, then she will use taxpayer money to launch a legal campaign to nullify the amendment to the constitution that was lawfully instated by ballot initiative.
Like she has done with the recreational legalization of cannabis. She even found a judge that agreed with her paper thin technicality.
She is overriding the legitimate will of the people of her state.
its odd to me too. There are two approaches to gaining power and almost all of those who want power or to keep their power are all taking the hard path.
If you do a good job as an elected official by your constituents standers you will stay an elected official, make a crap ton of money, and this will continue for a long time. This is the easier path.
The harder path is pay off massive amounts of people to perpetuate mail ballot fraud, pay off the poll workers to throw out/stuff/fraudulently rig the polls, pay off election officials to let it happen, pay off judges, police, DAs to let it happen, pay off a company to rig their electronic voting machines, pay off foreign and domestic corporations, pay off foreign governments, pay off the mainstream media and big tech to run interference for you. That is more painful, tiring, heavily weighing, worrying, all more difficult to organize, coordinate and execute. And the end result is the same: you gain power/remain in power, and make money. Only this hard path you are now in debt to and/or owe favors to a million other entities that now control you.
The problem with the leftist/socialist/rino/uniparty MO is that they have to deceive; they absolutely cannot thrive with “the light” (of Truth) shining on them because virtually NO ONE wants the real garbage they’re peddling.
Working hard and honestly to obtain noble goals is not what they want to do and we have to pull the veil away from them and expose them. They don’t want people to be free, to be happy, to have fulfilling lives and close families and friendships. They don’t want fairness or justice or equality and they don’t care if they have the respect of their constituents. What they want is money and power, some even have perverse sickness and want to see people suffer, and what they say is whatever they need to in order to sound like decent, caring human beings.
How many times have we wondered why we can’t halt the “war on drugs” or lift our less fortunate out of poverty - for decades now? Now they’re flat-out crushing as many people as they possibly can into dust. You and I and the good souls on this site and in this country and across the world cannot think like these deceivers and we’re not going to “pretend along with” them. (Rant over. Lol. Thank you for your perspective).
agreed. Everyone who says "leftists are dumb" are wrong. Their Brown Shirts; Antifa and BLM are "dumb", and it is only the foot soldiers, the organizers are not. The young adults who believe the lefts emotional appeals are dumb, the ones making the emotional appeals are not.
The left are conniving, evil, and everything they do is with the purpose to gain power and destroy opposition. They dont believe Trump is racist, they know it works against him. They dont believe there was an "insurrection" on January 6th, they are using it to arrest Trump supporters draft laws targeting them. There is so much that the left does that cannot be dismissed as "stupid". I wish everyone understood that.
In no way are Republican party officials are any better. They are all the same. The only difference is the Democrats publicly cheer on the destruction of the US while they benefit from it, the Republicans are silent or make gutless statements, but they also support the destruction privately because they too are benefiting from it.
Spent 5 maskless days in Ft Meyer Beach last week... it was awesome... FL is the pandemic promised land as far as I'm concerned
I also spent 8 maskless hrs amongst 750k maskless patriots on Jan 6th and still no coof... I know the the virus is real but MSM actors have exaggerated its severity to violate our Constitutional rights and push these experimental vaccines... no way I'm taking an experimental vaccine when there are multiple effective treatments that have been around for decades
They're doing this on purpose, the goal is to concentrate "conservatives" (whatever that actually means) into a Florida-to-Texas strip, which will be isolated from the rest of the country through travel/health restrictions, essentially quarantined. And Trump seems fine with it.
Things seem to be heating up around the country so I’m expecting flare-ups by the violent DS puppets. They’ll try their tactics in the blue cities where the power structures are still infested with a catch-and-release, destruction-is-desirable hubris.
Speaking of puppets, the Biden character is likely not “deciding” anything on his own, but his puppet-masters would be more likely to try and restrict travel into and out of any “non-compliant” state. Just mho.
I love this guy. I swear Florida has the best govonor in the entire country. I am certain that he has a bright future. I am guessing he is a future President of the United States of America.
I live in Florida as well...... And our Governor is doing a better than average job.
But here’s his future problem.... because he comes off as a tough guy and a wise ass to the left..... it puts him in the.... dare I say it ..... Donald Trump category.
So the left will now have to cheat if necessary to beat him and make him an example, in the next election.
And we all know what a wonderful job the GOP did the come to Mr Trumps aid in fighting election fraud........ Don’t We?
They're doing this on purpose, the goal is to concentrate "conservatives" (whatever that actually means) into a Florida-to-Texas strip, which will be isolated from the rest of the country through travel/health restrictions, essentially quarantined. And Trump seems fine with it.
He is now one reason why I love living in FL. Aside from being born and raised here.
There’s no good reason why every last governor across this country shouldn’t be like this guy, yet so few are. I can’t wait until this cesspool of government is cleaned out from top to bottom and these DS players are ended.
In the meantime... enjoy your sunshine and (relative) sanity in your beautiful native state.
I disagree. While I am glad he is coming around......... there’s no good reason why every last governor across this country shouldn’t be like Gov Noem of SD.
Yes, she’s one of the “so few”. Imagine how amazing our entire society-and the world - would be right now if we’d had people of this caliber in leadership roles all along. SMH
Yeah, she’s good. Up to a point.
That point being if the citizenry votes in a way that she doesn’t approve, then she will use taxpayer money to launch a legal campaign to nullify the amendment to the constitution that was lawfully instated by ballot initiative.
Like she has done with the recreational legalization of cannabis. She even found a judge that agreed with her paper thin technicality.
She is overriding the legitimate will of the people of her state.
It is it’s own brand of tyrannical.
its odd to me too. There are two approaches to gaining power and almost all of those who want power or to keep their power are all taking the hard path.
If you do a good job as an elected official by your constituents standers you will stay an elected official, make a crap ton of money, and this will continue for a long time. This is the easier path.
The harder path is pay off massive amounts of people to perpetuate mail ballot fraud, pay off the poll workers to throw out/stuff/fraudulently rig the polls, pay off election officials to let it happen, pay off judges, police, DAs to let it happen, pay off a company to rig their electronic voting machines, pay off foreign and domestic corporations, pay off foreign governments, pay off the mainstream media and big tech to run interference for you. That is more painful, tiring, heavily weighing, worrying, all more difficult to organize, coordinate and execute. And the end result is the same: you gain power/remain in power, and make money. Only this hard path you are now in debt to and/or owe favors to a million other entities that now control you.
The problem with the leftist/socialist/rino/uniparty MO is that they have to deceive; they absolutely cannot thrive with “the light” (of Truth) shining on them because virtually NO ONE wants the real garbage they’re peddling.
Working hard and honestly to obtain noble goals is not what they want to do and we have to pull the veil away from them and expose them. They don’t want people to be free, to be happy, to have fulfilling lives and close families and friendships. They don’t want fairness or justice or equality and they don’t care if they have the respect of their constituents. What they want is money and power, some even have perverse sickness and want to see people suffer, and what they say is whatever they need to in order to sound like decent, caring human beings.
How many times have we wondered why we can’t halt the “war on drugs” or lift our less fortunate out of poverty - for decades now? Now they’re flat-out crushing as many people as they possibly can into dust. You and I and the good souls on this site and in this country and across the world cannot think like these deceivers and we’re not going to “pretend along with” them. (Rant over. Lol. Thank you for your perspective).
agreed. Everyone who says "leftists are dumb" are wrong. Their Brown Shirts; Antifa and BLM are "dumb", and it is only the foot soldiers, the organizers are not. The young adults who believe the lefts emotional appeals are dumb, the ones making the emotional appeals are not.
The left are conniving, evil, and everything they do is with the purpose to gain power and destroy opposition. They dont believe Trump is racist, they know it works against him. They dont believe there was an "insurrection" on January 6th, they are using it to arrest Trump supporters draft laws targeting them. There is so much that the left does that cannot be dismissed as "stupid". I wish everyone understood that.
In no way are Republican party officials are any better. They are all the same. The only difference is the Democrats publicly cheer on the destruction of the US while they benefit from it, the Republicans are silent or make gutless statements, but they also support the destruction privately because they too are benefiting from it.
Spent 5 maskless days in Ft Meyer Beach last week... it was awesome... FL is the pandemic promised land as far as I'm concerned
I also spent 8 maskless hrs amongst 750k maskless patriots on Jan 6th and still no coof... I know the the virus is real but MSM actors have exaggerated its severity to violate our Constitutional rights and push these experimental vaccines... no way I'm taking an experimental vaccine when there are multiple effective treatments that have been around for decades
You know it is real ?? How ?? It’s a virus so deadly and real, they haven’t been able to isolate it after a year ?
It’s a cold, or a malfunctioning Chinese nano-bot ... repackaged and rebranded for an election year.
Basically this ^^^
They're doing this on purpose, the goal is to concentrate "conservatives" (whatever that actually means) into a Florida-to-Texas strip, which will be isolated from the rest of the country through travel/health restrictions, essentially quarantined. And Trump seems fine with it.
And I am blessed and grateful to be living in FL
but let me be the first to say ... since THEY control the weather ... I think FL is going to have one of the worst hurricane seasons ever
stock up Floridians, its going to be bad bad bad
remember last year the hurricanes ALL going to one location, all oil producing locations ... i wondered about that then
and it was one after the other after the other, it was strange to say the least
and awomen
This should have never happened. SD should be the standard not FL. I am glad to see other governors finally coming to that realization.
I'm not locking down. Don't give twinfucks. My doors are never closing again.
Things seem to be heating up around the country so I’m expecting flare-ups by the violent DS puppets. They’ll try their tactics in the blue cities where the power structures are still infested with a catch-and-release, destruction-is-desirable hubris.
Speaking of puppets, the Biden character is likely not “deciding” anything on his own, but his puppet-masters would be more likely to try and restrict travel into and out of any “non-compliant” state. Just mho.
I love this guy. I swear Florida has the best govonor in the entire country. I am certain that he has a bright future. I am guessing he is a future President of the United States of America.
We dodged a bullet thought. We could have ended up with a druggie bisexual Soros loving Democrat
Anyone here follow the reporting of the Tampa Bay Times?
Stay vigilant fellow Floridians
Much better governor than Wolf...
If this shit keeps up I am definitely moving to Florida, South Dakota or Texas.
I live in Florida as well...... And our Governor is doing a better than average job.
But here’s his future problem.... because he comes off as a tough guy and a wise ass to the left..... it puts him in the.... dare I say it ..... Donald Trump category.
So the left will now have to cheat if necessary to beat him and make him an example, in the next election.
And we all know what a wonderful job the GOP did the come to Mr Trumps aid in fighting election fraud........ Don’t We?
Low rider Zombie
They're doing this on purpose, the goal is to concentrate "conservatives" (whatever that actually means) into a Florida-to-Texas strip, which will be isolated from the rest of the country through travel/health restrictions, essentially quarantined. And Trump seems fine with it.
South Dakota be like....PSSSHHHHHH...