My father has been fighting lung cancer for the past year, and he caught COVID (at least, according to the PCR test) in June 2020. He was 71.
He got the jab on Feb 21. On Feb 24 my stepmom rushed him to the ER. The doctor told him his body was shutting down, and he needed to get on a ventilator immediately, or he wouldn't survive the night.
The next morning, he was gone, in spite of the vent.
Does anyone have any resources I can read/watch/listen to, to get up-to-speed on the vaccine? Why do Q followers generally think the vaccine is deadly, in spite of what GEOTUS said on Maria the other night?
Thanks in advance.
I am truly sorry for your loss. Please make sure your dad's death is reported to VAERS:
And in the meantime, you need to watch this video from Dr. Karen Tenpenny:
Be sure to CC the drug company who made the vaccine and the FDA.
Obtain a copy of the full and complete medical record from the hospital medical records department. You will fill out a form, and it will take a period of time to recieve the documented information. You will be asked to pay for paper copy or computer disc. This information should be reviewed by a person with knowledge of medicine. From the opinion of the medical professional, you may choose to seek legal assistance.
I’m sorry for your family’s loss. God keep you all in his protection in this difficult time. ❤️
Thank you, fren.
We are terribly sorry for your loss and we are praying for your family.
PompeiusMagnus, Really sorry to hear about your loss. There are some superb answers coming in here so I help that helps you on your journey. I cannot add any value but to say that as you move forward, you may cross people who want you to move on with your life, at any cost.
Losing a father is very tough. He had illness, he may or may not have had covid and he died soon after taking a vaccine. Your concerns and wishes to honour him are real. Please continue with my prayers. I hope you are never disheartened, find ways to remember your father and get the answers you need.
So sorry for your loss.
The vaccine is not a vaccine, at least in the traditional sense (at least the Pfizer/Moderna ones). They are experimental therapies, that inject a synthetic RNA sequence into your body, with the expectation that the RNA will be used by your cells to create the protein spike your immune system needs to recognize and create antibodies that would recognize a Covid virus if you were infected. This effectively creates an autoimmune response within your body. There are numerous reports of allergic reactions, and severe reactions, and concerns over body responses when exposed to the virus in the future.
If your dad had the AstraZeneca vaccine, that vaccine has been banned in a number of countries over the last week, due to concerns over blood clots.
You can get a lot of info online: here is a good discussion
Thank you for the input. I have no clue which one he got. I should check out his medical records.
Sorry for your loss, may he rest in peace. The IS has only approved moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson and Johnson so far. I have read that it has caused organs to shut down in some cases as an autoimmune response like attack. Report this to
Wow!? I am so sorry you lost your dad. Very sad indeed. The worst thing'll never know how many more years he would've had had he not taken the vaccination. You say he had lung cancer? Wonder if the vaccine killed off the good cells trying to control the cancer?
That's what I'm most upset about - how many years together did we lose out on?
Yes, he had stage 2 lung cancer (60 year smoker of 2 packs a day - yes, he started smoking at 11). That's an interesting idea, you may be right.
Here's a list of general vaccine problems:
My resources for the RNA gene therapy shots, which is what your father got are:
We think that it is deadly because the veterinary world has been working on coronaviruses for decades and they haven't got an animal to survive a challenge with the actual virus. They all die of autoimmune disease. These RNA shots did not have animal testing and were tested with bullcrap PCR testing the inventor of which said should never be used for disease detection. Here's a link to a story which contains further links to a pathologist that goes through the whole FDA testing of these products and points out the various flaws in their methodology.
We also think it is deadly because according the CDC's VAERS database, which notoriously undercounts events by a factor of 10, says that over 1500 people have died after the shot, with another 5500 serious events. That's way past a safe vaccine ratio of 1 out of 100,000 serious adverse effects which seems to be an industry standard.
I just know the first rule of medicine is do no harm. If you have already had Covid, then you might have the antibodies and when you get the "vaccine", your body recognizes them and begins attacking itself. I've read in some of the above resources that those who have previously had Covid are likely to have more reactions to the shot.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Thank you - great stuff!
My quick answer to the question:
That's just my quick off my head list. Some of them are also made from/with research from murdering baby humans, too.
Thank you!
So how was the vaccine let loose so early
I’m sorry fren. Same thing with my mother-in-law.
Here’s another sauced article
The ventilators are bad too, IMO
My father's friend's mother was doing fine. Going about physical and daily activities including running. Went for a check up and was told she had fluid in her lungs. Admitted for COVID. Put on ventilator. Died next day.
Did she get the vaccine?
No. I wouldn't be surprised if the ventilator was put incorrectly.
Thank you! I knew that going on the ventilator was practically a death sentence, and I told him that, but he decided to do it anyway. I really wish he hadn't.
Yup. Ventilators are modern day guillotines. I'm terrified to even go to the hospital for anything now. they've just become giant murder facilities over night.
So sorry to hear that. :'(
What always threw up red flags for me was this study I read years ago. It was on, it was only available thanks to a freedom of information act request. And the study was from 2001, and it found that kids taking this vaccine were statistically significantly more likely to develop autism. And it really rubbed me the wrong way, after all of these years of them saying there was no link between vaccines and autism. And then I find a study that was classified and kept out of the public eye, only available thanks to a FOIA request.
Crappy thing is, I've tried to find that study again in recent years and had no luck, so I have no way of proving that story to you. But ever since then I've had very little trust in vaccines.
Then you look into the way the media covers it. In my experience I find that the media always smears the things that are true, and the things that it's most afraid of. 9/11 truth, people afraid of globalism, etc. And they are the same way about vaccines. They have a deep disdain for anyone who has any questions about it, and that to me is a giant red flag. If they're so healthy and important, why not address concerns head on and have some honesty in the science. They don't.
That's a great point - thanks, fren!
So very sorry for your loss. I will pray for you and your family. Here is a short clip where Gates refers to using vaccines as a means of controlling the global population:
Wow so very sorry for yall, fren! I am terrified bc my dad is in his 70s and got it. He has lung(copd) & heart (pacemaker) issues. From what i have read, the vent does the opposite of what they say. God i hate writing that bc that happened to your pops. So sorry!
According to Erine Marie (nurse worked in NY) the hospital staff got extra cash for each patient they put on a vent.
No shit?
Ideally yes. Reimbursement. Using anything in a hospital is reimbursable. Anything from a ventilator to even giving someone a pamphlet on smoking cessation. If you can make money off of it, they will. Hospitals are disgusting and absolutely greedy. I work with a surgeon who gets paid 15k - 30k for his surgeries. Hospital will bill the same patient's insurance 450k. Insurance will always underpay what asked for, but the insurance will still fork out ~250k. It is an absolute joke what hospitals do to make max profit without disclosing it to the patient.
If you ever get a bill from a hospital, ask for it to be itemized. You will watch as the price shrinks drastically.
Yeah, $19,200 for each patient, if I recall correctly.
Oh yeah - my dad had COPD as well. I knew the vent was practically a death sentence, and I told him that, but he decided to do it anyway. He never really questioned anything the MSM told him - he was one of those old school guys who believed the government would never lie to you.
Praying your pops is okay!
Thanks! Yes.....same. Hard to get them to believe ANYTHING else!
So sorry for your loss. Prayers for your family.
1: was his body genuinely shutting down or did they just trust the doctor (there is money attached to ventilating and once ventilated high high risk of death)
2: tons of medical opinions on why it is not safe. Too many to count.
I guess I'd need to have his medical records examined by someone, I honestly don't know - only what my stepmother and sister have told me.
My pops had it yesterday and today he went home from work early. When I popped by he was looking week, napping which he doesn't normally do, covered up on the couch, oddly quiet.
This was the first dose of Moderna. He said it was juat allergiesbut flowers have t bloomed yet and trees have not begun pollenating. It was also raining all day today so the air wouldn't be carrying much allergen in the first place.
I'm concerned about the second dose in a couple of weeks after how this one hit this bull of a man.
2nd dose is the one causing the more severe reactions in most people.
Look at this video that explains what the "vaccine" will do to people.
Too big to fucking share but who cares right?
I can't send that on ANY venue because it's too large. Not gmail, not text, not whatsapp, literally nothing.
How the fuck am i supposed to share a 199mg file?
I'm sorry for your loss. Check as well as and
Thank you for these!
I am so sorry for the loss of your dad!
This website has just loads of info. I bookmarked it the other day:
Best wishes, Fren
Sorry to hear that.
Many people question vaccines for a number of reasons. First, if you take a vaccine and you are harmed or die, the law says you cannot sue the manufacturere. It is the only business like that. Raises the question: Why?
Second, the makers of vaccines do not fully disclose what ingredients are in them. Here is an idea of what might be in vaccines:
The website that came from talks about how the medical industry is probably the leading cause of death in the USA ("probably" because they don't like to keep accurate statistics on this, but if you add 2+2, it is obvious):
Third, there are many (as in millions) of reports that people say they or their child had a vaccine and their life changed for the worse, or they died. No other product has the horrible track record.
If I were in your position, I would first get the medical records. After that, I would get a copy of the death certificate. I would want to know if "Covid" is listed as a cause of death. Good chance it is, and if so, it is fraud.
I would take those to 3 different lawyers who specialize in suing hospitals and doctors. They can direct you to resources that would be helpful.
I would also send a certified letter/return receipt to the hospital asking for their financial records related to your father's care (do this last). I would want to know how much they were paid for each thing they did -- vaccine if they gave that, admission to hospital/clinic, ventilator, payment for death and Covid extra payments.
They will NOT release this information. I would follow up their letter of refusal with another letter stating that I want to know if they received additional money due to a Covid diagnosis and/or vaccine and/or ventilator. Of course, they did; and of course, they will not tell you (until you sue).
I would do this so a jury could see they were hiding information. You will get it in discovery, if you sue (you won't get it if you don't). You may or may not sue, but these are things I would be thinking about.
Also, find out what test they used to "diagnose" for Covid. It will be some form of PCR. Get that on record because using PCR for diagnosis if fraud.
If you can prove fraud, in addition to other things, it carries treble damages (triple the damages).
These are the types of things to be thinking about if you want to go all in. Somebody has to, or they will keep killing people.
The following article is controversial, both due to the content and due to the fact that the "author" cannot be verified. Still, it is a good summary of the fraud being perpetrated:
Corey Lynn has done a lot of good investigative writing on this topic. It is a tangled web of lies and deception at multiple levels. It will not be easy to get your head around all of it. It will take some time. Here is one of her articles, but search on her website for more:
This is the man who invented the PCR technique. Would be nice to have him around right now, but he died mysteriously just a few months before the Covid thing hit, in 2019. He was very outspoken about the fact that the PCR he invented (and recieved a Nobel Prize for) was never a diagnostic tool, and using it that way was not science. He specifically called out Anthony Fauci years ago as knowing nothing about science, and pushing this same exact scam on the public regarding HIV.
Good luck.
It's hard to say from our position how dangerous the vaccine is.
There have been some reports of deaths following the vaccine. However when you consider the large number of older folks receiving it you would expect some to die naturally soon after. The only way to know is with a double blind trial and that's not happening.
Nobody here is going to get it because we have the data on how survivable this flu is. Given that, we aren't going to take such an unreasonable risk with the unknowns of vaccine.
I have two relevant experiences. One individual in my family received the vaccine and soon after had flu like symptoms. Another family member (with lung cancer) tested positive and went to the hospital. The doctors neglected her and didn't even bother to feed her. Nobody saw her. She didn't get meds for her lung infection. She was just left to die.
Look at this video that explains what the "vaccine" will do to people and what happened will make more sense.
PompeiusMagnus, I am so terribly sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my prayers.
I'm so sorry.
Ill give you a quick hit parade of why vacs is not trusted here. Tldr: the pandemic is a fraud, and all the vaccines will do is show who gets the money for said fraud.
There is more im sure, but it gives you something to look into.
Prayers and love to you. I am so sorry for your loss. ??
Deeply sorry for you loss and praying for you.
Truth about Covid Vaccine
Covid 19 Vaccine Side Effects
I’m sorry for your loss, but highly suspicious this will be logged as a Covid related death rather than a vaccine related one.
I have no idea how they marked his death certificate... only that he got the jab on the 21st, and he was dead by the 25th.
so sorry. you might contact
one potential danger of the jab is that is can trigger an exaggerated immune response in people exposed or re-exposed to the virus -- a cytokine storm.
Man, I am really, really sorry to hear about your father. I'll be 71 myself in a few weeks and we won't be getting the shots. It's not really a vaccine. I told my doc I had too many questions about the long term effects. Our son got the two injections and he told us after the second one he became extremely ill and couldn't go to work. It's the long term effects we're most worried about. But I've read it shouldn't be called a vaccine because it's really a "delivery system."
There's also a letter I recently read from one of the researchers that worked with Bill Gates on this vaccine. He's urging people not to take it because long term effects are not know. And he fears a devastating population drop because of it.
This website might help you.
First thing to understand is that the PCR test cannot identify COVID 19 or Cov SARs 2......
It can indicate the presence of the Corona Virus but in doing so it cannot say if you have it or had it over the last 12 months etc....
In addition, the cycle rates that are set for the PCR test is on average higher than the necessary number of cycles to make the test accurate.... hence the high number of false positives test results..... currently that is around a 98% false positive rate.... the number of cycles needed to give a reasonably accurate result is approximately 20-25 cycles.... PCR tests being used at the moment have around a 38 to 45 cycles set which in effect makes them unreliable....
So I would not trust such a test....
You can find several interviews with the maker or inventor of the PCR test who has stated publicly that his PCR test is useless as a diagnostic test for COVID-19 and completely unreliable as a test for Corona Virus.....
Think of Corona Virus as HIV, say and COVID-19 as AIDs...... in that way it is easier to understand how the MSM et al are twisting virus facts..... as they do with reporting deaths of people with Corona Virus and deaths of people from COVID-19... in effect the total deaths in the USA from COVID-19 is around 12,000 people and not the hundreds of thousands being reported.....
The closest comparison is the Flu.... and that is why it effects older people or people with underlying conditions.... we all hear anecdotal evidence of old or already ill people going into hospital after a fall, say but while in there they die of the flu or pneumonia.....
The total deaths in the USA and UK last year was no greater than the previous 5 years of total recorded deaths.....
In addition, the flu is and has still been killing more people than the Corona Virus....! Conservatively, according to government figures by 2/3’s more....!
Very sorry for your to loss Pede ! Hang in there !
This doc has a lot of info !
Lookup mRNA and how it fucks you.
Also drug companies are the highest death contribution world wide. Yes higher then cars. Why would you trust practicing medicine? Do you want to be a lab rat? Pffffft
Because why would you need a vaccine for a virus with a 99% survival rate that your dad with pre-existing conditions already survived? I am no epidemiologist nor an anti-vaxxer, but the ONLY times I have ever gotten the flu is a few months after getting a flu shot. I am just a skeptic and can put two and two together to get four.
Interesting that you say that... the only years I have ever gotten the flu have been the years I've gotten the flu shot as well... I stopped getting it 10 or 12 years ago. Thanks for the input!