posted ago by ftc316 ago by ftc316 +199 / -0

I have not worn a mask anywhere since the inception of this con a year ago. Twice to get my haircut and once to get required annual physical. I simply ignore anyone who gives me crap about it. That actually infuriates them even more. I have been thrown out of few stores here and there but the standard medical condition with HIPPA violations usually works no matter what store. I am literally the only person in the state of Vermont that refuses to conform it seems. Just got shamed at the post office by a cucked Karen who actually resorted to physical threats against me. probably because I ignored her whining ass. People we need to unify once and for all against this BS. Until we band together this nonsense is never going to end. Back breathing CO2 and bacteria is 100 times worse long term than catching covid will ever be. The thing that shocks me the most about all of this is the millions of LAWYERS in this country that have done nothing to bring ONE single case against the schools, business', states or federal government to make mask mandates UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Is there any lawyer out there with any balls in this country. If not, and you are a lawyer, can any of you please tell me what I PERSONALLY can do myself to file a suit against a school, business, state or Federal Government to fight for my rights and the rights of my family. Just give me the blueprint, or course of action I need to begin and I will take it from here. I am done and refuse to live this way anymore and I intend to start this ball rolling myself legally if need be. Thank You in advance.