i was in the same boat as you until he fell climbing stairs. i thought it was nonsense until i deep dove into it. im convinced that "Biden" is a combination of illusions. hes an actor in a mask for the public stuff, and a deep fake for the rest. i think hes dead or in gitmo.
Left photo is Joe Biden-Photo upper Right looks More like Joe's brother who has subbed for Joe from time to time and lower right is our current Joe Bidan
I agree that something funny is going on with the markings "in-flight". That being said, there is a whole fleet of planes that they use. What makes "AF1" special is its marking while the president is in the plane while if flight. That hasn't happen so far during this 'presidency'.
Hmmm, compare a current photo to two photos that were taken 10 and 20 years apart. I don't know, I don't buy that this isn't the "real" Biden we are currently dealing with. He's s relatively old dude, drugs and alcohol have clearly taken a toll or maybe he's even in a stage of dementia.
Take a picture of yourself - like the one of Joe smiling, once a year for the rest of you life and watch the transformation. We look in the mirror daily so the progession isn't as apparent. But you will be shocked at what you look like from 30 to 40 to 50 to 60 and damn near depressed at 78 YO.
I’m with you, and your explanation; I believe this whole premise is pretty insane. I, personally, think it’s 95% conspiracy theorists gone mad. I don’t have the time or the interest to go over all the reasons why this is beyond improbable... but I’m sure your list would look the same.
However, pace all the people who are down with this clone/double/Bidan stuff...
Nothing about the oddities of this “Biden administration” makes sense anymore, and I am long past the point of being remotely certain I know the extent of what’s transpiring.
If nothing else, it is funny. There is real humor here, and that’s always good!
The more I see of all this, all this surreal weirdness, the more thoughts creep up that, just maaaaybe, he really could possibly be an actor. The insanely short workdays, coupled with the seeming pre-recording of some appearances make these scenarios at least possible, as the makeup/mask would be a bear to do every day, or keep up for too long - nobody could do this fakery 24/7... and because it’s ok’ Basement Joe, nobody would have to. And these senile moments are almost too delicious to be real; and the falls the other day seemed so hilariously choreographed.
So yeah, I do think this stuff is crazy. I’d encourage the honest and the curious to not be too certain of anything; especially that distinct changes in appearance can’t happen with the mere rapid advance in age. But, personally, I can’t go so far as to label anyone who wants to consider it totally “crazy”. I still really don’t believe the doubles/clones thing, but I also strongly don’t believe what we’re seeing here is real. And until we do know just what’s going on... I don’t feel confident saying “never.”
Cheers, frens. May we see this movie wrap up very soon... and then all look forward to watching “The Making of...” together.
Depends if you have plastic surgery or not. I believe Joe did. A nip and tuck to make the rooster neck go away. The earlobe attaching is a clear indication of a surgery. Men "typically" don't do this, but if you want someone to appear younger looking to a certain demographic I guess it's what you would do.
My cousin had a cosmetic procedure due to an accident that did just that. I got into an argument with her about Joe not being the real Joe and I pointed his earlobes out and she proceeded to show me her before and after photos of her surgery... it happens.
True.... but, compare the Biden pictures from 2016 with Biden pictures from the 80s, or earlier, and you can see the clear connection, the clear likeness from one aging into the other.
Then all of the sudden in the last couple of years, this Biden..who looks distinctly different, despite the similarities. It's just weird.. People talk about plastic surgery, and maybe that is the explanation for it, but his "aging" alone for the past 2 years doesn't explain the significant shift in appearance.
a year or two from now... this will be a captcha.
Great comment.
BUT I think it's just a bunch of plastic surge over the years.
i was in the same boat as you until he fell climbing stairs. i thought it was nonsense until i deep dove into it. im convinced that "Biden" is a combination of illusions. hes an actor in a mask for the public stuff, and a deep fake for the rest. i think hes dead or in gitmo.
Select all the images of an actor that posed as POTUS for a few months.
Thanks! I'm here all week.
me too. i like how his eyes changed colour.
Left photo is Joe Biden-Photo upper Right looks More like Joe's brother who has subbed for Joe from time to time and lower right is our current Joe Bidan
Waiting for the female version; didn't even The Doctor get played by a woman too?
Only the real Biden could be more odious than that dumb old fart on the bottom left. The real one's got beady, greedy eyes.
I agree that something funny is going on with the markings "in-flight". That being said, there is a whole fleet of planes that they use. What makes "AF1" special is its marking while the president is in the plane while if flight. That hasn't happen so far during this 'presidency'.
Yes, it has. Just a day or two ago.
AF1 being used? Not since any MW that i've seen. I'll tune in again on tuesday
"biden" trips 3 times climbing up the stair ramp to the 747 (AF1)
Just because he's boarding a 747....even a "presidential" 747, doesn't mean it will get a callsign of AF1.
Hmmm, compare a current photo to two photos that were taken 10 and 20 years apart. I don't know, I don't buy that this isn't the "real" Biden we are currently dealing with. He's s relatively old dude, drugs and alcohol have clearly taken a toll or maybe he's even in a stage of dementia.
Take a picture of yourself - like the one of Joe smiling, once a year for the rest of you life and watch the transformation. We look in the mirror daily so the progession isn't as apparent. But you will be shocked at what you look like from 30 to 40 to 50 to 60 and damn near depressed at 78 YO.
I’m with you, and your explanation; I believe this whole premise is pretty insane. I, personally, think it’s 95% conspiracy theorists gone mad. I don’t have the time or the interest to go over all the reasons why this is beyond improbable... but I’m sure your list would look the same.
However, pace all the people who are down with this clone/double/Bidan stuff...
So yeah, I do think this stuff is crazy. I’d encourage the honest and the curious to not be too certain of anything; especially that distinct changes in appearance can’t happen with the mere rapid advance in age. But, personally, I can’t go so far as to label anyone who wants to consider it totally “crazy”. I still really don’t believe the doubles/clones thing, but I also strongly don’t believe what we’re seeing here is real. And until we do know just what’s going on... I don’t feel confident saying “never.”
Cheers, frens. May we see this movie wrap up very soon... and then all look forward to watching “The Making of...” together.
Killary definitely has a double. Or two. Recall her/it’s exit from Chelsea’s after her kuru-fallout? Not same person. Just one example, IMO.
Depends if you have plastic surgery or not. I believe Joe did. A nip and tuck to make the rooster neck go away. The earlobe attaching is a clear indication of a surgery. Men "typically" don't do this, but if you want someone to appear younger looking to a certain demographic I guess it's what you would do.
My cousin had a cosmetic procedure due to an accident that did just that. I got into an argument with her about Joe not being the real Joe and I pointed his earlobes out and she proceeded to show me her before and after photos of her surgery... it happens.
??All of the above??
Definitely come on man!
None of these guys is the same.
I think the bottom right is the real Joe.
To many differences between them: earlobes, eyes, chin dimple, mouth shape, top right has really flat/little eyes.
Fakery afoot.
Bottom right.
Upper right looks like he is trying to eat a carrot like a rabbit
True.... but, compare the Biden pictures from 2016 with Biden pictures from the 80s, or earlier, and you can see the clear connection, the clear likeness from one aging into the other.
Then all of the sudden in the last couple of years, this Biden..who looks distinctly different, despite the similarities. It's just weird.. People talk about plastic surgery, and maybe that is the explanation for it, but his "aging" alone for the past 2 years doesn't explain the significant shift in appearance.