He sure did. But if you look closely, you can see Bruce Jenner 2.0 in there. There's all the signs. The transition announcement will happen soon methinks considering he already dresses like one of those obese lesbians.
I know a girl whos father is in the Taliban, he is rotting in some prison right now, she got put into the system and went to an Antiochian Orthodox church that I had for a while. Her family ended up getting custody back of her which is a depressing thing on its own. But the FBI had picked up her father after watching him for a while. Florida is like terrorist central for some reason, we had the jihadist who flew the planes for 9/11 from here. The FBI only picks up certain people and let's others be free even though they are just as much a risk. I use to wonder why but I think the ones they pick up are ones who refuse to turn to help with false flag events.
Ive learned alot if his documentaries are cherry picked nonsense that appeals to emotion. What led me down the rabbit hole was someone pointing out flaws in Bowling For Columbine along with his thrashing by Christina Hoff Somners on Bill Maher.
I can't believe people still follow this clown. I mean he was supposedly railing against in the 1% during Occupy when he himself is part of the 1%. The guy is worth tens of millions and has giant vacation mansions all while pushing socialism and denouncing capitalism...he's a poster boy for clown world.
that fat fuck ate all the apple pie.
He sure did. But if you look closely, you can see Bruce Jenner 2.0 in there. There's all the signs. The transition announcement will happen soon methinks considering he already dresses like one of those obese lesbians.
i can see it. i always thought that he was a she to begin with.
Soy does increase estrogen.
The apple pie from the beginning of the movie? That they were just going to tell mom they ate?
every creamy morsel. kek
Have another cheeseburger and fries, you'll feel better in the morning.
i hate that fat pedophile. fat sloppy bastard. he looks like he would smell like vinegar all the goddamn time.
He’s a racist ethnostatist
The moore-bashing here is DISAPPOINTING! We need much stronger swear-words to describe this psychotic FUCKWIT CUNT!!
But somehow he evaded the FBI who were allegedly aware of him, and got some guns together? Great work FBI, great work!
remember, this is the FBI we're talking about
I know a girl whos father is in the Taliban, he is rotting in some prison right now, she got put into the system and went to an Antiochian Orthodox church that I had for a while. Her family ended up getting custody back of her which is a depressing thing on its own. But the FBI had picked up her father after watching him for a while. Florida is like terrorist central for some reason, we had the jihadist who flew the planes for 9/11 from here. The FBI only picks up certain people and let's others be free even though they are just as much a risk. I use to wonder why but I think the ones they pick up are ones who refuse to turn to help with false flag events.
Moore is an asshat. And an idiot. He must not have seen the news about this guy being radicalized and an ISIS sympathizer.
What a maroon.
The only sympathy I have for ISIS is that I feel bad for the kids they kidnapped and brainwashed who now are grown up in it.
Here in Colorado, we refer to Boulder as "6 square miles surrounded by reality"... ;)
I hate Michael Moore from the bottom of my heart.
My favorite cameo of his was in Team America: World Police
Let's not forget he's well known to be a closet tranny. He takes hormones and paints his nails.
This sick fat f*ck is such a liar and schemer. He cares nothing for truth. NEVER listen to him.
Ive learned alot if his documentaries are cherry picked nonsense that appeals to emotion. What led me down the rabbit hole was someone pointing out flaws in Bowling For Columbine along with his thrashing by Christina Hoff Somners on Bill Maher.
“violent leftist subculture” - fixed it for him.
So move to Europe you pretend socialist
I don’t think he knows what “assimilate” means.
what the fuck does Rachel Levine have to do with this?
So American they have to import people to do it! Like voting democrat.
Fun fact : Michael Moore is taking advantage of those free Krispy Kreme doughnuts after he was vaccinated.
Michael Moore's profile pic is creepy as hell.
I can't believe people still follow this clown. I mean he was supposedly railing against in the 1% during Occupy when he himself is part of the 1%. The guy is worth tens of millions and has giant vacation mansions all while pushing socialism and denouncing capitalism...he's a poster boy for clown world.
That tweet is extra strength stupid
Throw a stack of pizzas - that will distract it.
That ugly woman needs to shut the fuck up. Talking about Michael Moore here, in case anyone had any doubts.
I'm not sure he'd be compostable.
SirReg, you are my spirit Knight!