Dear A.G. Barr: "There appears to be an organized kidnapping ring operating in this country within the jurisdiction of the FBI that is not receiving proper attention."
The letter makes about as much sense as;
Dear Al Capone: "There appears to be organized illegal alcohol smuggling in Chicago during prohibition. It seems to be occurring somewhere in your organization and it is not receiving the proper attention." :>)
Yes her name escapes me atm as well but she was a victim of MKUltra and the pedo conditioning from her father and shit. Bits check out what I just found on YT.
The one you linked I’ve seen and it’s legit. The lady I’m speaking of, her father was CIA and would condition her through MKUltra and would use her with high profile ppl, she named Gerald Ford as one.
Remember when Johnny Gosch showed up at a GWB press conference as a “journalist” and had the “real” journalists question his credentials? And further that GWB had him admitted into the private residential area?
A huge WTF even then, but quickly forgotten in the post WTC and “war on terror”.
Try reading “The Franklin Coverup” .
I tried, but couldn’t continue for my own emotional stability.
I wish I could read the report about Johnny Gosch. I remembered he disappeared when he was delivering newspapers as a young boy. I've thought about him often over the years since he was around my same age; his story has always haunted me.
Dear A.G. Barr: "There appears to be an organized kidnapping ring operating in this country within the jurisdiction of the FBI that is not receiving proper attention."
The letter makes about as much sense as;
Dear Al Capone: "There appears to be organized illegal alcohol smuggling in Chicago during prohibition. It seems to be occurring somewhere in your organization and it is not receiving the proper attention." :>)
Yup. Same results.
Word ..On Point ..Exactly! And again I say ..Dear Mr. President : our country is being destroyed we need you back Sir !
That made me laugh out loud at work and look like a crazy person
Nailed it!
Yes her name escapes me atm as well but she was a victim of MKUltra and the pedo conditioning from her father and shit. Bits check out what I just found on YT.
Is it Barbara Hartwell?
Cathy O’Brien is the one I’m thinking about.
Yes, her book is available online in pdf... it’s called Tranceformation (so?). You won’t be able to put it down.
The one you linked I’ve seen and it’s legit. The lady I’m speaking of, her father was CIA and would condition her through MKUltra and would use her with high profile ppl, she named Gerald Ford as one.
I may be mistaken about Ford but I don’t think I am. Thanks for the memory jog fren! ?
Yes that’s one but not the one I’m thinking of. But yes, this is terrible, especially to know it’s your children that are being victimized.
Remember when Johnny Gosch showed up at a GWB press conference as a “journalist” and had the “real” journalists question his credentials? And further that GWB had him admitted into the private residential area?
A huge WTF even then, but quickly forgotten in the post WTC and “war on terror”.
Try reading “The Franklin Coverup” . I tried, but couldn’t continue for my own emotional stability.
That book blew my mind. There’s no way anyone wouldn’t want for that shit to stop. Unless you were satan’s spawn.
What would you advise to be the best alternative to google when looking that up?
Duck Duck Go is a good start.
Check out the Conspiracy of Silence documentary. It is the filmstrip version. Might still be on YouTube.
There were claims from the Franklin case that involved HW bush. Sleezy fucks definitely went most of the way to the top of not all the way
Yep here we are 30 years later and Barr was the highest ranking justice department member and nothing happened to the bad guys
We ought to rewatch the movie Departed. It’s the same plot just way higher up. In the end they don’t remember which side.
That’s a great movie.
Ahhh yes, the Gunderson files. He also worked with John DeCamp on the Franklin Cover Up.
I wish I could read the report about Johnny Gosch. I remembered he disappeared when he was delivering newspapers as a young boy. I've thought about him often over the years since he was around my same age; his story has always haunted me.
He's no Honey Badger.