posted ago by TrumpTrollMaster ago by TrumpTrollMaster +120 / -1

(Written by a friend who lurks but didn't have an account)

Trump’s Art Of War – a theory on the ultimate Trump card

Before we begin, three assumptions to make:

  1. America is past the point of reconciliation. Four years of nonstop gaslighting by the MSM has torn this country right down the middle, and there is little hope for any sort of meaningful compromise. It doesn’t matter how damning any future bombshell is – a significant portion of this country will refuse to believe it. As the years go on, this ideological gap will only widen and will result in the continued indoctrination and radicalization of a large portion of each successive generation.

  2. This vaccine has serious issues. Whether that is sterilization, infertility, birth defects, cancer, etc. - there is something sinister about this vaccine, and it has been pushed to further the agenda of the deep state, cabal, whatever you want to call them. For the sake of this argument, let’s assume that the hidden side effects are sterilization and infertility, but the point is, it’s dangerous and nobody should be taking this.

  3. Trump knows all of this.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room – given the widespread and reoccurring anecdotal evidence that this vaccine is not safe, why has Trump on numerous occasions been pushing for people to receive a dose?

Let’s go back to the beginning of this whole situation – for the sake of simplification, let’s assume March 2020. Trump knows that the deep state is planning on leveraging this pandemic to seize total control, starting with forced vaccinations. At this point in his presidency, he is also fully aware of how entrenched the deep state is and knows that no matter what, they will not let him win this next election. So within nine months, he has to devise a plan to counter the deep state’s next moves and safeguard this country’s future.

Instead of trying to fight the tide and stop the vaccine from being released entirely (a losing fight), what if Trump decided to use the deep state’s entire plan against them? He not only accelerated the development of the vaccine, but he spent the next few months deliberately politicizing the living shit out of something that should objectively not be a partisan issue. He knew the effectiveness of OTC treatments like hydroxychloroquine, but he purposefully worded things in a way that he knew the MSM would spin out of proportion (i.e., drinking bleach, UV lights, etc). By doing so, he guaranteed two things:

  1. His supporters would see red flags and become increasingly suspicious of the official narrative;

  2. His detractors (aka, the entire left) would see him as even more of a scientifically-inept moron who had lost control of the entire situation, and would anxiously await the “real” vaccine.

Fast forward to today.

With Trump out of the picture and almost radio silent these past few months, the Biden Administration has been aggressively pushing the vaccines. To their credit, the marketing around the vaccines has been so effective that becoming vaccinated has become a bragging point on social media. But let’s look at the bigger picture here: If we make broad generalizations – who are the people that are taking the vaccine? More importantly, who are the people that aren’t?

Why did Fauci make headlines a few weeks ago trying to appeal to Trump to get him to endorse the vaccine, so that more of his supporters would get their shots? Data has to show that FAR more Democrats are taking these vaccines than Republicans.

What happens when these side effects start to kick in?

What happens if one of those side effects is sterilization/infertility?

What happens if we fast forward a few years… and the people who took these vaccines can’t ever have kids?

How will this change our country?

More importantly – long term, what does it mean for Communist ideology in this country? What does it mean for America First principles?

The beautiful thing is, there is absolutely nothing that Joe Biden or the Democrats can do at this point. They are pot-committed. They can’t stop the vaccinations. They can’t expose Trump without exposing themselves.

After getting shit 24/7 by the MSM for four years, not only did Trump manage to weaponize them against the deep state, but he came out on top.

Art of the deal.