Seriously!!! Is something wrong with her? This was on MSM yesterday. She looks crazed.
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Sure looks like MKUltra Eyes. Very creepy. Very stupid. But then that's AOC.
Wide, freaked out eyes are for the DS elites and their initiates. Glazed, bloodshot eyes are for the Anti-Fa/BLM foot soldiers.
Whenever you see those dead soulless eyes you just wonder.
I have never looked up MKUltra Is it disturbing?
You mean other than the highly airbrushed and « smoothed » imagery? She always looks crazy with vacant eyes. Thé eyes are a window to the soul..crazy.
She's got Charles Manson eyes.
Yes she does.
Looks crazed?? She's a full-fledged wack-a-doodle. Soros funded puppet.
And just young enough to show her stupidity.
She always does! I only ever see a skinny little girl with funky teeth who wants to be loved when I look at her. She’s sad and of course extremely annoying to me.
She even has the voice of an annoying child.
It looks like her cheese slid off her cracker.
Cheese slid off her cracker. I love it.
Wanna know how I got these scars?
Prozac. Like every other mk ultra victim
Yes of course there is something wrong with her. Her conscience has been removed.
She looks crazed because she is crazed.
When you see that much of the whites of their eyes crazy is a given.
Is crazed.
Demon possessed. Must suck being the demon assigned to possess that idiot.
transmen arent normal folk
Rhetorical question? just guessing.
Bat shit Crazy
Drugs and plain insanity... too much andrenochrome
That's a bit more than her usual sanpaku eyes, but there is life behind them.
An insane and evil life, the eyes of the life of a monster.
Whose soul has been sold.
Maybe she is crying too much by the fence aroun Gitmo.