I doubt there are many who discount doubles. Doubles for royalty, leaders, etc. have been a thing, probably forever.
Whether or not someone has a double, and whether or not someone has a clone, or is being played by an actor with a super realistic mask, or is an AI controlled hologram, etc. are not the same doubts.
If you can find a recent photo of Shillary that shows her at a different height, I'll believe it. I'm not saying I don't or do believe it now, I just think more research is needed.
Shes on a hill in first one and wearing flats. Age also steals an inch or two this I know for a fact lol. No one is saying that no one uses a double SOMETIMES its when people start going sci fi that everyone is dead and using clones or wearing freaking masks lol or everyone is arrested and they are all clones or doubles it gets a little /eye roll.
Lots of evidence that many doubles are being used right now. I doubted it at first too. Sounds sci fi fantasy. But that is where we are. In the middle of the largest most complex MilOp in history. An epic movie with twists and turns and double agents and double crosses (or are they?) and white hats and black hats and even some grey hats (Elon? Sessions? Wray?) that we don't know about yet.
To avoid a revolutionary war the mil is handling the dirty part quietly, out of the spotlight, until the public is ready to see the whole ugly truth.
I feel the same. I know folks who would probably aneurysm if they had even an inkling of what Q and various boards have come up with. Hollyweird/children crimes especially. Financial, not so much.
They are both doubles. They are both killed years ago. If you were held accountable for their actions, military tribunals. Same with Biden and his family. That new interview with Hunter Biden, that’s not a hunter Biden doesn’t even look like him.
Whether this is a double or not ..And I think it is her Dbl .. it’s the chick they have used many times ...regardless of the hill and the other reasons , the inauguration chick was not the real pig ..why she wasn’t there who knows , even if the real murderer was at the inauguration , that doesn’t take away from the fact that her double came out and walk down the street an hour after she was thrown into the van, when it looked like she collapsed in New York ...as I said the chick who walked out on the street that wasn’t the real Killery 100 percent and isn’t disputed..even the norms questioned it lol
It happens in women in their late 40s +.
It's a thing. The term "Little Old Lady" ring any bells? It doesn't happen to every woman or everyman, but it happens. And often.
It's more likely that than some double hologram rubbish.
Yes, that's fine for you, but others don't have that luck. My grandmother was 5.7ft and shrunk down to 5.4ft. It happens. If you don't think it happens just because it hasn't to you - yet, you're only 55 so hardly old, then I don't know what to tell you people. She isn't a double, she's just shrunk.
Heels changes the angle of the foot relative to the floor in proportion to the height of the heel, if anything this suggest that the one on the left is wearing a moderate heel...
Hillary got fat and old, women experience bone loss and her fat old ass shrunk. She is still a CUNT and id trip her fat ass if given the opportunity.
I upped that just for calling her a Cunt. Thank you
I doubt there are many who discount doubles. Doubles for royalty, leaders, etc. have been a thing, probably forever.
Whether or not someone has a double, and whether or not someone has a clone, or is being played by an actor with a super realistic mask, or is an AI controlled hologram, etc. are not the same doubts.
Dave. Good movie.
Counter point: Hillary aged a lot and became a midget!
We can see in her taller picture that she’s wearing a shoe with a small heel. In the second picture they may very well be flats.
check out ALL these https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/the-executed-clones-doubles-vril-lizard-reptilian-parasites
The vril theory does indicate they can produce clones.
Vril also covers the left black eye that so many "elites" get and it literally is "selling ypur soul" as the parasite takes over. Hence "reptilians"
Sounds crazy at first but when ypu ponder it, things start making you wonder.
Not that I don't agree. But there appears to be a slight hill.
Not 5 inches worth of incline in a foot...
That and he does kind look like he is leaning back.
The male would decrease in stature more than the female. In our 70s and I have shrunk appx 2" while my wife has only shrunk 1".
No. Women suffer from osteoperosis and normally get kyphosis that cuts their height down.
The ruffled blouse though... for fucks sake. Side of beef.
P U R P L E head to toe
If you can find a recent photo of Shillary that shows her at a different height, I'll believe it. I'm not saying I don't or do believe it now, I just think more research is needed.
Shes on a hill in first one and wearing flats. Age also steals an inch or two this I know for a fact lol. No one is saying that no one uses a double SOMETIMES its when people start going sci fi that everyone is dead and using clones or wearing freaking masks lol or everyone is arrested and they are all clones or doubles it gets a little /eye roll.
Lots of evidence that many doubles are being used right now. I doubted it at first too. Sounds sci fi fantasy. But that is where we are. In the middle of the largest most complex MilOp in history. An epic movie with twists and turns and double agents and double crosses (or are they?) and white hats and black hats and even some grey hats (Elon? Sessions? Wray?) that we don't know about yet.
To avoid a revolutionary war the mil is handling the dirty part quietly, out of the spotlight, until the public is ready to see the whole ugly truth.
So yes, there are a bunch of doubles out there.
*Just my opinion, of course.
I feel the same. I know folks who would probably aneurysm if they had even an inkling of what Q and various boards have come up with. Hollyweird/children crimes especially. Financial, not so much.
Looks like a pic with a fan.
Just give the standard biden excuse "plastic surgery".......
It was actually the double that had plastic surgery, Biden 1.0 has been too senile to be trusted for quite a few years now...
I think the woman in the picture on the left is not a Hillary double, as she looks nothing like her, but one of Bill's girlfriends.
Wow, either his tastes have degraded as much as Xidan's cognitive abilities, or really adds emphasis to the saying "Beggers can't be Choosers"
They are both doubles. They are both killed years ago. If you were held accountable for their actions, military tribunals. Same with Biden and his family. That new interview with Hunter Biden, that’s not a hunter Biden doesn’t even look like him.
Added more red lines to emphasize that it's not "Hillary's" heels:
she also had diffrent colored eyes and horrid teeth in a live stream chat a few months back
I sure looks like the space hag has a double. but using the spread of the feet for Bimbo is effy I think.
He’s doing her double. ?
Whether this is a double or not ..And I think it is her Dbl .. it’s the chick they have used many times ...regardless of the hill and the other reasons , the inauguration chick was not the real pig ..why she wasn’t there who knows , even if the real murderer was at the inauguration , that doesn’t take away from the fact that her double came out and walk down the street an hour after she was thrown into the van, when it looked like she collapsed in New York ...as I said the chick who walked out on the street that wasn’t the real Killery 100 percent and isn’t disputed..even the norms questioned it lol
...Age makes you lose height. Especially in females. It's a genuine, real thing that happens to most people.
Age lol go back over all her pics for the last two decade, proof is there people are just to fucking lazy to look
It happens in women in their late 40s +. It's a thing. The term "Little Old Lady" ring any bells? It doesn't happen to every woman or everyman, but it happens. And often.
It's more likely that than some double hologram rubbish.
Yes, that's fine for you, but others don't have that luck. My grandmother was 5.7ft and shrunk down to 5.4ft. It happens. If you don't think it happens just because it hasn't to you - yet, you're only 55 so hardly old, then I don't know what to tell you people. She isn't a double, she's just shrunk.
She was never that tall.
It's not a double, stop being crazy. She's a piece of shit, thankfully there's only one of her.
Yup. My mom was around my height 5'8"ish.
When she died last year she was a good 6-8" shorter than me.
Wearing heels on the right, and older, dumpier, and loss of height that is common for aging people....and probably wearing flat shoes.
Heels changes the angle of the foot relative to the floor in proportion to the height of the heel, if anything this suggest that the one on the left is wearing a moderate heel...