Most people don't realize that this is exactly how sales work. Case in point: DeWalt usually has plastic-wrapped four-packs of screw bits, drill bits, etc regularly priced at $35 during the year. In November, and I just noticed this April, they are bumped up to $50 for a month or two. At Xmas (or Memorial Day/Father's Day??), they will list them at half-price.
Yes, it's still cheaper at $25, but the point is the same. They raise the price, then put them on sale.
My family has run several small businesses. It is truly amazing how cheap things are at a wholesale price. As youngsters , working in our stores, we were told that everything we got at wholesale we doubled in price and 10 % was added on top of that. If we were selling to a tough customer we were told to say" well don't tell my dad but I will give you 25% off, 30% off, etc, up to 50 % off". We would still make at least 10 % on the sale!
A business has a lot more expenses than the wholesale price of the items they sell: employees, rent, utilities, insurance, advertising, taxes, legal fees, etc. Then there's profit, which is the goal, but which many small businesses never make. Making 10% over wholesale on an item might win you a sale with a tough customer, but it won't make you profitable and if you have too many tough customers, you'll soon be out of business.
Well it always worked for us. Treat a customer good and they repeat their business. My point was that giving 50% off for non mask wearing is a good business tool and will gain more business, thus more profit. The thing is, business owners get so caught up in making a profit that they treat their customers badly and then wonder why they have no customers, no profit.
I like it, but I hope they're clear that you have to throw them away as you walk in, Not after you're done shopping (you know how stupid the face diaper people are - you HAVE to spell things out)
I have been asking my tennants when they come to my door to pay rent if they have had the vax. All so far but one said no way. The one that got the vax was shocked when I told her to wait a sec as I need to get some gloves to handle her money. I told her she MIGHT be a biological weapon and don't want to take my chances. I did wish her luck and hoping she stays ok. She left rather pale.
I saw a sign at one business that said: "We Don't Allow Masks In Our Establishment...If You Are That Concerned You Should Stay At Home."
Or........,"If you are wearing a mask we will assume you are sick and ask you to stay home!"
Makes one wanna open up a business just to be able to say that.
Weird coincidence, the prices doubled the day this sign went up.
Pretty cool.
Most people don't realize that this is exactly how sales work. Case in point: DeWalt usually has plastic-wrapped four-packs of screw bits, drill bits, etc regularly priced at $35 during the year. In November, and I just noticed this April, they are bumped up to $50 for a month or two. At Xmas (or Memorial Day/Father's Day??), they will list them at half-price.
Yes, it's still cheaper at $25, but the point is the same. They raise the price, then put them on sale.
The Kohls sales model.
The old JC Penny's sale model too.
My family has run several small businesses. It is truly amazing how cheap things are at a wholesale price. As youngsters , working in our stores, we were told that everything we got at wholesale we doubled in price and 10 % was added on top of that. If we were selling to a tough customer we were told to say" well don't tell my dad but I will give you 25% off, 30% off, etc, up to 50 % off". We would still make at least 10 % on the sale!
And then you have an older online sales portal,, who sold goods AT wholesale pricing just to undersell and squeeze a competitor to buy them.
Walmart acquired them for something like $2 billion.
Madlads cashed out.
A business has a lot more expenses than the wholesale price of the items they sell: employees, rent, utilities, insurance, advertising, taxes, legal fees, etc. Then there's profit, which is the goal, but which many small businesses never make. Making 10% over wholesale on an item might win you a sale with a tough customer, but it won't make you profitable and if you have too many tough customers, you'll soon be out of business.
Well it always worked for us. Treat a customer good and they repeat their business. My point was that giving 50% off for non mask wearing is a good business tool and will gain more business, thus more profit. The thing is, business owners get so caught up in making a profit that they treat their customers badly and then wonder why they have no customers, no profit.
Yep, and the sheep that won't toss their masks pay double!
Awesome!!! Brilliant Idea!
Made me smile.
Awesome!! Where’s this?!?
Looks like it's in NoCal, Mendocino specifically. And the owner has been pushing back for some time:
Thanks, fren!
Appreciate that ??
I'd pay double if I could shop without a mask.
Sadly, I'm behind in enemy lines in WA state.
Well crap. Now I need to go buy some masks. There should be a discount for freefaces as well.
That how to see your customers smile!
I hope this business model holds for them.
I like it, but I hope they're clear that you have to throw them away as you walk in, Not after you're done shopping (you know how stupid the face diaper people are - you HAVE to spell things out)
I have been asking my tennants when they come to my door to pay rent if they have had the vax. All so far but one said no way. The one that got the vax was shocked when I told her to wait a sec as I need to get some gloves to handle her money. I told her she MIGHT be a biological weapon and don't want to take my chances. I did wish her luck and hoping she stays ok. She left rather pale.
But what if the VAXXcinated normies just throw their Masks away cuz they dont THINK need them anymore and then they get the sale too. That would SUCk.