Lawyers Promise ‘Nuremberg Trials’ Against All Behind COVID Scam Published on February 24, 2021
Right now, a second Nuremberg tribunal that is in preparation, with a class action lawsuit being set up under the aegis of thousands of lawyers worldwide behind the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who is prosecuting those responsible for the Covid-19 scandal manipulated by the Davos Forum. In this respect, it is worth recalling that Reiner Fuellmich is the lawyer who succeeded in condemning the automobile giant Volkswagen in the case of the tampered catalytic converters. And it is this same lawyer who succeeded in condemning Deutsche Bank as a criminal enterprise.
According to Reiner Fuellmich, all the frauds committed by German companies are derisory compared to the damage that the Covid-19 crisis has caused and continues to cause. This Covid-19 crisis should be renamed the “Covid-19 Scandal” and all those responsible should be prosecuted for civil damages due to manipulations and falsified test protocols. Therefore, an international network of business lawyers will plead the biggest tort case of all time, the Covid-19 fraud scandal, which has meanwhile turned into the biggest crime against humanity ever committed.
A Covid-19 commission of enquiry has been set up on the initiative of a group of German lawyers with the aim of bringing an international class action lawsuit using Anglo-Saxon law. Here is the summarized translation of the last communication of Dr. Fuellmich of 15/02/2021:
“The hearings of around 100 internationally renowned scientists, doctors, economists and lawyers, which have been conducted by the Berlin Commission of Inquiry into the Covid-19 affair since 10.07.2020, have in the meantime shown with a probability close to certainty that the Covid- 19 scandal was at no time a health issue. Rather, it was about solidifying the illegitimate power (illegitimate because it was obtained by criminal methods) of the corrupt “Davos clique” by transferring the wealth of the people to the members of the Davos clique, destroying, among other things, small and medium-sized enterprises in particular. Platforms such as Amazon, Google, Uber, etc. could thus appropriate their market share and wealth.”
much more here:
This is great news. Pushing Back. Those found guilty should face a firing squad
gonna need a lot of ammunition.........
I would donate to that cause.
“Would you like to donate to the China Virus Justice Fund? $1 buys 1 .223 FMJ, delivery included!”
I’d pay $2.50 for a 7.62 NATO and another $100 if I could pick the intended recipient.
I think a wood chipper and guillotine will work.
Feet first of course still alive.
Shot full of adrenaline.
With belt strapped around their legs at intervals kind of like a tourniquet to stop them from bleeding out before they get fully immersed.
That's what I call ''progress, with a PLAN!''
It’s the only way to be sure
Golden Spork
No need, just make them poor and they'll kill themselves
No clothes, no money and drop them off in one of the UN-created shitholes in Africa and let them fend for themselves.
Public Hanging.
This could be awesome, but what do they do when the courts inevitably treat this the way they treated the election?
Military is the only way. The guilty parties are known.
I wonder if this is why Biden announced bringing troops home. Even using 9/11 to make him look patriotic. Will the soldiers be filtered so he can amass a pro-Biden personal army to protect the White House?
Remember what they accused Trump of, refusing to leave the White House? You just know if things do kick off that is exactly what Biden will do.
Edit - I bet they'd even used Covid. "You guys can't enter, where's your vaccine passports?" "Biden can't leave, he's contracted the coof and on doctors orders must stay in bed."
Trump during his press Covid reports, throughout had mentioned therapeutics as to even state early on he was taking HCQ. What did they do, they immediately banned HCQ and Azithromycin. That tells you “their” true intentions right from the beginning. Crimes against humanity, Trump offered solutions. And everyone has a choice to believe those liars, and ultimately make the choice. Up until January 20th Trump had mentioned Remdesivir, light therapy which they mocked. There’s injections you can take like vit C intravenously and others. His 4yrs was the biggest trap for them, they hate him with a passion. They have 4yrs of documentation with citizens watching on national tv, and intentional tyranny of the laws that they do not abide by but apply those laws to manipulate against the people they “rule over” the codified laws were never meant for justice but for their corruption and cover “their” deeds of evil. And the election process is not over. I believe that will be the unraveling of all other crimes. Either this is the greatest plan ever in history. Or this is the great syop against us to further evil plans. Either way we know more than we would have because of Q Anons. The end won’t be for everyone. I’m thinking Covid and those who choose to take the injection as well as many cross hairs when your in war but it could be a full on blood bath battle. This was alternative route. And witnessing first hand, to the psychological brainwashing that’s been happening for to long. Crazy times ???
I’ll donate 1,000. rounds (FMJ)!
Hollow points would be better and so much more painful.
they already had a meeting? "an extraordinary meeting of the Berlin Covid Committee will take place on Wednesday 17.02.2021"
wish we could get an update on that
thank you but even that info is a month old
been waiting for something to come of this. OPERATION WARP SPEED this shit.
Does that include vaccine-pushing Trump?
What if the truth is that all vaccines are placebos or nocebos that convince recipients that they’re “safe”.
A nocebo is a drug that gives a negative effect whereas a placebo gives no effect.
Tell that to the other poster on here that lost his aunt to the shot last week
My Mother in law got the jab and then Had a widow maker heart attack - she lives close to a hospital so they saved her in time.
what I’m saying is that the nocebo effects - the negative effects of a vax make us think we’re safe - like the chills I always get after a flu shot. Or the low grade fever that people get from a Coof vax - but if the nocebo effects are too extreme like clotting - weak people can get extremely ill or die.
See what I mean?
i wonder the same
Consider what the outcome would have been if he didn't?
Better or worse than the current situation?
He cratered to the suppression of Hydroxychloriquine and gave into the "only a vaccine will work" philosophy pushed by the globalists.
It's pretty fucking shitty.
sadly, i agree
Right, nurnberg trials for gates and fauci and the rest in a world where not even one of the mass murdering governors have been slapped on the fingers.
Crimes Against Humanity - Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Hopefully these trials get the people actually responsible intead of fall guys like the first trials did.
The only "Redistribution of Wealth" I would ever be 100% for is the restitution of all our livelihoods from the personal pockets of those responsible. Bankrupt them into the ground or better yet Seize All Ill-Gotten Gains.
They have 2 choices, be hanged or firing squad. No matter which one it needs to be televised live.