(1) He is part of a military operation
(2) The globalists' plan involved starting COVID after the 2016 election (which they assumed Hillary would win). When she didn't, they waited until the last year of DJT's term to roll it out for several reasons:
(A) It provided cover for election fraud
(B) To start the depopulation
(C) To begin widespread fear and control
(D) To not give President Trump enough time to make a vaccine (so that they could present one that could be approved by the FDA and MANDATED FOR ALL)
(3) DJT had to make a countermove: to get rid of COVID and all of the fear and control that goes with it, to expose Big Pharma, and to ensure a quick vaccine that (due to being rushed) would have to be labeled experimental and thus NOT be mandated
(4) He had to weigh both options:
(A) Tell America that the vaccines are a Big Pharma / globalist plan to depopulate the world, or
(B) Endorse it
(A) If he warned everyone, the media would mock him, call him a failure, hype COVID all the more, and demand a real vaccine. He wouldn't be able to expose election fraud, make thousands of arrests, expose the Deep State plan, and turn things around on a wide scale with the public waking up. He would have had to stop the election fraud before it could be seen and take office for the second term, thus forcing his hand and resulting in chaos and an unavoidable civil war with the mainstream media stoking the flames and increasing public terror
(B) By endorsing it (but placing truthful info in alternative news sights), the Deep State's vaccine HAD to remain experimental and thus NOT mandatory (which was NOT part of their plan). If DJT can turn this around on a wide scale in the upcoming month or so, he can stop the momentum, have WAY less deaths, and get the vaccinated sheep to med beds. In war, sometimes you have to choose between two bad options. Given the globalists' strategy, DJT and the military chose the path with the fewest casualties, and that is to keep going with the facade of publicly endorsing the toxic (but NOT MANDATORY) vaccine. The alternative would have been FAR more deadly for all of us in so many ways. Had an approved MANDATED vaccine been created by the Deep State, it would be killing millions more right now. God bless America and the World.
Solid post. It is very scary. This is why people are refusing the vax. Haven’t had flu vax in prob 19 years. Why would I take this one? That’s what went through my head. Remember, False Evidence Appearing Real = FEAR!!! These people are sick.
Think like a libtard. Hey mom NBA dude or famous singer took it I think I should too. Brain is full of mush and slugs sloshing around.
Trump supporter. Hey mom Ivanka took it but I don’t think it means I necessarily should. Brain has moving electrons bouncing around.
Even more accurate!
You can also make a homemade version soaking citrus peels. You can find recipe online.
Also, many herbs are excellent medicine. Oil if oregano is an extremely potent anti-viral, antibiotic, and anti-parasitic. One day I had symptoms of strep (feeling like glass in throat) so I took oregano plus 10,000mgs of Vit C and it was knocked right out. Next morning felt fine.
Rosemary oil will kill the sting of some bug bites. Mosquitos love me so the Rosemary helps after gardening.
Peppermint repels headaches AND bugs.
I have a salve with bees wax, Frankincense and Myrrh that has helped regenerate healthy skin tissue after wounds.
Many oils belong in your first aid kit. And no side effects other than smelling good!
Thanks for this...I will be looking into getting these oils for my first aid kit.
lavender oil is great for burns, like the sort you get from cooking.
Health pede⬆️ good advice
When the Three Gorges Dam gets taken out by the Alliance to take out their DUMBs and crypto mining facilities you’ll know it has begun. I’m guessing this month.
Just don’t forget it’s gonna get super dark though but no need to panic. Some people say starts April 16th. I’m thinking more of April 19th.
Think of it like being in the eye of the hurricane and you’re Rubin “Hurricane” Carter and you didn’t murder those 3 people.
Alright Mary911 you inspire me to top off my rations today! I was thinking last night that I’ve been like a squirrel preparing for Winter for the last few years & how pissed I’d be if I was lax at the end so thanks!
Just read that part of Genesis last night! God bless you and your family as well patriot!
And pet food
So we're datefagging individual dates less than a week away now? And of course no evidence to back it up. You sound like Charlie Ward who was going "24-48 hours from now" back in March.
It never hurts to be prepared.
Yea I know what you’re referring to when Charlie did that. Also Cirtsen W said China would be invaded March 24th and nothing happened.
But yeah I wasn’t aware date predicting was made illegal by the Draconian overlords. April 19th human sacrifice days begin. So where there’s fire there’s ice. Anyway if nothing happens this month it’s gonna be a life or death situation for me. So I’m hoping for the best.
4/19 is a VERY important day to the DS. Signals the start of some 13 day ritual period, starting with a blood sacrifice.
Lots of past events on that date.
The dollar WILL go but it will be replaced with new US metal backed sound money.
Correct, when the damn breaks that's when everything kicks off.
People in the q research boards have been saying that dam is going to blow any minute for 3 years.
There are always casualties in war, even a cold war. You can't save everyone. I beleive the real threat is the Moderna RNA "vaccine." Is it hard to beleive the DS would sabotage the other two to force them off the market? They want all the sheeple to take it and not the alternatives. They have to instill mistrust in the J&J vax. Notice Fauci came out yesterday and said A-Z causes similar blood clots? Why? To maximize the people who will now get the Moderna out of fear.
My google news feed today has/had a story about Moderna booster shots (yes, I read those feeds, as like CNN it gives a view into the general news environment). As time progresses, it's looking like J&J and AZ are being pushed to the side, and Pfizer/Moderna the front 2 horses. Maybe Pfizer will be nudged to the side soon? I can also see Moderna as the worst threat of the bad bunch.
Don’t forget Germans get pissed when we say Pfizer since it’s developed mainly by German company Binotech. So yeah based on that that want the Deep state that is to take either the Pfizer or Moderna right up the ass.
Fear is a mighty motivator.
And the DS uses it well. Thank goodness we are Awakened
Honestly though, everything on GA is about making people fearful. This place scares people constantly.
Yup. They are pushing everyone into getting the mRNA ones now. Which are NOT vax. They install nanotech! How are people okay with that? Boggles the mind.
I think they are taking AstraZeneca and J&J off the market because unexpectedly in some they are working too well with screwing up your immune system. Don’t want the sheep to become suspicious- immune system screwed up so that platelets not being created. Not that the sheep can connect dots well, but some might.
But. It’s possible that the vaccine will kill more people than the virus and mandatory vaccination is against the Nuremberg Code. Also, it’s possible that the “vaccine “ is safe enough, but I’m not getting it just to make sure. One more thought. If Trump came out against the “vaccine “, the media would mock him, the Trump haters would still take it, and the Trump followers would not. Pretty much the same outcome as now.
Murder is also illegal but did that stop 9/11, WWI or WWII or sinking of the Titanic. Don’t think Nuremberg means jack donkey balls to Luciferians.
Breaking laws Probably gives them more “street cred” in their peer group. “Look ma I’m a war criminal! Aren’t you so proud of me?”
The virus hasn't killed ANYONE.
what virus?
Thank you.
The key is the not mandatory thing IMO.
Why would Ivanka publicize that she got the shot and encourage others to do the same? The vaccine thing with Trump still doesn't sit right with me. Makes me uncomfortable!
What do you think would happen if Ivanka warned you not to take a vaccine? Exactly. Think mirror.
Already I’m being accused of being a willing killer cuz I refuse the jab. Imagine what would happen to a public figure. Let them destroy themselves. We don’t need to do anything but stand and enjoy this shitstorm of an R rated show.
The correct tactical "public opinion" move for Ivanka would have been to say nothing and let this all play out.
My motto...."Listen to everything, trust no one!"
Is it possible Trump really DOESN'T KNOW how dangerous these Covid shots are? He has no real experts around him?
I don’t buy that. There’s something else at play here.
Could this be it? Jared Kushner is head of the Illuminati? Ivanka's shot was fake? https://archive.is/vT0FQ
Does it take an expert to tell you how stupid it is to take a vaccine that's 90% effective, at best, for a virus with a 99% recovery rate?
1000% THIS!!!^^
who is for GUN CONTROL.
Here is an alternative narrative. You be the judge if it has merit. If we were war gaming how to maximize the impact of using a virus to control people wouldn’t vaccines be the last thing we would want?
The objective is NWO control over the world. Like Q has told us, disinformation is necessary, and that works both ways. The NWO spreads disinformation too. Now, somewhere Bill Gates is quoted as saying the depopulation target should be 15 percent. And that statement is tied to vaccines as the delivery vehicle, but what if that is clever disinformation? It makes people afraid of vaccines.
Meanwhile engineered, designer viruses are created that target certain groups of people. Groups the NWO see as non-productive in their Great Reset. They need healthy drones, but not people who drain their wealth. Remember Bloomberg saying we should just let old people die? But Trump is screwing all their plans up. In spite of all their propaganda against hm his popularity increases. In spite of their B.S. push polls they see he will win in a landslide. They have to release Covid before they really wanted as a way to defeat him.
Trump countermoves by doing something they were claiming was impossible, Warp Speed vaccine development. He gives control of the development to the military to make sure it gets done and done properly. He cuts off DS control so they can’t play games with theses vaccines. Are there risks with the vaccines? Yes, but not as bad as an NWO vaccine and not as much as letting the NWO gain control over the world using Covid as the cover story.
Eh, possibly. Both narratives involve big pharma working with the good guys. I think Trumo getting covid last year and beating the shit out of it in 2 days was to show people it wasnt bad and treatments were effective. And he's no spring chicken.
And he said he felt better than he did 20 years ago. Felt like a hint this treatment might cure more than Covid. Cures like it were part of Warp Speed too. And he says over and over a cure is better than a vaccine. Q makes the point that Big Pharma makes their profits on maintenance treatments not cures. Listening to POTUS it seems plausible Warp Speed not only gave control for vaccine and cure development to the military, it might have been used to force Big Pharma to release technology and cures they’ve been sitting on.
Reminds me of that movie The Imitation Game (2014)...
Once they cracked the German Enigma code, they had to use it sparingly and strategically. Otherwise, the Germans would have figured out Enigma had been compromised. Unfortunately, the codebreakers had to stand idly by as attacks on allied ships were planned and executed.
We are in that painful period, where we have to sit and watch their agenda unfold on the normies who are just like sitting ducks, while the wolfpack is closing in on them. They are being constantly bombarded by propaganda, which they think is "news" and believe good health comes through a vaccine. God save em.
Only people can save themselves. No one believes we’ve been in full WW3 the last two years. It’s been a silent war to keep civil riots from breaking out.
If RNA starts killing people a new RNA mix could neutralize it.
Are the COVID jabs injury & death rates higher than all the standard vaccines that have been currently given to children & people? Are we just aware now because we are awake?
Donald Trump did mention many times that there would have been far more deaths if he was not in charge.
Pre Trump is not only endorsing the vaccine, but he is loudly taking credit for them. If they prove to be bad, he’s saddled with that. I’d remain quiet on the vaccines, not be reminding people constantly as more and more harm comes out from them.
There is probably quite a number of truths in there.
Best one is (D)
Something is going on with the US vaccines, particularly Pfizer. When it first came out, the serum had to be kept in sub-zero freezers to keep the "messengers" preserved. Now, Pfizer is being dispensed all over the place, and I doubt that our local Walgreens or Wal-Mart bought special freezers to store the stuff. I'm wondering whether at this point, it's just a poison cocktail from all the extra crap mixed into the jab, but the messenger part is a dud.
This is retarded. This would make him just as evil as the elites
Are you fucking kidding me? He's still endorsing it. He knows it's hurting / killing people.
He passed an executive order in Sept 2019 to allow for the use of mRNA vaccines.
Obviously the left is fully indoctrinated, scared, and brainwashed. But a huge portion of the right are also ignorant, low IQ individuals as well. They are scared of the nothing-virus, especially with their fearless god-king endorsing the deadly vaccine.
He is influencing his own supporters to take something that will kill them.
The vaccine is the most evil thing ever introduced to the county. Anyone supporting it is not your friend.
Has nothing to do with IQ nor with EQ. I think it has to do with VQ (vanity quotient).
Almost everyone I know who took the jab or wants it is cuz they’re doing they’re part to save humanity and also they wanna be able to travel.
Well they aren't saving humanity from anything because covid19 is the least dangerous virus to ever exist.
That's what my comment referred to in a way. The data is out there about the survival rate. No excuse to not know it at this point.
And travel isn't a good excuse either. No one needs to fly. It may be convenient but it's not needed.
Now don't get me wrong. If someone wants to take a deadly fake vaccine, then by all means, do it.
But it shouldn't be promoted by trump.
Pretend he didn’t say you have a choice. Let’s say he warned everyone not to get it. What kind of shitstorm do you think that would create. Tons more would get it to show Trump look dude I got it and I’m alive. When millions die in the next 2 years it could’ve be billions.
We are saving humanity not just one person. What about the 8 million trafficked sex slave children per year. That’s what we’re fighting. Welcome to silent World War 3.
You continue to say that innocent people need to die for the greater good.
"The greater good" is one of the most evil terms ever created. It's been used by the most terrible, ruthless leaders of all time to justify atrocious acts of evil. Like this vaccine.
There is now some evidence to suggest that the "vaccinated" could be a danger to the "unvaccinated". Miscarriages are going up at an alarming rate. Even among people who haven't gotten the evil vaccine.
Maybe it's time to wake up and stop worshipping a man. I 1000% agree with you that we need to save the kids in sex trafficking. But killing innocent people for "the greater good" isn't the answer to that.
You could even argue that if someone gets the vaccine they deserve to die because they are stupid. Fine. But what if they force it on their kids? What if they hurt the "unvaccinated" by being around them? Is that okay as long as it's for the greater good?
Believe in God. Believe in yourself. It's time for people to stand up to evil and stop waiting to be saved by a letter in the alphabet.
You should’ve saved it back in 1993. Why didn’t you! Wouldn’t saved over 200 million people from dying. Actually way more than that. But if you tried you would’ve died. Stop thinking so short.
The one laptop per child, if only I can save one sheep Silence of the Lambs mentality has been implanted into us for our own destruction.
I’m still hoping this vaccine is just some vitamin D. Anyone care to go sign up for the jab and steal the needle away just before they inject you then get it analyzed by some lab. Betcha FBI, CIA would come with helicopters and 30 trucks to suppress that knowledge.
The science is clear. This isn't vitamin D. That shows ignorance beyond belief... To the point I'm starting to think you're just a troll.
If that's the case, then props to you. You're a better troll than most.
But if you're being serious then I feel bad for you. However, I challenge you this:
If you think sacrificing innocent people for the greater good is what must be done, then you first. Go get the vaccine and go down as a martyr to save the 2024 election and the world.
I'm sure Trump, Lin Wood, Mike Lindell, and Q will personally thank your family for your sacrifice.
No thx. I have to save the save a few people before I die. Or at least die trying. Look I hope no one dies but they might. I have very close family members who got the jab. They didn’t believe me. I was in China for a long time even when this crap went down. Those people are so brainwashed over there they don’t need to do CNN level tactics like they do over here in the states.
Do you remember when Trump said the military is 100% in charge of distribution? Who is to say they couldn’t have swapped out the poison. I don’t know and just in case I wanna pop out more kids I ain’t taking the chance.
I don’t mean to come across as evil and wish destruction of humans. Quite the opposite. I’ve watched tons of Gene Decode DUMBs videos on bitchute and whenever they rescue kids it’s time to rejoice. However, many kids don’t make it out alive. It’s part of WW3 that we are in.
There are a lot of people destroying their bodies day in and day out with an abundance of Big Pharma crap prescribed by their doctors. This is just an extension of that.
Good way to put it