posted ago by horseyPatriot ago by horseyPatriot +83 / -1

So I was just reading the news/GA post about MTG and AOC. Democrats never engage with Reps outside of official debates or on the House or senate floor (although thati is not really a debate!) I think Rush has trained me well to look at current events with a critical, questioning eye, as well as having taught us all for decades what the Dems always do. An MTG - AOC debate would be VERY atypical. (I sure wish he were here now to comment on all this!)

Anyway, I started thinking about AOC. Came out of nowhere to win in a Brooklyn district. No one really knows her from that area. Elected in 2018 when a lot of cheating occurred. Pelosi seemingly hates her. Pushing the Dems really far left quickly. Pals around with known leftist, problem women in Congress.

What if? ... she was pushed in by white hats to be a disrupter? To help pull out the leftist, really progressive elements so that they are really visible. She has been quiet as of late (as have a lot of Congress turds) until this latest kerfluffle with MTG. So it may be that she’s made a deal to act like she is now, to publicly debate the New Green Deal. Or has she been an actor all along?

Anywho, these are my morning musings and I welcome others to chime in!