We were there nearly 8 years. It was agonizing at times. (Hugs) to you and your wife. I am very sorry. I will never understand how some women who go through infertility still advocate for abortion/ are pro-choice. It's sickening.
I now have steam coming out of my ears! I am so sorry! Damn statism! (And reverse discrimination is a variety of statism! Get the government out of adoption, except for the protection of the children.)
Praying for you - my best friend and his partner are in the same spot. They have four pups instead. And they are the most well mannered, trained and taken care of pups I know.
My son and his wife have been down that road several times. She can't carry the fetus past 10 weeks before she suffers a miscarriage. My heart breaks for them.
Please have your DIL look into the following:
Vitamin D3/K2 (the main cause of miscarriage is crucially low levels)
She should switch to methyl folate adc methylation B.
She should seek out an ob who will prescribe progesterone as soon as she gets a positive. Preferably suppositories or injection.
She should ask about Low Dose Naltrexone
Not sure. I know she has been put through lots of test etc. It seems she can get pregnant but not carry it past about 8 weeks. They see a specialist in KS.
I have no idea, either. I will say post-partum crap can be horrible, and I'm sure that's what the defense will claim. They'd better sterilize her if she's around the general population ever again.
As everyone is saying, those poor kids...and also, can you imagine the cops who had to see that when they arrested her? That would fuck me up big time.
So true! It kills me just reading brief headlines and snippets like this, I can’t imagine witnessing it! While my Mama heart grieves over those sweet babies, I know they’ve seen the face of God and are with the Lord. But those poor cops have to still walk this depraved earth w/ that scene burned into their brain and scarring their soul. I pray that God can help heal them from what they’ve had to witness.
PPD is a real thing and can affect mothers and fathers. If you want to harm your kids, it's a normal feeling, but seek help instead of doing something crazy.
Understood. I chose to read it and all the comments. Bottom line in all of this insanity are the children. I would do anything to end their suffering. I just absolutely cannot wrap my head around the mindset of some ppl. Pure evil.
they knew this was the outcome. The satanists need to be remove for good after this war. These stories should never happen. When it's time, my God protect me, when he needs me.
As a twin Mom, I would have 100% taken those babies into our flock in a heartbeat. All she had to do was google and adoption service. Why resort to complete and total evil because that’s what’s convenient? Pray for the souls of these two babies. Unbelievable.
What an unbelievably horrific story. Beyond comprehension. The mother didn’t want them?
Not just innocent blood but her own flesh and blood!!
I have kids and grandkids .
I’ve prayed and can’t muster any compassion for her.
New York does a poor job of communicating how easy their baby moses laws are. 30 days, no liability or penalty if left at a hospital, fire house, or police station
But this is what you guys will see more of when abortions get banned and adoption standards are ridiculously high and filled with red tape. Maybe not as tragically or gruesome, but I have no doubt dumpster babies will occur more frequently.
We are the only species that polices reproduction, yet we make the surrounding factors near impossible. Found out your pregnant too late to go through an adoption agency? Too bad, you've got to go through CPS and deal with a month or more of court BS after you just gave birth. Not to mention you are on the hook for up to 50k in hospital bills for a mere 12-24 hours even if your birth is 100% natural with no complications.
I really wonder WHY this woman who is capable of stabbing and painstakingly killing two infants didn't abort in the first few weeks of pregnancy, if she knew she had no desire or intention? This woman should rot in jail but also be a wake up call for massive reform in every aspect of the business of birth.
It's mental health that's the issue. She wasn't logical or rational enough to adopt them out, baby moses them, or even abort them.
This is the consequence of letting just anyone have children. There's obviously people who have no business doing it. It's a reality we need to face as a society
She's psycho..and unfortunately is now on New Yorkers tax bill for life
Dear God. I have so many friends who want kids but cant bear children. Why do people do this?
We were there nearly 8 years. It was agonizing at times. (Hugs) to you and your wife. I am very sorry. I will never understand how some women who go through infertility still advocate for abortion/ are pro-choice. It's sickening.
(hug) I know the grief.
I now have steam coming out of my ears! I am so sorry! Damn statism! (And reverse discrimination is a variety of statism! Get the government out of adoption, except for the protection of the children.)
How awful. People can be utterly and ridiculously horrible.
Man. I didn't realize you're a northern neighbor.
Praying for you - my best friend and his partner are in the same spot. They have four pups instead. And they are the most well mannered, trained and taken care of pups I know.
I’m trying to get pregnant, too... this hits hard.
See page 4 https://www.usccb.org/about/pro-life-activities/respect-life-program/2016/upload/16-rlp-novena-to-st-joseph-secured.pdf
Get an egg donor or do IVF.
My son and his wife have been down that road several times. She can't carry the fetus past 10 weeks before she suffers a miscarriage. My heart breaks for them.
Please have your DIL look into the following: MTHFR Vitamin D3/K2 (the main cause of miscarriage is crucially low levels) She should switch to methyl folate adc methylation B. She should seek out an ob who will prescribe progesterone as soon as she gets a positive. Preferably suppositories or injection. She should ask about Low Dose Naltrexone
Thanks for the info. My son called again tonight, and they are trying the IVF procedure again this week. Keep your fingers crossed for them!
If you don’t mind me asking, what’s causing her to miscarry around that time?
Not sure. I know she has been put through lots of test etc. It seems she can get pregnant but not carry it past about 8 weeks. They see a specialist in KS.
They should hire someone who carries the fetus for them. Kim Kardashian did the same. Not optimal, but better than nothing.
Yep, I do to. I can never understand this...never.
And now I feel utterly sick to my stomach
Poor babies. They're at eternal rest and peace now.
She needs to be dealt with.
I have no idea, either. I will say post-partum crap can be horrible, and I'm sure that's what the defense will claim. They'd better sterilize her if she's around the general population ever again.
she will probably get off with "postpartum depression".....
Christ on a pike...
"Six-week-old twins Dallas and Dakota who were found brutally stabbed...mother, 23, who told cops 'I don't want them"
This is straight up demonic.
6 weeks into this crazy world...and they already didn't have a solid chance at life.
I do not know how to even respond to that...jesus christ...
As everyone is saying, those poor kids...and also, can you imagine the cops who had to see that when they arrested her? That would fuck me up big time.
So true! It kills me just reading brief headlines and snippets like this, I can’t imagine witnessing it! While my Mama heart grieves over those sweet babies, I know they’ve seen the face of God and are with the Lord. But those poor cops have to still walk this depraved earth w/ that scene burned into their brain and scarring their soul. I pray that God can help heal them from what they’ve had to witness.
Tragic. Poor poor babies. Thank God, Jesus loves all the little children. Safe now with their creator. ?
PPD is a real thing and can affect mothers and fathers. If you want to harm your kids, it's a normal feeling, but seek help instead of doing something crazy.
Oh my God. This made me cry....poor babies. Rest in peace little ones. I draw the line when it involves children. Pisses me off. Hence the name.
Understood. I chose to read it and all the comments. Bottom line in all of this insanity are the children. I would do anything to end their suffering. I just absolutely cannot wrap my head around the mindset of some ppl. Pure evil.
Where's BLM and the Dems?
Nevermind, I forgot.
My husband and I were 110th on a list to adopt. We finally went private. There are so many couples who would have loved these babies.
All due to systemic racism.
I would've had them. Hang the mother.
DA will probably drop the charges. Equity. Didn't have access to abortions. She deserves to have a career.
they knew this was the outcome. The satanists need to be remove for good after this war. These stories should never happen. When it's time, my God protect me, when he needs me.
As a twin Mom, I would have 100% taken those babies into our flock in a heartbeat. All she had to do was google and adoption service. Why resort to complete and total evil because that’s what’s convenient? Pray for the souls of these two babies. Unbelievable.
What an unbelievably horrific story. Beyond comprehension. The mother didn’t want them? Not just innocent blood but her own flesh and blood!! I have kids and grandkids . . I’ve prayed and can’t muster any compassion for her.
“What’s the problem, it’s just a post birth abortion.“
...and libs will defend her actions. Sick.
sorry but ill be the one to say it: if i wanted extremely sad, non-Q-related news, i'd watch CNN or go on social media.
New York does a poor job of communicating how easy their baby moses laws are. 30 days, no liability or penalty if left at a hospital, fire house, or police station
But this is what you guys will see more of when abortions get banned and adoption standards are ridiculously high and filled with red tape. Maybe not as tragically or gruesome, but I have no doubt dumpster babies will occur more frequently.
We are the only species that polices reproduction, yet we make the surrounding factors near impossible. Found out your pregnant too late to go through an adoption agency? Too bad, you've got to go through CPS and deal with a month or more of court BS after you just gave birth. Not to mention you are on the hook for up to 50k in hospital bills for a mere 12-24 hours even if your birth is 100% natural with no complications.
I really wonder WHY this woman who is capable of stabbing and painstakingly killing two infants didn't abort in the first few weeks of pregnancy, if she knew she had no desire or intention? This woman should rot in jail but also be a wake up call for massive reform in every aspect of the business of birth.
It's mental health that's the issue. She wasn't logical or rational enough to adopt them out, baby moses them, or even abort them.
This is the consequence of letting just anyone have children. There's obviously people who have no business doing it. It's a reality we need to face as a society
She's psycho..and unfortunately is now on New Yorkers tax bill for life
She needs to be burned at the stake.