My calls had nothing to do with politics or polling. Some of these people were from liberal states like NY, CA and elsewhere. The citizens were from all over the country. So many patriots everywhere!
They were fuming about the stolen election, Fauchi, their governors and lockdowns and so much more. One guy, a retired NY lawyer, said Mike Lindell is a hero and patriot.
These people came from every ethnic background and it made me realize there are a lot of pissed off Americans from every state and every walk of life trying to make a living who are wide awake to what is happening.
There will come a time when people finally rise from their comfy sofas and take to the streets throughout the United States, March for freedom and take back the country that was stolen from the satanic liars who have seated themselves in our nations capitol.
The same thing happened to me this week. I had a woman call me from a company that buys houses. I don't even know how our conversation turned to politics, but it did.
I couldn't get off the phone with her, because she wanted to just keep talking about it. She was upset about the masks and the possibility of a vaccine passport.
I had a meeting with a health care insurance lady...she is actually Armenian. She started talking about how scared she was about shit going on. She already follows Q. turned her on to this site..she said everyone she talks to is pissed like the rest of us.....every time someone asks me how I'm doing I answer " Tired,broke, pissed off and disgusted like everyone else"...usually gets a laugh and a me too answer
"Tired,broke, pissed off and disgusted like everyone else"
I'm going to use that fren ?
be my guest fern the reactions you get LOL
That needs to be a bumper sticker, complete with the little frog face at the end.
Can I use it too?
Hell yeah we should all use it
? That's what I'm looking forward to.
Be too. It actually seems like a brilliant way to test the waters when talking to people.
I know, right?
CA is red. Biden cheated.
So is Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Virginia.
I'm just guessing here, but I think you might be a based Virginian.
HA! Your username is awesome!
Diversity is divison into smaller and smaller subgroups who are then told they are victims of white people. They are told who to hate and then lied to when they ask why. They are given free stuff to buy them off. The luciferian pedophile death cult cant survive without bribes and division.
I would updoot this 1000 times if I could. I'm stealing that Fren. Thank you.
I had a similar experience with a friend talking about the "UK variant" and I ask how long until we have the Chinese variant of the China Virus just making a joke and got a very dirty look from a woman with the side of her head shaved...figures. That's mostly what these weak, effeminate creatures are capable of.
How did you meet these people / call /talk to them .. I must have missed it since 'Not politics and polling.. Like just 'hey whats up rando?'.
I work for a big company and make outbound calls everyday. The conversations aren’t supposed to be focused on politics. People speak about it because they can’t stand to see what’s happening and I’m a good listener. That’s all I can say.
I'm in the agriculture industry, farmers and many of the industries that support it. Like you, I speak with people from all over. Hearing and SEEING the same. I wish I would have taken a picture, but I drove by 1 medium sized farm this past wk, guy must have had 10 trump flags in his front yard. People are getting angry and pissed. I've been pretty shocked by many of the conversations over the past 2-3 weeks. However, in my mind I wrote it off to the highly conservative community I work & live within, but was nice to hear people being more vocal & aware.
I am a contractor and everyone I talk to from builders to suppliers to delivery persons to homeowners to other contractors and their employees, are just as pissed as I am. One of my subdivisions is almost exclusively H1B visas from India. They are all pissed too. This isnt what they came to America for. They came to escape the caste system. They came for the American Dream not the Leftist Dystopian Nightmare.
The Hispanics workers too are pissed.
We are slowly reaching the precipice
Same here, regional sales, talk to people from 6 states. (Midwest). EVERYONE save a couple, are going out of their minds pissed.
Some are, eh, call me for the infantry charge, I'll be there. I know a couple who own tanks. They are serviced and ready to roll. Tons are just scared and need leadership.
Oh shoot.. I wish you could say more.. alas.
Me too
I just went thru small KY town and saw 2 Trump 2024 flags.
Yup tons of Trump signs still up in Michigan too.
I am also from the Bluegrass state. I had to drive to Somerset from Elizabethtown this week (about a 2 hour drive). I took the back roads to save some time. There were Trump flags up in EVERY small town and little farms all along the way. Lots of them. NOT ONE ... NOT ONE Xiden anything.
I'll tell you this too Fren ... Beshear did not win the Governor election. That was rigged as hell. Yes, I know the narrative the Bevin pissed off the teachers union is why he lost. No way. I agree it hurt his numbers, but he DID NOT lose enough votes to lose the election. Not a chance. That shit was stolen. Everyone I talk to INCLUDING teachers knows it too. I can't believe our state legislature is just rolling over and taking it. Makes me sick.
Concur. Where in the hell are the good guys in this state? I now for a fact Dan Cameron is/was a good guy. No doubt he is somehow comped. He is the 'heir-apparent' to McConnels seat. I don't know enough to make a confident assessment on him right now. What I can say for 100% certainty is that our state GOP is led by a deep state traitor. I could fire off a flurry of colorful adjectives about that guy but for now I'll be polite. He sux. He is trash, and is everything wrong with this state today.
Hop-town got nothin' on Kenton, Fayette, or Jefferson Counties. Those places are scumbag central. Agree though. We got issues here in the Bluegrass. Big time.
I think good ol' Mitch's reelection was a "given".
My local coin shop in Illinois already had Trump 2024 silver coins for sale, they were sold out within the week.
You should see what Oregon is becoming after our Dear Governor shut down restaurants again. You will always have the certain percentage of True Blue Believers, but more and more are just disgusted by it all.
Sometimes stupid kids need to get spanked twice. Just sayin.
Spanked twice? Many of these lefties are past due needing the belt.
Why is it that all the weirdos seem to migrate to Seattle and Portland??
I've asked that many times myself, did this place deliberately becoming a leftist insano critical mass?
I’ve been angry and pissed off for 6 months!!!!
14 months here...
50 years here...really...I KNEW...I just KNEW...The Spirit of the LORD, kept me from 'hearing' the brainwashing. AND my Dad, USMC...I wish he were here at this time, see...he also worked for the CIA ... He KNEW...
I keep praying to God that I get to live long enough to see the end of this "movie"/movement. I can then go to my maker knowing my children and grandchildren will have a better world to live in.
The past 4 months feel like years have passed already.
I've got a neighbor who says all of the immigrant workers at work are sick and tired of this shit, too.
Me likey.
Not surprising if their experience in the USA is not remotely like what stories told them they would find.
I got into a debate with a good friend. He blamed the power outages in Texas that cost lives on Texas's refusal to connect to other power concerns. He said people died because of this, and that they didn't have backups. They did this for tax evasion reasons of course.
I explained to him that Texas has its own set of power grids, and does not need other state's power. What happened in North Texas was indirectly caused by Biden's stroke of a pen. Using executive orders, he killed the the coal plants that supply power. The plants were the main source. The turbines were secondary. There was never a need to connect to other grids, so way pay unnecessary taxes?
Texas would have been fine normally. We have freezes almost every year. The only difference was the time difference between the stroke of the pen and the freeze provided Texas with no way to build up a secondary power source up north.
Despite this, there was sadly no reaching him. Please, I mean this guy no offense. He isn't an asshole. After that debate we talked for 3 more hours about life, family, kids, house upgrades, ect. He is a good guy, just a man who sees achieving the dream a different way than we do.
The problem is he is a successful lib. He is intelligent and resourceful, able to purchase a house in Cali despite the costs. With this success comes arrogance, because that success leads to delusions of grandeur in their own reasoning. I'm also quite successful and do fall into this trap. If you want to reach these people, you need to break those barriers.
I'm sure it can be done with this gentleman. But I think its going to take "the blood coated axe with the murderer's named burned into the handle retrieved from the back of their car as they speed away from the crime scene" levels of evidence to do so.
PS: I don't mean to dismiss the lives lost in North Texas. Its a tragedy. I was using euphemism to explain how the news spins a story to make one side look bad.
Also, he is most likely a moral relativist. I find this to common with the type of person you are describing. Simple litmus test. Ask: Black man kills white man vs. White man kills black man. My views are no different in these two simple scenarios. However, he will try to ask more specific questions like: was the black man poor, was the white man from a good family, etc. Relativism: the true anti-Liberty.
What he is is blind. Would you let a blind man's visions drive your car?
that ice storm that came out of nowhere is highly suspect as well...just weird that Texas starts talking about seceding ...gets smashed by biden eco policy then BAM a freak winter storm that spanks Texas for a few weeks...imma call that a setup..who runs that weather program? i know china has one...js
A lot of New Yorkers, New Jerseyians, and Californians are very conservative, if that word means anything anymore. They don’t go in for all of this Leftist claptrap.
They are chained to a post, in their States. These posts are named Albany, New York City, Trenton, Newark, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Sacramento. But these days these cities aren’t even best described as “posts”. More like boat anchors.
All through my state in the midwest are Trump flags. Huge ones on farms, small ones on houses, stickers on cars. Nobody wears masks anywhere and nobody asks you to put them on. Store employees wear them but 95% of all customers don't. Once u get in the county/city limits the signs vanish and the masks appear on every single person.
A sleeping giant will awaken. It is agonizingly slow watching people wake up, but I never thought I would see people wake up en masse like now. (From an old guy whose been awake, who people looked at like a crazy person)
Ditto....I tried to warn people about all this shit coming after 9/11.... Nobody, absolutely Nobody listened and almost everyone laughed.... And now??? Now I'm all of a sudden the go to for info guy..... But even that is starting to slow down, which tells me that they are awake, doing the research, and spreading the truth.....Which is waking up even more people.... I'm almost elated that America is waking the hell up....Maybe some day in the Future, we can all take back our Right Of Privacy....That will be the Ultimate Test....
Funny that you say that. I tried to warn people about the p4tr10t act. Nobody understood. What's going on, it's one of those things, I hate that I ended up being right but it is nice to see people start to see the world for what it is.
From this old gal, I agree. It's wonderful isn't it? Never thought I would see so many waking up. And, the amount of knowledge I have absorbed in the past few years...blows my mind!
Every where I go regardless of race or gender I hear People talking g about hanging politicians and they're not joking. They want justice and blood is how they aim to get it.
I tell all my neighbors. I’m working on making a t shirt that says:
Fear a pandemic —- or use a Cure?
Ivermectin Hydroxychlorquine Chlorine dioxide
They cure Bigly. (Pepe Face)
America’s Frontline Doctors Dr. Stella ???
Maybe just Pandemic in a red circle with a line thru it.?
Please add to this and let’s run with it!
Stella Emmanuel. I'm really bad with names but hers I won't forget.
Question: The rigged election (unfortunately) was the needed painful RED PILL for many?
The coming economic squeeze is the redpill
The "news" is a literal cover-up of the truth. Prove me wrong. I won't care.
I was at my Dentist haven't been since pandemic. I started feeling her out no no.. about the mask,vax then the Cabal,Children,Disney,Pedos,Vatican etc. She knows quite a bit in the 30 mins I talked with her so does the Receptionist amazing we clamed up around other patients she gave me the look!! Left happy and she did extra on my teeth no charge hell yeah!!
That revolution can't come too soon for me.
Everyone I talk to is fed up with what's going on. I recently went to Vegas and I overhead a lady on the plain talking about how great Trump was, our taxi driver said she didn't give a shit if we wore masks, an employee at the hotel told me they either had to get the vaccine or pay weekly to get a test. She was coerced into getting it People everywhere are annoyed but I think they are being feel like they are the minority so they say and do nothing.
We live in a very liberal city and twice this week my husband has been approached by acquaintances and asked “what the hell is going on?” Very strange
Well im from a pretty red area but i have to say more people than you would think are completely aware of whats going on. Im beginning to think we're nearing that 4-6 percent...
Go look a the comments on Joe Biden's Facebook page. Brutal and I love it.
People are shredding him left and right. Thanks for wakin' up the normies Joe.
I, too, am pissed off. A letter from Newt Gingrich arrived in the mail saying how important it was I share with the RNC what I think the hot issues for coming elections are.... ehy bother when our vote doesn't matter?
If it's a pre-paid return envelope I send back my responses with that same message and a $0 in the donation field.
Not while BLM & Antifa threaten show up illegally at American rallies like MGT’s Back the Blue in Ohio.