I mentioned in a post a couple days ago that I like tin foil hat pepe because he's on a personal level with me as my family jokes with me about wearing my tin foil hat too tight and today he appeared.
Same one I had, the tin foil pepe OP is rocking. Got it from evspra, liked it a lot. I know it's insignificant, perhaps even a needed lesson in humility, but as happy as I was for OP......well....you know.
Something like a braveheart Pepe. Inside I’m going full berserker about everything that’s happening in our great country, outside I’m just keeping a steel focus on myself and my family. Keeping my oldest boys informed and my younger two (that I home school) protected.
No worries. I changed my username not long ago because it was the same as my old Reddit account. My spidey-sense tickled me one day and said change it. I’m more than happy to wait until maturity strikes!! :)
That is the one I want, my child says I have an "aluminum hat" on. I embrace it. I walk around completely at ease knowing that all that I am seeing is just a movie. So fucking obvious of a movie.
I have no idea what I am doing here mods!
I would really love a picture of a Corgi as my profile pic.
Please help me here! I have had so many responses I do not know what to answer to.
Thank you!
I like your Pepe. I too wish to have one of my own, I will toil and work hard, perhaps the Mods will notice and deem me worthy some day. lol
I mentioned in a post a couple days ago that I like tin foil hat pepe because he's on a personal level with me as my family jokes with me about wearing my tin foil hat too tight and today he appeared.
Bug free and based. I like it. Lol
I had one once and the mods took it away. :(
Still a little salty about that, they never did tell me why.
Same one I had, the tin foil pepe OP is rocking. Got it from evspra, liked it a lot. I know it's insignificant, perhaps even a needed lesson in humility, but as happy as I was for OP......well....you know.
And there is much rejoicing!
That's marvelous!
Thanks y'all!
Something like a braveheart Pepe. Inside I’m going full berserker about everything that’s happening in our great country, outside I’m just keeping a steel focus on myself and my family. Keeping my oldest boys informed and my younger two (that I home school) protected.
Thank you, I'd like the sunglasses Pepe. I'm low key and like to act cool, although I'm not.
and to add, things are really running smoothly around the GAW shop these days. Thanks to you and the rest of the Mods for manning the walls.
Thank you!
Hily shit, I got one too! I didn't even need to ask, also I usually have community styling off so I have no idea when this happened :)
Any way I can get the pepe with the cardboard box armor, and a "veteran" tag? I can provide the pepe if you dm me Pretty please lol
Oh man I’d like the cardboard Pepe too lol
Yessss! Thank you magical mod man!
If you need the Pepe, I posted an image of him yesterday I think it was
Perfect! Thank you!
Ooh ooh ooh .. can you share the tinfoil magic with me too?
No worries. I changed my username not long ago because it was the same as my old Reddit account. My spidey-sense tickled me one day and said change it. I’m more than happy to wait until maturity strikes!! :)
I agree and the .wins are the only sites I engage in because I don't really care much for social media.
I’d like a cardboard armor Pepe please. I posted it in here the other day but I like them all lol
I, for one, welcome our new alien overlords. But don't let them read your thoughts! I can has protective gear?
Ye, tin foil hat plz.
Can I please have the army pepe? I've prepared the image in case you don't already have this one:
Dying for a special Pepe
That is the one I want, my child says I have an "aluminum hat" on. I embrace it. I walk around completely at ease knowing that all that I am seeing is just a movie. So fucking obvious of a movie.
It's my favorite because my family jokes about my tin foil hat being too tight.
Oh my gosh thank you!!
I've got the Pepe with sunglasses. Idk what it means but I'll take it.
It means you're cool and can have fun in the sun without squinty eyes.?
What does it mean?
It doesn't really mean anything. I just wanted to share my pepe because it made me so happy, he just appeared.
I got one too, fren! My son loved it!
I like your pepe too.
I love your pepe! But if mods are reading,i prefer my pepe
Kek my 4yo “he’s so cute!” Love it
Ohh they put it on there? Lol. I’d be honored too!
Yes, I came on and there he was. I'm happy because pepe.
thats a good one......:)
I like all pepe's but this one is mine, lol.
I'd really like a tinfoil hat Pepe. Half of my friends think I'm crazy but they still come to me for hopium.
Maybe mods will gift you one. The same with my friends, all 3 of them.?
Fingers crossed!
Sweet! Now I'm one of the cool kids!
Could I please have a tinfoil hat Pepe?
AWESOME!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!
Help! Corgi please! I love my little Lily!
Please, sir. May I have some Pepe? ?
I would love a Templar Cross if that's possible.
Sweet, that's the best imo
Thanks Mods!!!!!!
I agree. Do you think our hats are tight enough??
I’ll take one thank you!
Still don't have anything! Frenkind
I justbwanted a German flag! Thank you fren!
He's perfect! I hope to someday have my very own also.
He is! I hope you get your very own pepe too fren.
They hooked me up!!! I love him!! ACE MODS!
keep workin hard and you will get your very own........
Ta da!
Do you have any Pepe's with red hair?
Thank you. However, when I think about it , any Pepe will do. What an honor, thanks! ?
I love it! Thank you!
Ooooooooh, I want one of these!!!!!
Thank you. I wear it proudly these daze??
I'd love a tinfoil pepe please! I get told I have one on daily....lol....Thank you!!!
I hope you get one.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Love it!!
Thank you fren.
I have no idea what I am doing here mods! I would really love a picture of a Corgi as my profile pic. Please help me here! I have had so many responses I do not know what to answer to. Thank you!
Can I have a normal pepe? Would be so really nice to spice up my GA experience! Thank you for the hard work fren
can i get an American flag Thank you mods you guys are awesome!!