The Real Pandemic is Just Around the Corner.
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CV19 failed to produce the carnage that the DS wanted so they inflated the case stats using high cycle PCR tests, mis-classified (flu, heart attack, car accident) deaths as CV19, increased deaths by sending infected elderly back into the nursing homes to kill others, hyped the "death count" in the MSM constantly.
The vax is the bioweapon. Sheep are getting slaughtered just as Bill Gates predicted. A culling of the lazy and ignorant. De-population is a reality.
The people who now feel "safe" because they are vaccinated could be in for a surprise. I don't want anyone to fall ill, but dammit, the research and evidence is out there.
Don't know if the illegals are getting vaxxed. If not, then it's part of the bigger plan to have them take over once citizens drop. Scary times.
To be fair, how much do the mask wearers and jab takers really love their freedom?
Covid-19 was engineered to kill, but more importantly to justify creating the Covid-19 jab.
The Covid-19 jab is a bioweapon to kill, maim, sterilize and shed. Dr Tenpenny told her colleagues "It's the perfect killing machine".
What I haven't seen anyone explain is this:
Pres Trump pushed the Vax to blow up their (cabal) schedule in tanking our economy. If the vax is the real weapon, how did they not know, or why did they let such a dangerous vax be distributed?
Or is it just a placebo that has normal risks like the annual flu vax?
FYI: I won't let my family take it, and they don't want it.
We don't know what we don't know about the shot but given the extent of pure evil exhibited by the key players, it was likely assumed that the shot could be less-than-safe. However, consider:
(as you've mentioned) how many lives and businesses (i.e., the entire world economy) would have been lost or destroyed if there'd not been a shot and the lockdowns had continued for YEARS (3-5 per their original plan).
(knowing what we know about the DS/cabal, its depopulation goals, and its infiltration and control over just about "everything") how deadly THAT long-delayed, "FDA-approved" and, undoubtedly, MANDATED shot could have been.
the DS/cabal directed the clamor for the shot by perpetuating fear, inflating the numbers of cases and deaths, and instituting dictatorial lockdowns and other nonsensical restrictions designed to demoralize the populace. And, any comment about the coof being a hoax and any alternative therapeutic President Trump supported was immediately discredited, shut down and ridiculed by the CDC, WHO, MSM, social media, etc. As a prime example, HCQ, which Falsi supported years ago for coronavirus, was banned as a protocol for the coof specifically so there would be no alternative protocol for its treatment, thereby ushering in (virtually necessitating) the EUA for the shot to be granted.
Today, the shot isn't required. People are taking it by choice. (Yes, choosing the shot over unemployment IS a choice.) And, there's a growing body of evidence of the shot's potentially negative effects that "should" persuade people NOT to take it.
Unfortunately, what it all seems to boil down to is that we ARE in a war and war ALWAYS has collateral damage. And, the least damaging outcome from any number of less-than-desirable alternatives is the best that can be hoped for. And, THAT (the Warp-Speed shot being the lesser of evil options) is likely why President Trump supported it, IMHO.
My only hope and prayer is that the white hats have an anecdote. Some cure for the cabal’s poison. “The cure will spread worldwide” perhaps is applicable here. I pray anyway. Too many people I know have taken the jab.
I think this a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Trump pushes vax out to counter lock downs and economic crash to implement the great reset. Trump hopes supports know vax is voluntary, hopes supporters make educated decisions. Trumps knows he has a large following 80 million +, normies are on their own when it comes to vax, but Trump hopes to wake some of them up. Trump always pushed therapeutics along side the vax. Its choice.
I believe the plan was to make a MANDATORY vaccine for all citizens; warp speed resulted in a voluntary vaccine... trump gave us a chance to decline while allowing the enemies to think their plans had succeeded and revealing themselves.
I am so confusion by this too
Exactly!!! Why do you think Melinda, Bill and Warren are going through some big changes?
The best explanation I can think of is that Bill's Cascade Investment is in a short position vs the market, especially GME.. One woul not expct Bill's financial empire to crash but I think this is getting a very real option now..
The demand for adult care workers is a about to skyrocket.
long undertakers and coffin manufacturers.
I always found it strange the post Navy career choice of a Shipmate who served 20 yrs as a Damage Controlman, then punched out and went to Funeral Director school (not remotely related to his skill set and I thought somewhat creepy); now 15 years later owns 3 successful mortuaries/crematoriums. Did my wise and now hugely-profitable Shipmate know or sense something in his future?
"Two things about life are certain - death and taxes."
A relative of mine is in the funeral biz with a virtual monopoly in 7-9 small towns. At one time he considered the ministry but wasn't keen on public speaking and all the other duties. So, he decided the funeral biz was another way he could help people in their times of need. Likes his job and is well-liked as well. Initially, he had business purchase debt but after that was paid off, makes all kinds of money. Good stuff for the right persons with the right motivations.
Damage control from steel ships/systems to flesh-makes sense to me. as the boomers age and die, the numbers will get larger and larger as the next 20 years or so go by.. His foresight was 20/20!!
Sounds like a stock option
Nobody knows what the long term effects of the gene therapy will be for those that take it. For those that are pretending to know what the long-term consequences are: PROVE IT. You can't. Nobody can.
We know it is not a vaccine, but that is all we really know. Everything else is pure conjecture. There ARE adverse reactions to the gene therapy, but only a relatively small percentage of those are serious (in the short term).
We ALSO know that there is no reason for anyone to take the experimental gene therapy. It does nothing beneficial that we know of, and actually has a higher probability of causing problems than the chinese virus itself... while big pharma is immune to the legal consequences of any negative effects.
Therefore, the smart thing to do to is avoid getting it... and try our best to find out the facts behind why it is being pushed so hard by the DS scumbags. Figuring out the answer to that question will go a long way toward also figuring out what the gene therapy does to people long term.
I really hope this doesn’t turn out to be the case, or Trump returns in time to save everyone who took it, because everyone in my family already took the vax, and I’m scared of the idea of them all dying from what they thought would keep them safe and I’d be all alone with my grief.