Do you think people will start dying, mutating, etc, or will nothing will happen? Obviously no one really knows so we're just speculating here. I'm terrified of these things because of the people involved that made them and that they aren't tested yet. It seems like everyone is taking them though but I have no idea how they can feel so safe about it. I guess we'll see what happens. Any thoughts? I hope we can at least avoid vaccines being mandatory or having passports. I will not be participating in any of it regardless.
Comments (39)
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I am hoping beyond hope that most of the "vaccines" will have been saline solution! For those that weren't, I expect there will be many deaths this fall when some different virus shows up and those that have taken the shot won't have natural immunity and the "vaccine" will cause cytostorms
I think it's really bad. I think it's genocide level crimes against humanity. I'm sorry but I think we need to be mentally prepared for this possibility.
According to thousands of doctors scientists and microbiologists you will start seeing the vaccinated dye in droves once the fall gets here. There immune system no longer works and they will get wiped out by viruses. Of course the main stream news wont tell you that they will tell everyone its a new virus and everyone has to get vaccinated. The problem is people will be dying from heart attacks, lung disease, kidney and liver disease and brain anurisms. This is what the virus will cause and people will not be the wiser.
All my conservative Trump supporting friends at work took the vax. It confuses the fuck out of me.
Much like with "Covid-19," most people who got the vaccine will survive with little to no side effects.
Many will get very sick.
Many will die.
Many will find themselves infertile.
But most people will be fine.
Im not worried for me. Im worried for my 2 year old boy. His doctor is a looney toon and i am ready to switch to a new doctors office. This school mandating the vax is coming and im not sure how i am going to break a teachers jaw.
I would not be surprised if the vaccinated get sick and blame the unvaccinated to keep us divided.
I have to disagree with you on this point. The vax demand is actually very much down, especially outside of typical blue areas. It's why you see celebs pushing the vax and even companies like Krispy Cream and McDonalds. I know people who have had the vax and I know many, many more who haven't.
Sanity is very rare here.
The point of testing is to answer these questions in a nondestructive way that isnt massively injurious of public health. So who the hell knows?
Death and sterility in the near term.. ruined immune systems forever (remember how initially the china virus was found to have gene sequences very similar to AIDS & anti aids retrovirals were an early successful treatment?) , cancer within a year?
Nothing good. Taking a mystery vaccine makes as much sense as sucking on a waste outlet pipe of some random dilapidated chemical factory. And might be less healthier.
The mRNA "vaccine" panic obviously is justifiable due to valid concerns.
Keep in mind that the mRNA "vaccine" will NOT be a 100% disaster, nor will there be 0% damage. The truth lies somewhere in between.
My belief is that 30% of the mRNA vaccinated people will have serious, life threatening illness over the next 12-months, either related to a reaction to Covid-19 or due to other vaccine related health problems. Most of them will require hospitalization. Of the 150 MILLION people in the nation taking the vax, that would be 45 MILLION people, which would absolutely overwhelm our hospitals and doctors (especially since our doctors and medical community overwhelmingly took the vax too). Of those 45 Million people, about 20% or 9 Million will either die or have life-changing long-term medical issues. Of the 150 Million vaxed, I would bet that 5% (or 7.5 Million) become sterile and unable to bear children, and 25% (or 37.5 Million) will have reduced sperm count or decreased fertility (or increased chance of miscarriage).
The remainder of the 105 Million vaxed people will have varying degrees of either NO complications, slightly elevated reaction to Covid, some health problems ranging from minor to serious... or anywhere in between. Most of the symptoms or conditions will be written off by MSM and the CDC as being not vaccine related, even though everyone will know better.
I also believe that the remainder of the U.S. population will be susceptible to increased severity of Covid reactions because the virus will continue to mutate within the vaxed community. We will never achieve "herd immunity"... because that was the plan, not an unintended result.
Whatever you do, plan NOT to require any medical care starting from next October and going through the entirety of 2022. It's flat out not going to be available. If you need something done, do it now or forget it. When the SHTF starting in Fall of 2021... expect forced quarantines, community lockdowns and panic among people that have been vaxed. Expect our medical community to become overwhelmed and begin to crumble. At that point, you may find the U.S. military and Doctors without Borders coming in to assist the medical community and take over hospitals.
Just my 2-cents worth.
The financial cost will be enormous. Who will pay?
I think it will prevent anyone who took it unable to have children. I think best way of depopulation to tackle climate control without killing their sheep in the eyes of the cabal.
This is a scary interesting possibility...
BardsFM | Storm Dispatch - 20210513 on Podbean, check it out!
Nope flu vaccine is actually a vaccine. The covid shots are MRNA and they create spike protein in every cell in the body including inside the lungs the heart the liver kidney and brains. Many many people will die from it.
"Anyone who downvotes this is a shill."
I'm leaning in this direction. If it's not mRNA technology, Trump can promote it with a clear conscious, in that it is no worse than a normal flu shot. Most people that take the CV shot probably already take the seasonal flu shot anyway -- they would weigh the risks just as they do now (which is likely, not at all).
Nothing. Not only think, but know. I know nothing will happen. The vaccine being a depopulation agent is illogical and not backed by facts. A few people will have a bad reaction, and it will save a few lives from covid. The entire thing is one big waste of energy from both sides.
Bill Gates is on record stating he wants to use vaccines to reduce the population.
I know. I know every piece of info you could tell me about this. I do this twelve hours a day.
Why would Bill Gates talk about depopulation and hang out with eugenicists but then when the time comes release a perfectly safe vaccine?
Why would Trump and Patriots allow a depopulation vaccine? It's obvious Trump is in control. Are you claiming Q is letting them depopulate us? You're watching a movie.
Why would a murderer not murder someone? Many reasons. The most obvious one being that Trump and the Patriots are in control and foiled their plans. Trump was the one urging the vaccines be made available immediately. Claiming the vaccines are depop agents is the same thing as saying the plan failed. You realize if it was a depop agent, we're fucked, right? Like society will collapse very very soon because most people have taken it. If you actually think your opinion through it's illogical.
I'm not saying your wrong but if you look at things it seems as though the NWO plan is in full swing. Lockdowns, masks, social distancing, economic collapse, now we're talking about forced vaccines next? Yes all of us will be fucked from depopulation but the top .1% will be just fine in their new perfect world and I'm sure that is exactly what they want. I really hope you are right because otherwise I think this is it. I am very much a trust the plan person but I started to have doubts when Trump started promoting the vaccines. Feels like we can't trust anyone right now.
400,000 people have died after getting "vaccinated" (by taking the CDC's own estimation that only 1% are reported - Miscarriages by the thousands, yet they push them, and now they are pushing them on adolescents. All animals died during animal trials, it was 'too inhumane" to finish the study. It's a depopulation tool, what are people so afraid of they are lining up for an experimental vaccine. Have you heard of anyone getting pregnant after they have taken the covid shot?
Nice fake news and propaganda. You fit right in with the fear mongering covidians.
60 % of the new covid cases are people that are vaxed. This is first not a vaccine and second does not stop you form getting covid. It also does not stop you from spreading covid so the entire MRNA is pointless. The only reason for it is to sterilize both male and female and kill many.
No. If you look at the data, it does prevent covid deaths at a far greater rate than any negative reaction. Stop being a low info fear monger.
Please provide the raw data, scientific studies, and detailed statistical and clinical analysis that has allowed you to arrive at this conclusion. Include the reason you feel that long term (multi year) testing for autoimmune disorders can be safely ignored. If you can make an actual, logical case for your opinion, backed up by indisputable facts, then that would actually contribute positively to the discussion. Many of us want to know the truth about this vaccine whatever that might be, but your attitude gives us little reason to trust you. Proving your hypothesis and why you think this way would lend a lot of credibility. It is interesting you call other's responses "low info."
I'm not going to waste my time writing a paper for the ill informed. The data is out there, go look it up, you're more likely to die from a lightning strike than the covid vaccine. Covid vaccines were just proven to prevent deaths in a study posted today on this very board. Go do your own homework like I did.
Don't know where you're getting "stop testing for autoimmune disorders." You're just putting words in my mouth there.
PS: your vocabulary and verbiage don't impress anyone, but they do succeed in making you sound like a ponce.
e.g. You can not answer my question. Fair enough.
I did you absolute moron. If you want to know the data go read the studies, I'm not going to spoonfeed you like a child.