Pretty sure we're reaching a boiling point soon, just look at all the downvotes on the CBC YouTube videos. Canadian state media gets just as many downvotes as xiden.
Canada doesn't really have a based side, they've been Royalty gobblers since before they were a nation.
They join the military and go around the world being paid to fight for the cabal.
Canadians were in more combat zones in the 20th century than any other nation.
They lie to you, and tell you they're peaceful, which - as long as they're facing an authority figure, they are - they have no spines.
But when they're out shooting up people with 1/3rd the weapons and technologies, they never stop spamming the airwaves about those brave, based soldiers.
They're ZOG mercenaries.
Nothing more.
And that's what they'll always be. They're not gonna stand up to anybody in authority.
Canada has a population and attitude almost identical to California. Most of the people are based rural farmers and white collar workers, but the two or three major cities control everything but lean left wing, and are full of immigrants and corruption. But just like how California is in reality a red state, so is Canada.
Disagree. I live 30 minutes from Windsor, Ontario and have been going there all my life. My wife is a Canadian immigrant. Her entire family still lives there in Chatham, Blenheim and London. My grandmas family lives in Joggins, Nova Scotia.
Through all this extensive experience with Canada and Canadians dating back to the 60s, I have met maybe a handful of based Canadians. My wife is now one of them thanks to 30 years of marriage and living in the US. Canadians are the ultimate go along to get along people and even my wife would agree.
It is disgusting and awful what Canada is doing to numerous churches and pastors. Meanwhile mosques are allowed to fill to capacity without police showing up to fence the church off and arrest everyone and they’re locking down to the fullest extent of retardation.
Oh America. Always taking things to the furthest extent.
If Canada continues on this slippery slope, we surely will be sorry, but I refuse to be so pessimistic about my fellow citizens that I call them communist, and I would ask you to reconsider your own choice to do so. You negate the cost of actual communism when you blast a label like that toward a country you clearly have no education about.
I live in Canada and it’s a Communist shithole. My “fellow” Canadians are cucked to the max. Everyone seems fine with how things are going and most people want MORE restrictions from the government. Everyone I know is taking the experimental jab. I can’t stand how spiness Canadians are. As someone born and raised in Eastern Europe, I’m not a fan of this limp dicked attitude. I wish I never moved here.
To add to his point the protest still happened, regardless of the injunction and a lot of people received fines
We stand up for ourselves here however a few years back the liberal party bailed out the media companies and that’s where our problem lies. Basically CNN owns Canadian media
You can move if you want to. I believe in family more than country anyways. If things get bad, I'm fine with moving into the sticks and making our own way there. There's plenty of empty space. Plenty of other countries, too.
China is communist. Canada is Commonwealth. If you don't see the difference, you shouldn't speak up about it until you learn some more.
It's fine to give a warning that a country is in danger of becoming Communist, but when you imply that it has already happened, you make yourself look like a goofball.
Let's not take things to their furthest extent. Please. It's completely useless in every situation except hypothetical argument.
Taking things to the furthest extent. Ah yes. Maybe that's why we gained our freedom 200 years before you, and will preserve it long after.
I appreciate your optimism, I really do. Does it come in Armor piercing? I hope so. Because watching the former Eastern Bloc, Polish pastor be dragged away calling the police gestapo is not a good look. They put him in solitary confinement for 30 hours. Tell him Communism doesn't apply as a label, and see what he says.
All due respect, the guy said Canadians need to stand up for themselves. Then your fee fees got hurt, because you took it as an insult to your country when in reality he was simply stating the obvious.
Of course you are. You're referring to a statistic that relies on a population count. If that seventh place you referred exists, it is 100% driven by population and nothing else. Think it through.
I'm really feeling for you guys. Castro is really going full retard with the great reset and it's not being reported by any MSM. Our government is trying to implement same BS here. But Cindy's team of 5 million is not with her and never will be. But they still trying.
Majority of our population lives in the North Island. The Beehive (how masonic is that standing in plain sight) is in Wellington so yea - just annex them and the rest of us will be just fine. We still have the Chatham and Stewart Islands if necessary :).
Halifax is lost. Got a buddy from out there. He says the mob-rule leftists have completely handed over power to the government and attack anyone on social media who doesn't go along with their delusion.
Asked about this, he said the police were just targeting people with signs they didn't like, and they arrested a few.
I'm Canadian and it's very hard to get through people's heads that those in power do not have our best interest in mind. I don't know what it would take to wake these people up and if they pass this new bill regarding our access to content on YouTube, social media and even search domains then its going to just get worse from here. I'm so mad at my family and friends that even though I show them information all the time they all just think I'm crazy. But I would rather be crazy then Stupid so I'll keep trying to do what I can to wake more people up.
same in england. scotland and canada are worst in europe and on brink of becoming communist dystopias. scotlands hate speech bill would literally bring back child spies.
People need to stop labelling whole countries “commies” and blaming the citizens. It’s the evil bastards controlling the countries that are the problem not the everyday citizens and it’s the same all over the world right now.
YIKES!!! Shows how quickly a seemingly free country can turn into a dictatorship. We area hare’s breath away from this here! I take it as a warning shot across the bow.
All the people have to do is fucking show up anyway. Come on, Canada... show us your based side.
Pretty sure we're reaching a boiling point soon, just look at all the downvotes on the CBC YouTube videos. Canadian state media gets just as many downvotes as xiden.
Canada doesn't really have a based side, they've been Royalty gobblers since before they were a nation.
They join the military and go around the world being paid to fight for the cabal.
Canadians were in more combat zones in the 20th century than any other nation.
They lie to you, and tell you they're peaceful, which - as long as they're facing an authority figure, they are - they have no spines.
But when they're out shooting up people with 1/3rd the weapons and technologies, they never stop spamming the airwaves about those brave, based soldiers.
They're ZOG mercenaries.
Nothing more.
And that's what they'll always be. They're not gonna stand up to anybody in authority.
See a pattern here? Canada, Australia, New Zealand.... Are all ruled by whom?
The disgusting Queen of England
Canada has a population and attitude almost identical to California. Most of the people are based rural farmers and white collar workers, but the two or three major cities control everything but lean left wing, and are full of immigrants and corruption. But just like how California is in reality a red state, so is Canada.
Disagree. I live 30 minutes from Windsor, Ontario and have been going there all my life. My wife is a Canadian immigrant. Her entire family still lives there in Chatham, Blenheim and London. My grandmas family lives in Joggins, Nova Scotia.
Through all this extensive experience with Canada and Canadians dating back to the 60s, I have met maybe a handful of based Canadians. My wife is now one of them thanks to 30 years of marriage and living in the US. Canadians are the ultimate go along to get along people and even my wife would agree.
Yeah like I said: they're authority cock gobbling communists.
Hopefully when we unscrew ourselves down here we will be able to assist the folks living in our hat. Hang tough Canucks, keep resisting.
It is disgusting and awful what Canada is doing to numerous churches and pastors. Meanwhile mosques are allowed to fill to capacity without police showing up to fence the church off and arrest everyone and they’re locking down to the fullest extent of retardation.
They need to stand up for themselves.
That's true, but we could say the same for America. You're in shambles.
Yeah, I wouldn't use the word "same". We still have guns, enjoy your communism.
Oh America. Always taking things to the furthest extent.
If Canada continues on this slippery slope, we surely will be sorry, but I refuse to be so pessimistic about my fellow citizens that I call them communist, and I would ask you to reconsider your own choice to do so. You negate the cost of actual communism when you blast a label like that toward a country you clearly have no education about.
All due respect, fix yourselves first.
I live in Canada and it’s a Communist shithole. My “fellow” Canadians are cucked to the max. Everyone seems fine with how things are going and most people want MORE restrictions from the government. Everyone I know is taking the experimental jab. I can’t stand how spiness Canadians are. As someone born and raised in Eastern Europe, I’m not a fan of this limp dicked attitude. I wish I never moved here.
To add to his point the protest still happened, regardless of the injunction and a lot of people received fines
We stand up for ourselves here however a few years back the liberal party bailed out the media companies and that’s where our problem lies. Basically CNN owns Canadian media
You can move if you want to. I believe in family more than country anyways. If things get bad, I'm fine with moving into the sticks and making our own way there. There's plenty of empty space. Plenty of other countries, too.
You are communist sir in a co.munist nation called Canada. My people left there thankfully 10 years ago.
Your leaders are communist. Stupidly ignore it at your own peril. Your people are going to have to resist it or you become it. It's a choice.
Stop exaggerating. It does you no favours.
China is communist. Canada is Commonwealth. If you don't see the difference, you shouldn't speak up about it until you learn some more.
It's fine to give a warning that a country is in danger of becoming Communist, but when you imply that it has already happened, you make yourself look like a goofball.
Let's not take things to their furthest extent. Please. It's completely useless in every situation except hypothetical argument.
We did fix ourselves first, we made sure we have a bill of rights and a LOT of weaponry.
That's why our government, far FAR more powerful than that bunch of hayseeds running your country, are already scrambling and backing down from us,
while yours beat your clergy in the street.
Your handlers have been training Red Communist soldiers, because you're authority gobbler ZOG Communists.
We have PLENTY of education about you.
It's why we vowed never to let our government completely disarm us and tell us shut up, we have no rights.
You've lived under this for 300 years.
YOU just haven't known YOUR history.
As ZOG cabal crumbs-beggars.
You have NEVER been free,
You have NEVER decided - how about some fuckin' human rights?
You have NEVER done ANYTHING but GROVEL for ZOG CABAL crumbs.
Can't argue with that.
Why are you mad?
Because authority cock gobblers are the worst.
Taking things to the furthest extent. Ah yes. Maybe that's why we gained our freedom 200 years before you, and will preserve it long after.
I appreciate your optimism, I really do. Does it come in Armor piercing? I hope so. Because watching the former Eastern Bloc, Polish pastor be dragged away calling the police gestapo is not a good look. They put him in solitary confinement for 30 hours. Tell him Communism doesn't apply as a label, and see what he says.
All due respect, the guy said Canadians need to stand up for themselves. Then your fee fees got hurt, because you took it as an insult to your country when in reality he was simply stating the obvious.
No, just stating my opinion.
As am I.
State it to your government it would be more useful, if freedom is what you in fact seek.
you guys could throw off your government t much easier than we if you wanted.
He's trying to continue that never ending posturing Canadians do so they can pretend they have some rights, some dignity, some spine.
They're mostly Brits. In other words authority gobbling zog cogs.
On the list of countries with the most guns Canada ranks 7th.
Gold? Silver? Bronze? Wood? No, I don't even know what 7th place is.
If you are really going to pretend we have parallel gun laws/culture, then it is no wonder Canada is in the shape it's in.
Do you know the population of the top ten most populated countries in the world? If not, why scoff like being first would actually mean anything?
Let's try and remain on topic. I'm not speaking about population.
Of course you are. You're referring to a statistic that relies on a population count. If that seventh place you referred exists, it is 100% driven by population and nothing else. Think it through.
I'm not your buddy, guy!
And that is probably less weaponry than any single State in the US. So what is your point?
Our shambles is being dealt with watch what happens. And we have a billion guns. I have 20 or 30.of my "SAME" ha, think not.
I'm really feeling for you guys. Castro is really going full retard with the great reset and it's not being reported by any MSM. Our government is trying to implement same BS here. But Cindy's team of 5 million is not with her and never will be. But they still trying.
That's the thing. I fully empathize with the Canadian people. But I keep hearing people do the equivalent of making excuses for letting it go.
You got two big islands there - problem solved (if only it was so easy)
Majority of our population lives in the North Island. The Beehive (how masonic is that standing in plain sight) is in Wellington so yea - just annex them and the rest of us will be just fine. We still have the Chatham and Stewart Islands if necessary :).
Canada never was as free as we were and not far from thos already with their form.of government so closely aligned with GB.
With Castrot bastard kid as PM, who would expect anything less; maybe they should audit some of their ballots too...
Halifax is lost. Got a buddy from out there. He says the mob-rule leftists have completely handed over power to the government and attack anyone on social media who doesn't go along with their delusion.
Asked about this, he said the police were just targeting people with signs they didn't like, and they arrested a few.
I'm Canadian and it's very hard to get through people's heads that those in power do not have our best interest in mind. I don't know what it would take to wake these people up and if they pass this new bill regarding our access to content on YouTube, social media and even search domains then its going to just get worse from here. I'm so mad at my family and friends that even though I show them information all the time they all just think I'm crazy. But I would rather be crazy then Stupid so I'll keep trying to do what I can to wake more people up.
same in england. scotland and canada are worst in europe and on brink of becoming communist dystopias. scotlands hate speech bill would literally bring back child spies.
I'm so sorry.
The provincial government has announced that mask-free rioting will be permitted.
rebellion now becomes duty
Wish I could give this a million upvotes.
They don't know what that word means. Their highest glory is serving as zog cabal mercenaries for crumbs.
This was only the start. By the time everyone was marching, there was 10x the number!
Same in Ottawa, Windsor, etc. I hope Halifax went out, anyway.
Trudeau admires the CCP-style dictatorship. He's a dirty commie fuck.
People need to stop labelling whole countries “commies” and blaming the citizens. It’s the evil bastards controlling the countries that are the problem not the everyday citizens and it’s the same all over the world right now.
Truth. We cant let them divide us.
YIKES!!! Shows how quickly a seemingly free country can turn into a dictatorship. We area hare’s breath away from this here! I take it as a warning shot across the bow.