Xiden and the marxists love Palestine. But zionists are deeply embedded in the Deep State and have had a hand in most of the crimes against humanity in recent times. Not sure who to support.
Oh, I'm much less sure about that than I used to be!
Remember when [Jesus] showed up to fight for Joshua, and Joshua asked if he was friend or foe? He said, (my paraphrase) "I didn't come to take sides. I came to take over!"
Good morning to all the patriots out there.Keep hopeful, President Trump had said that this country would never become socialist, He has always kept his promises and I believe he will keep this one. Don't be discouraged and pray. The power of prayer is enormous.God bless America, President Trump and his family and all the folks in the front lines that a working tirelessly to right the wrongs.
Does anybody have a cheat sheet of RINO’s who voted for this god forsaken Jan 6 commission? I’m f#cling dumbfounded Americans have had enough time and money wasted on this ridiculous propaganda.
Made a comedy skit this week ripping on prince Harry for saying the first amendment was “bonkers”, enjoy! (Only 57 seconds) https://youtu.be/OI9v87klOHU
Any military folk in here? I'm a bit soft around the edges but I wanna fucking GOOOO, I am tech-inclined so I was interested in Space Force but I think I should just go Air Force and maybe if I belong there they'll send me? Idk
Go USAF and use your tech savvy to finish your degree in anything related with electronics security. If you get SIPRNET access take advantage of free DoD training to get any certs relating to network or SIGINT/electronics security. Cutting edge and one foot closer to Space Force Command.
I was a D1G guy in Ballston Spa. Yeah, one of the new carriers is gonna be Enterprise. I've got a buddy working at the Naval test reactor in Idaho Falls. The only prototypes left now are in Goose Creek, SC.
Here's a thought I came to while listening to the SGT Report; If hydrogels are made from plant matter to encase these experimental biological agents to trick your body into accepting materials that would otherwise be rejected by our immune system....then it seems feasible to me that we could create some type of material to attack and break down these hydrogels so that our immune systems could then do their jobs and reject the materials. Anyone in the proper fields know where to start on such a thing?
I have also noted that a lot of the articles recently in the truth movement keep linking to god. I start to get towards the end of an article feeling frightened to death of what is to come, then the tone changes to don’t worry things can be different, turn to god and pray. I’m in no way anti religious, but it just something that’s stood out recently.
No i think it has more of a religious agenda. I’m not very religious, so that’s why it probably stood out. Starts of saying he can be killed, but the info isn’t anything new that you find even with google about masons. He says the best is at the end, which is where the preaching bit is. But before that he shows that clip from grey state to frighten you to death saying the family got killed, which I believe they did. Then the end is more or less turn to god to be saved. All that said, it is very well put together for somebody understanding the connections with masons etc. I don’t think he needed to show all those slides and drag it out over 5 hrs. I think views would be in the millions if reduced to an hour or so. My takeaway fear you with masons and Satan and turned to god. If you noticed he also specifically targeted atheists as well.
Went to lunch with 6 coworkers, some I haven't seen in 14 months since we all started working from home. Being pretty introverted I usually don't go at all so it was weird in many ways. We were at a wings bar and the TVs were on, baseball, sportscenter etc. my TV has been off since the election night. I found it all so surreal. Besides them all not wanting to go back to the office unless mask rules are dropped, there was no political discussion, no mention of the utter shit show that's happening. I get they might not be aware or really want to acknowledge any Q plan but the silence about the shit show was deafening.
Kind of got me down since I guess the shit show is going to have to get a heck of a lot more ridiculous to wake the normies up.
?? biden in CT today local.news is disgusting!!! Usally the channel I watch pretty mush stays away from politics as it's an affiliate with Fox but they are showing it and talking about it. Well I won't get the weather today. ?
"Why don't presidents fight the war, why do they always send the poor?"
Bush - killed 500,000 Iraqis and thousands of US military personnel. Media darling.
Barack Hussein - military dropped about 20,000 bombs per year under him, yet ISIS proliferated. Killed so many innocents with drone strikes that they stopped counting innocents killed by drones. Media messiah.
Trump - no new wars. Brought troops home. Peace deals throughout the world. Hitler Satan.
I read through much of the material and had been researching different things on my own. This is all frightening and very hard to swallow. WOW. I stand with God, Trump and America. It is hard to convince others of what is going on. I have been censored on Fake book heavily and threatened. Scare the heck out of me.
I feel were about to see the shift. Trust me when I tell you, I have almost lost my sanity. The ending won't b for everyone. If they done feel n see what's going on around them. Just move on. Stay Strong Fellow Patriots.
Wow. Are all the christians awake. Ahh no. So much more than one source can or will show u. This is puzzle is mind breaking when u start to align all the pieces I do believe Jesus is walking with my President,. Donald Trump. This is not only having effect on our planet.
Welcome new fren!!! Make some Comments in threads and you can Post before you know it. Mods do a great job vetting newcomers is all. The grey handshake icon by your name, when gone should be your GO sign(?)!
I just hope that this finally gets in motion before school starts in the fall because by then you’ll see a lot of forced vaccinations for colleges and primary schools. My own college is already hinting at requiring the Covid vaccine next semester. I’m applying to transfer elsewhere but all of these commie schools do the same shit.
Yeah its rough. Take the vaccine and having it do gods knows what to you or be unvaccinated and murdered by the deep state so they can show Covid was real. No good options.
I think the plan is on. I see signs everywhere. The one I noticed is that swampling Lisa Page has been silent on twitter for months & then tweeted a Q character: https://greatawakening.win/p/12igTcA2sd/anyone-see-james-comey-or-lisa-p/ What are the chances? When I tried to see what gifs twitter would randomly give me nothing from snow white came up. I think it's a sign for us here.
Most definitely fren! I only keep a tiny pinch of healthy skepticism to be sure I'm not telling myself what I want to hear. When I step back and think logically, there's no way we'd be where we are now without The Plan still being intact. Presently, the things making the most sense to me are the Law of War references (MagicEyesQnly does some superb dives) and the obvious grassroots changes being made everywhere by We The People who are doing our part in taking our Power back!
Biden is part of the plan. I can see a deep sadness in his eyes that makes me certain he is essentially under house arrest. 4 years of the democrats screwing everything up and the country will be clambering for Trump. 2025 comes by and he's back in charge and can reveal the whole damn thing. God Bless America.
A rollercoaster ride should be called "The Plan" with how crazy it is. At my job alot of people in hushed tones are saying that they are gonna fake it and say they got vaxxed. Mainly the Morrocans. They know the msm and Fauci is full of shit.
Asking autists to post more of this ☝️ this is the enemy and they are broadcasting their strategy...on their site.
They require you to login or sign up to read.
Yea, you do have to create a login. Husband just reads.
Who should Patriots be supporting in Israel?
Xiden and the marxists love Palestine. But zionists are deeply embedded in the Deep State and have had a hand in most of the crimes against humanity in recent times. Not sure who to support.
Take the safe choice and support the Israeli PEOPLE; not it's government.
Are you sure its safe to side with the Rothschild globalist zionists?
Safer to support the people, according to the Bible. God can sort all that out.
Yeah but why does supporting the "people" mean supporting the Israelis and not the other side?
Are you sure God wants us to support the Rothschild globalists?
I don't know how to do it.
Yeah I hear you, scary times we live in. Always best to rely on scripture.
But I get worried if scripture doesn't tell us who to support in that conflict, why are we so sure we're right about who we support in America?
Oh, I'm much less sure about that than I used to be!
Remember when [Jesus] showed up to fight for Joshua, and Joshua asked if he was friend or foe? He said, (my paraphrase) "I didn't come to take sides. I came to take over!"
What's this I'm hearing about Myanmar dissolving Suu Kyi's entire National League for Democracy party?
https://i.redd.it/gpd0d5lzup071.jpg - troops leaving DC??
Is the Realrawnews.com a credible source? My friend just sent me something from them on ACB being on house arrest.
Good morning to all the patriots out there.Keep hopeful, President Trump had said that this country would never become socialist, He has always kept his promises and I believe he will keep this one. Don't be discouraged and pray. The power of prayer is enormous.God bless America, President Trump and his family and all the folks in the front lines that a working tirelessly to right the wrongs.
He also said, "Something needs to be done before 2022." He seemed to be referring to elections....
He didn't actually say elections in connection with that statement though
No, he didn't. It actually sounded more like before the end of this year...
Does anybody have a cheat sheet of RINO’s who voted for this god forsaken Jan 6 commission? I’m f#cling dumbfounded Americans have had enough time and money wasted on this ridiculous propaganda.
Thank you!
I think there was a list on Don Junior’s account.
Made a comedy skit this week ripping on prince Harry for saying the first amendment was “bonkers”, enjoy! (Only 57 seconds) https://youtu.be/OI9v87klOHU
So many Wins today! What a Friday! Gonna be a hot summer!!
Any military folk in here? I'm a bit soft around the edges but I wanna fucking GOOOO, I am tech-inclined so I was interested in Space Force but I think I should just go Air Force and maybe if I belong there they'll send me? Idk
Go USAF and use your tech savvy to finish your degree in anything related with electronics security. If you get SIPRNET access take advantage of free DoD training to get any certs relating to network or SIGINT/electronics security. Cutting edge and one foot closer to Space Force Command.
All? That would take some effort and creativity :)
I was a nuc MM on the Enterprise. It was a long 6 years but totally worth it.
I was a D1G guy in Ballston Spa. Yeah, one of the new carriers is gonna be Enterprise. I've got a buddy working at the Naval test reactor in Idaho Falls. The only prototypes left now are in Goose Creek, SC.
I still Remember My Education Is For Destroying Red Communists
If you join Space Force you can be on the leading edge of Trump's revolution in 2025.
Could someone please explain to me why the left, and even LGBTQETC is supporting Palestine and Hamas? Some really trippy stuff? So confused.
Because it conflicts with their core values. Cognitive dissonance makes them feel empowered
Probably because Trump supported Israel in the past and the left still had TDS
The leftist will support anyone or anything that hates or goes against what real Americans and the Constitution is for.
Truth11.com has a lot of info very that’s very well organized. You may find more information to weigh in. Trudeau is a monster! We will overcome!
President Kamala called the King of Jordan to form an alliance against Israel. That's USGOV telling a client state what to do.
Here's a thought I came to while listening to the SGT Report; If hydrogels are made from plant matter to encase these experimental biological agents to trick your body into accepting materials that would otherwise be rejected by our immune system....then it seems feasible to me that we could create some type of material to attack and break down these hydrogels so that our immune systems could then do their jobs and reject the materials. Anyone in the proper fields know where to start on such a thing?
Anybody else think the Xfactor video is DS propaganda?
AFAIK it doesn't bring any new info to the table, it's just an exhaustively comprehensive explanation of freemasonry and its Satanic connections.
Its fatalistic tone seems intended to leave the viewer with a sense of hopelessness. Like it's intentionally demoralizing the audience.
Attacking our faith is exactly what the DS would be up to right now. They are against the ropes, as anyone who reads the daily wins thread will know.
Hopelessness unless you watch the last 30 minutes or so. Everyone better have a little talk with Jesus.
I have also noted that a lot of the articles recently in the truth movement keep linking to god. I start to get towards the end of an article feeling frightened to death of what is to come, then the tone changes to don’t worry things can be different, turn to god and pray. I’m in no way anti religious, but it just something that’s stood out recently.
No i think it has more of a religious agenda. I’m not very religious, so that’s why it probably stood out. Starts of saying he can be killed, but the info isn’t anything new that you find even with google about masons. He says the best is at the end, which is where the preaching bit is. But before that he shows that clip from grey state to frighten you to death saying the family got killed, which I believe they did. Then the end is more or less turn to god to be saved. All that said, it is very well put together for somebody understanding the connections with masons etc. I don’t think he needed to show all those slides and drag it out over 5 hrs. I think views would be in the millions if reduced to an hour or so. My takeaway fear you with masons and Satan and turned to god. If you noticed he also specifically targeted atheists as well.
I don't know, but it seemed to put some pieces together for me.
Lord, keep out brother and his family safe and strong as he strives for righteousness. Amen.
Some lovely May 20th deltas:
On ABC news this evening they said “Basically, Vaccinated people get more freedom.” They are so fucking blunt with their plan.
Went to lunch with 6 coworkers, some I haven't seen in 14 months since we all started working from home. Being pretty introverted I usually don't go at all so it was weird in many ways. We were at a wings bar and the TVs were on, baseball, sportscenter etc. my TV has been off since the election night. I found it all so surreal. Besides them all not wanting to go back to the office unless mask rules are dropped, there was no political discussion, no mention of the utter shit show that's happening. I get they might not be aware or really want to acknowledge any Q plan but the silence about the shit show was deafening.
Kind of got me down since I guess the shit show is going to have to get a heck of a lot more ridiculous to wake the normies up.
I’ve been on this sight for a while. It seems like it has recently gotten more energetic in the last few days. Kinda like rapid fire mode.
?? biden in CT today local.news is disgusting!!! Usally the channel I watch pretty mush stays away from politics as it's an affiliate with Fox but they are showing it and talking about it. Well I won't get the weather today. ?
They’re trying to build a prison, for you and me.
I see what you did there! The System [of a Down] is going down!
Heyyy! They have a lot of old songs that are extremely relevant to today. They were calling out the bs wars, media propaganda, elites and politicians.
"Why don't presidents fight the war, why do they always send the poor?"
Bush - killed 500,000 Iraqis and thousands of US military personnel. Media darling.
Barack Hussein - military dropped about 20,000 bombs per year under him, yet ISIS proliferated. Killed so many innocents with drone strikes that they stopped counting innocents killed by drones. Media messiah.
Trump - no new wars. Brought troops home. Peace deals throughout the world. Hitler Satan.
Getting pretty fucking sick of ??.
“The prostitutes who prosecute have failed us from the start”
I read through much of the material and had been researching different things on my own. This is all frightening and very hard to swallow. WOW. I stand with God, Trump and America. It is hard to convince others of what is going on. I have been censored on Fake book heavily and threatened. Scare the heck out of me.
I feel were about to see the shift. Trust me when I tell you, I have almost lost my sanity. The ending won't b for everyone. If they done feel n see what's going on around them. Just move on. Stay Strong Fellow Patriots.
Wow. Are all the christians awake. Ahh no. So much more than one source can or will show u. This is puzzle is mind breaking when u start to align all the pieces I do believe Jesus is walking with my President,. Donald Trump. This is not only having effect on our planet.
I am new here, having trouble making posts.
Welcome new fren!!! Make some Comments in threads and you can Post before you know it. Mods do a great job vetting newcomers is all. The grey handshake icon by your name, when gone should be your GO sign(?)!
I just hope that this finally gets in motion before school starts in the fall because by then you’ll see a lot of forced vaccinations for colleges and primary schools. My own college is already hinting at requiring the Covid vaccine next semester. I’m applying to transfer elsewhere but all of these commie schools do the same shit.
Yeah its rough. Take the vaccine and having it do gods knows what to you or be unvaccinated and murdered by the deep state so they can show Covid was real. No good options.
How’s everyone feeling about “the plan”? Do you guys still think it’s on??
I think the plan is on. I see signs everywhere. The one I noticed is that swampling Lisa Page has been silent on twitter for months & then tweeted a Q character: https://greatawakening.win/p/12igTcA2sd/anyone-see-james-comey-or-lisa-p/ What are the chances? When I tried to see what gifs twitter would randomly give me nothing from snow white came up. I think it's a sign for us here.
Most definitely fren! I only keep a tiny pinch of healthy skepticism to be sure I'm not telling myself what I want to hear. When I step back and think logically, there's no way we'd be where we are now without The Plan still being intact. Presently, the things making the most sense to me are the Law of War references (MagicEyesQnly does some superb dives) and the obvious grassroots changes being made everywhere by We The People who are doing our part in taking our Power back!
Biden is part of the plan. I can see a deep sadness in his eyes that makes me certain he is essentially under house arrest. 4 years of the democrats screwing everything up and the country will be clambering for Trump. 2025 comes by and he's back in charge and can reveal the whole damn thing. God Bless America.
He's sad because he has a shitty diaper.
Do you really think he's aware enough to know that?
His handlers have a Nadler warning system.
Do you see the dems/msm scrambling, covid restrictions lifting, many big resignations, uprisings around the globe, etc??
Yes, the plan is still on.
A rollercoaster ride should be called "The Plan" with how crazy it is. At my job alot of people in hushed tones are saying that they are gonna fake it and say they got vaxxed. Mainly the Morrocans. They know the msm and Fauci is full of shit.
Awesome. You give me hope
There is definitely hope out there. Just have to sift through the piles of shit.. it can be quite the endeavor.
Here's a dig into the George Soros network.
My posts are not showing up in /new and I have no idea why. It might be due to being a new user.
Can't see it
Yup it’s cause ya new. Hang around and comment some and you’ll be right as rain in no time.
May God return soon
We have a God-given right to choose NOT to allow Satanists to pervert us into human GMOs.
Thank Q. I 'll be checking these out when I have time.