My point is the Great Awakening is about waking up the normies which will bring more traffic here. If ALL they see is far-out theories and accusations WITH NO SAUCE then it will be easier to dismiss us all together.
It's called a slide and/or shitting in the bread.
Most likely the timing was coordinated with someone else or perhaps even the same person taking screen shots for a "journalistic" hit piece on how insane everyone here is. I'd also wager that the upvotes and comment streams of agreement on his posts are simply dup accounts or other people in on the plan to slide the board.
This happened all the time in the chans. Basically it was a good indication people were over the target (ie a real threat). Information warfare is real folks. This is really a mild event. On the chans there was a constant barrage cycling through posting overtly racist images/ copy pasta, really sick pornography (and worse stuff that mods had to remove immediately), grotesque injuries / recent deaths, and a few other copy pasta things.
You know, I never fucked with the chans. I don't know if I believe you're 100% accurate (as I think of the bread coming from the crumbs / drops) but honestly, wtf do I know? I'm late to this particular game. Have an updoot.
Is this your "special" version of being a grammar nazi?
I'm quite aware of the differences on this forum and the chans (specifically the various q boards).
What happened is literally the same as shitting the bread. Important topics of discussion were drowned out by useless posts that provided no sauce. People looking to the site to check it out will see the garbage/ crazy posts and leave. Same thing happened on chans, same thing happens here.
Maybe you should pay more attention by the way. There are a number of instances on this site where chan terminology persists. If the minor differences in how the chans work verses how this site works bothers you, perhaps you should call out every instance.
You special -- "Hey yuze guyz this isn't the same as the chans, so don't chan here."
Not to say I ever have a problem with your posts, but in this case you did not address a legitimate argument and instead relied on your "credentials" to do the speaking for you.
What was a dig or an insult? The word grammar nazi? Give me a break. It was an accurate description of what you were doing, or at least accurate enough. The original comment was a sound argument. You then came in and argued against the argument not by addressing the points of it, but by saying "you can't use the words that way, they don't apply".
That's pretty much the definition of a "grammer nazi".
You never addressed a single point of the poster, and from an outside perspective, I never saw a single thing that looks like an attack from them to you, but rather a presentation of an argument, which you ignored twice.
I fee like his behavior is meant to make us look ridiculous. It’s a low effort attempt, but it is still irritating. Nonsensical lateral thought rambling in that manner is the stereotypical trope of the media’s version of conspiracy theorist. Posts provide no sources and the whole “fear for my life” line from anonymous people should raise your eyebrow as much an an e-mail from a Nigerian prince should.
Report the obvious troll and enjoy your fucking weekend.
Yes it is him because yesterday I read a post for he said they’ve been trying to kill him. And the joke of all this is that you, and other people are arguing with one another because of this person. He wins
Ever since the Q documentary, there’s been a lot of silliness going on. All of the Reddit direct link, trying to wreck our traffic elsewhere. And alien Jesus… Need I say more. Yes it’s been very silly, and the closer we get to things happening it’s going to get more and more retarded. Have a great day though!
This morning alone he posted 22 times in a very short period. Maybe MODS can come up with a reasonable number to limit how many posts any user can put up in a 24 hour period?
this is how they started taking over TheDonald. There are several that are bombarding daily with "news" to rack up tenure to hide. Needs attention cause 99% of new comers are not going to think to do that. Creates a cloud over the truth and the important stuff.
He could just be short of sleep or something. At first I thought they were shill posts cluttering the board but when I looked at them they seemed to be genuine. Maybe he is paranoid for good reason.
He has a lot to say....silence him!. His freedom to express himself only matters if he isn't annoying. And don't even get me started if he doesn't provide "sauce". OH ? MY ? GOODNESS ?.
He never provides any sauce and he is flooding. No sauce .... I simply skip, but the VOLUME (this morning anyway) dominates the blog. I don't care if he posts .... but can't he keep it to oh....say 3 or 4 posts a day? Do you really think anyone will take you more seriously if you flood a blog with your postings?
That's what I wondered. There are plenty of people putting up annoying, rude and foul mouthed posts on here that don't get censured, why the call for a ban?
Putting up an annoying post is one thing .... simply skip it .... no big deal. But when you put up 20 or so posts in a matter of a couple of hours then you are being a nuisance and detracting from the overall integrity of the blog.
ashlandog has multiple posts but no-one is complaining. I agree that cluttering up the board with trivial stuff is annoying, but I don't think these posts are trivial. Bit chaotic but worth considering. /judging by the upvotes others seem to agree.
That kind of remark will not help to give you credibility, only make you look like a troll. Always willing to give someone the benefit of doubt but your responses are not helping. Starting to think the others are right and that I am being too charitable.
So? I also work in Hollywood, along with many others here. Some are outspoken but most just lurk. This isn’t a dick measuring contest but I can guarantee you that I’m much higher on the food chain than you are, and no, I won’t dox myself, you’ll just have to take my word for it - but it doesn’t give me the right to bombard the feed with nothing more than images with no back up. The fact that “I can’t provide sauce because it’s too dangerous” well, sorry but you aren’t going to change the world with your cryptic posts.
And it’s called “pacing” for a reason. You should take note. Post once or twice a day. Let the board ingest what you are providing, rinse and repeat. I do believe that you shot your wad all at once on purpose, because that’s all you got and you did it for attention. Now with almost all your posts removed you’ve achieved absolutely nothing. Your message is lost. Good luck in freeing the children from that cement pit.
My point is the Great Awakening is about waking up the normies which will bring more traffic here. If ALL they see is far-out theories and accusations WITH NO SAUCE then it will be easier to dismiss us all together.
That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence
It's called a slide and/or shitting in the bread. Most likely the timing was coordinated with someone else or perhaps even the same person taking screen shots for a "journalistic" hit piece on how insane everyone here is. I'd also wager that the upvotes and comment streams of agreement on his posts are simply dup accounts or other people in on the plan to slide the board.
This happened all the time in the chans. Basically it was a good indication people were over the target (ie a real threat). Information warfare is real folks. This is really a mild event. On the chans there was a constant barrage cycling through posting overtly racist images/ copy pasta, really sick pornography (and worse stuff that mods had to remove immediately), grotesque injuries / recent deaths, and a few other copy pasta things.
I remember slides on /pol were constant. I told him on one of his post that this isn’t 4chan
You know, I never fucked with the chans. I don't know if I believe you're 100% accurate (as I think of the bread coming from the crumbs / drops) but honestly, wtf do I know? I'm late to this particular game. Have an updoot.
Is this your "special" version of being a grammar nazi?
I'm quite aware of the differences on this forum and the chans (specifically the various q boards).
What happened is literally the same as shitting the bread. Important topics of discussion were drowned out by useless posts that provided no sauce. People looking to the site to check it out will see the garbage/ crazy posts and leave. Same thing happened on chans, same thing happens here.
Maybe you should pay more attention by the way. There are a number of instances on this site where chan terminology persists. If the minor differences in how the chans work verses how this site works bothers you, perhaps you should call out every instance.
You special -- "Hey yuze guyz this isn't the same as the chans, so don't chan here."
Credentials do not an argument make.
Not to say I ever have a problem with your posts, but in this case you did not address a legitimate argument and instead relied on your "credentials" to do the speaking for you.
What was a dig or an insult? The word grammar nazi? Give me a break. It was an accurate description of what you were doing, or at least accurate enough. The original comment was a sound argument. You then came in and argued against the argument not by addressing the points of it, but by saying "you can't use the words that way, they don't apply".
That's pretty much the definition of a "grammer nazi".
You never addressed a single point of the poster, and from an outside perspective, I never saw a single thing that looks like an attack from them to you, but rather a presentation of an argument, which you ignored twice.
Also folks, take note of the primary people involved and supporting the board slide.
You board sliders are glowing (radioactive for the non chan crowd).
I fee like his behavior is meant to make us look ridiculous. It’s a low effort attempt, but it is still irritating. Nonsensical lateral thought rambling in that manner is the stereotypical trope of the media’s version of conspiracy theorist. Posts provide no sources and the whole “fear for my life” line from anonymous people should raise your eyebrow as much an an e-mail from a Nigerian prince should.
Report the obvious troll and enjoy your fucking weekend.
My point exactly. At least have the MODS ask him to limit the number of posts per day?
Yeah, it's pretty annoying when I am browsing by new.
I have doubts about his mental health. A normal person would not flood the board with such posts. He's not well.
Seems stressed for sure. Does not mean he is wrong or a shill.
Yes it is him because yesterday I read a post for he said they’ve been trying to kill him. And the joke of all this is that you, and other people are arguing with one another because of this person. He wins
I totally remember. He was saying how everybody was trying to kill him and stuff like that.
Then I posted something like this...
Looks like we found him… Jurgen Conings! Then I posted a link to that guy from Belgium!
Sooo funny! For some reason I got no reply from him! KEK!
I know you’ve been around here for a long time, probably longer than me. So yeah I got your back Fren.
Ever since the Q documentary, there’s been a lot of silliness going on. All of the Reddit direct link, trying to wreck our traffic elsewhere. And alien Jesus… Need I say more. Yes it’s been very silly, and the closer we get to things happening it’s going to get more and more retarded. Have a great day though!
Demanding medical credentials is a common strategy too.
Obviously I know what line of argument you will be trying.
Heh. Have fun to you too.
LARP. Bye.
This morning alone he posted 22 times in a very short period. Maybe MODS can come up with a reasonable number to limit how many posts any user can put up in a 24 hour period?
For visibility, I already escalated this issue to the other mods approximately 6 hours from the time of this comment.
Dude, Im on your side on this. We escalate anything suspicious. That's why you haven't heard from me about it.
I'm pro content, but we want to make sure users are providing meaningful contributions.
Cool. Take it easy then. Thanks for your work.
I'll be removing this post.
You could always block or hide his posts.
this is how they started taking over TheDonald. There are several that are bombarding daily with "news" to rack up tenure to hide. Needs attention cause 99% of new comers are not going to think to do that. Creates a cloud over the truth and the important stuff.
May be the settings on GA, but history of posts shows 9 mo since introduction, till posting now.
I vote to see if actual sauce, or credibility of the poster is offered. Till then, I will read what is of interest and bypass the rest, as I do daily.
I don't agree. The posts are quite interesting, more so than many.
Agreed. We should examine possible truths, even if the guy comes across as a raging douchebag.
He could just be short of sleep or something. At first I thought they were shill posts cluttering the board but when I looked at them they seemed to be genuine. Maybe he is paranoid for good reason.
He did say his life was at risk.
He has a lot to say....silence him!. His freedom to express himself only matters if he isn't annoying. And don't even get me started if he doesn't provide "sauce". OH ? MY ? GOODNESS ?.
There are so many who come up with that when you post a meme, mostly over stuff that is self evident. You have to wonder what motivates them.
What do you have against his info or is he just bugging you?
He never provides any sauce and he is flooding. No sauce .... I simply skip, but the VOLUME (this morning anyway) dominates the blog. I don't care if he posts .... but can't he keep it to oh....say 3 or 4 posts a day? Do you really think anyone will take you more seriously if you flood a blog with your postings?
Well, he definitely needs to provide sauce. No question.
That's what I wondered. There are plenty of people putting up annoying, rude and foul mouthed posts on here that don't get censured, why the call for a ban?
Putting up an annoying post is one thing .... simply skip it .... no big deal. But when you put up 20 or so posts in a matter of a couple of hours then you are being a nuisance and detracting from the overall integrity of the blog.
ashlandog has multiple posts but no-one is complaining. I agree that cluttering up the board with trivial stuff is annoying, but I don't think these posts are trivial. Bit chaotic but worth considering. /judging by the upvotes others seem to agree.
That kind of remark will not help to give you credibility, only make you look like a troll. Always willing to give someone the benefit of doubt but your responses are not helping. Starting to think the others are right and that I am being too charitable.
So? I also work in Hollywood, along with many others here. Some are outspoken but most just lurk. This isn’t a dick measuring contest but I can guarantee you that I’m much higher on the food chain than you are, and no, I won’t dox myself, you’ll just have to take my word for it - but it doesn’t give me the right to bombard the feed with nothing more than images with no back up. The fact that “I can’t provide sauce because it’s too dangerous” well, sorry but you aren’t going to change the world with your cryptic posts.
And it’s called “pacing” for a reason. You should take note. Post once or twice a day. Let the board ingest what you are providing, rinse and repeat. I do believe that you shot your wad all at once on purpose, because that’s all you got and you did it for attention. Now with almost all your posts removed you’ve achieved absolutely nothing. Your message is lost. Good luck in freeing the children from that cement pit.
☝? I agree with Tom ??