I believe it is because they are protecting the true treasonous war criminal Obama and Fauci is the fall guy. I am sure Fauci will retire quickly, leave the country, and/or have an untimely death.
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Don't care about reason just happy he is finally being exposed. Even his history in AIDS. This monster is finally having the light of GOD shine full strength down on him... he will not escape into the dark abyss.
Definitely think it has to do with directing the ignorant masses away from AZ audits...
I like to think of him as an appetizer.
He's no longer useful as the pandemic narrative is petering out, and they need a distractor from something else they're trying to cover up.
Faux news called AZ. 11/03/20.
I work in FOI and do redactions all day thought the same thing! Half of my job is to find some BS exemption in the guidance to justify withholding info. The amount of stuff left in here is unreal.
Makes me think Patriots are in control...
Not sure where you got almost no redactions from. It seems like they redacted quite a bit of info.
Preparing the “Fauci went rouge and acted alone” defense.
Bob from the FOIA Request Processing Unit stayed at Holiday Inn last night
Since March 2020 I always had hope that the little man would get what’s coming. I watch that short shit Lying through his teeth in multiple interviews, intimidating and coerce the simple minded into getting injected with an experimental vaccine.
On another note, phoney Fauci… guy is only a small player in the grand game.
Grouchy Fauci is only the lamb to be sacrificed for the bigger lie. Which is something so dark, and evil an every day “normal” person would be in horror, shock, and terror.
If I was cynical, then It's possible they want to show this as a lab leak only and are willing to throw him under the bus to this end as the villain.
Otherwise it would be biowarfare and they will all be implicated as traitors and enemy combatants. In this case scenario, we cannot be at war with China if we are partially to blame for the outsourcing and funding of the gain of research on the virus....in otherwords...blame the scientists from both countries only and not the whole cabal.
They want war with Russia not China their puppet master.
not exactly true...
i mean you're right about the bioweapon, and the intentional release... but you're wrong that we can't be at war with china if it's proved out people helped...
...because our people would then be considered foreign assets/enemy combatants...
including biden and harris and pilosi and high ups at the CDC/NIH/FBI/DOJ
...and the media
all of them, traitors, chinese assets...
and all of them should be treated as such.
...there's a reason the "firing squad for traitors" was brought back just before trump "left office"
myanmar is coming.
Hope you are right but if it's the entire government...I don't know anymore.
Patriots are in control. Welcome to The Storm.
Because "it leaked from a lab" is the last line of defense before "it was released on purpose and the world needs to be at war with china"
Scapegoat. That's all this is. [They]'re hoping beyond hope that we will be placated with Fauci, Daszak, Birx, and maybe a few others being thrown under the bus.
But we won't.
First arrest?
Was Jeffrey Epstein.
actually now that you say that...wow
I wondered the same thing. How many other government assholes would also be discovered if we could see their emails? Why was this so easy?
We have it all??
Scapegoat for sure, but it doesn't mean he doesn't deserve the wrath of God
I see a lot of redactions. Makes you wonder what they are still hiding when giving Fauci the boot!
A little bit of white hats in control too
Those emails don't protect Obama they expose him
no redactions?
Anything is possible or [F] is foreign puppet masters of the Democrats.
Demoncrats in coordination w/Domestic & Foreign assets
[D] is the Chinese researcher from the WIV. Dr. Peter Daszak