The ONLY thing I could think of is that the vaccine that 45's administration produced is legitimate (probably a simple concoction of HCQ and ivermectin in a syringe), but the vaccine that THEY are pushing is not his vaccine, and it's going to come out that all these big pharma companies were sneakily pushing their own toxic shots while suppressing the real ones in order to push their own agenda, thus bringing big pharma down during the storm when it comes to light and they're exposed for their fraudulent and evil behavior (pushing and manufacturing a vaccine that 45's administration never approved of).
I'm thinking that Q team wants to bring down and expose every bad organization. Big tech, D.C., hollywood, big business, etc. and how they all participated in not only this stolen election orchestrated by Chyna, but in destroying the world economy and pushing lockdowns thanks to a bioweapon they let out and covered up. This election honey pot will ensure that future elections can never be stolen again (dominion machines will probably never be used again, there will be mandatory voter ID, etc.) lead to very extreme checks and balances for public office moving forward i.e. every single politician would be audited annually, thus weeding out and deterring foreign agents, term limits etc. to prevent career politicians. Extreme regulations on big tech to avoid this mess again, along with a complete overhaul of mainstream news due to all of the treason they've been involved in. You get the whole shebang, it will be a pile of dominos and lead to many fixes in the future. Per Q, "I'm gonna pull the whole thing down. I'm gonna bring the whole f***in' diseased, corrupt temple down on your head. It's gonna be biblical." Everything will be exposed, connected, and brought down. A complete overhaul of government, infrastructure and power.
But you ALSO have to bring big pharma down somehow. I think Q+45 knew that the cabal would not want to help distribute a legitimate vaccine as then they would have zero leverage, and clearly ((they)) control big pharma, so they went behind the President's back just as they did with the fraudulent ballots and they probably thought they could get away with it. Instead of stopping them from pushing the fake dangerous 'vaccine', Q and 45 let them hang themselves with their own rope. Q wrote once that this is war and not everything will be clean. So when it's exposed that these companies pushed their own toxic crap that 45's administration never approved of, and did so behind his back while lying to the world, they could face extremely serious legal charges (crimes against humanity) that way with big pharma out of the way and completely destroyed, Q team can finally push out the cures for cancer among other things without a big pharma mafia running the health industry. It could also lead to HUGE regulations on the health industry, in fact.
"Fraudulent ballots??? We cannot let this ever happen again! No more dominion, etc.!"
"They pushed a vaccine we never approved??? Health industry can never go unchecked ever again!!!"
Big pharma has to be brought down somehow, after all. This is the quickest way. And for those saying, "why would Trump's team know that the cabal would deliberately overreach and distribute their own fake vaccine and allow them to do so" but you may as well ask, "why would Trump's team know that the cabal would deliberately overreach and steal the election and allow them to do so." I could be way off about this, but this is all I've got.
I'm praying there is an antidote for the bio-weapon jab. Not only are my loved ones taking the vax, partially d/t Trump's endorsement, but think about the tainted blood and organ supply. Some blood banks are refusing blood from vax'd.
I recently just donated stem cells and bone marrow to a 14 year old boy.... i was the only match on planet earth for him ..... i was asked by the DR several times if i have recieved the Vax.... i asked why? He stated there is no way you can donate if i did...
So...theres that
There is no Vax for it. There will not be any vaccination but a person has the ability to ask and believe God for healing from any bad effects. That is what you should pray for and teach. God wishes above all things that we should prosper and be in health even as our soul prospers.
We often have not because we ask amiss. Or we do not pray for what God says is available. Healing is available. We were healed by His Stripes.
Um.. No.
I believe that there is only one way to get through this nightmare and that Q and Q+ are doing it. There will be casualties.
I do not believe that the vaccine is a death sentence. That would be insane for our enemies to do. It would leave the world populated only of very pissed off people who happen to be exactly the people that know who is to blame for all this.
I agree with that french nobel prize winning virologist that the narrow target of the vaccines will simply cause the virus to mutate. Possibly that mutation will make the vaccinated more vulnerable to the new strains.
And so I think that Hydroxychloroquine + Zinc + Ivermectin and maybe some other drugs will be so effective that even the mutated strains can be treated.
If it's not a death sentence then why is it killing more people than any other vaccine combined? And I never said it was a death sentence. I have no idea what ((they)) put in the jab, but they're clearly desperate for people to take it, and the cabal have never been desperate to save lives. For whatever reason, Q and Q+ don't seem desperate to stop it. So I'm thinking they're deliberately letting them hang themselves with their own rope, as it's the only way to bring down Big Pharma once and for all.
Is it killing more people? Or is the media spewing BS ans hyping up the numbers. There has been consistent press hysteria about number of deaths in UK but weirdly the number of deaths registered and the number of burials and cremations HAS NOT gone up. It seems that all deaths have have been classified as COVID unless the NoK make a fuss and demand it is changed. Plus the death toll for flu is now non existent. My guess is they are fishing the numbers by reclassification of CoD to Covid rather than other causes
This is a gnarly problem. We work to expose the truth from their figures, then when the MSM publish it we are (of course) immediately skeptical. It's quite the head-spinning conundrum. The amount of info we know they hide compared to the bits they choose to publish. This often raises as many questions as answers.
It is killing more people according to VAERS
the media are not even reporting this. The indie journalists are by pulling the data from actual pharmacological safety databases.
The vaccine is killing about 0.002% of the people that take in the short term. Unless that changes drastically, the vaccine is not a death sentence. It is a risk like flying in an airplane or driving to the grocery store is a risk.
There are reasons why the corrupt criminal globalist elite are desperate for us to vaccinate. It isn't because they want the vaccine to kill everybody. Although, yes, I think they do want to kill most of us eventually.
I think the main two reasons they are desperate for people to vaccine are:
It is obvious that Patriotic Populists and the Anti-Covid-vaccine types are virtually the same group of people. They want to use our choice to not get the vaccine to isolate us so we can be discriminated against. I think their plans are to make sure we can't travel by air, shop in stores, get a driver's license or have a bank account.
^This this this. I would add that like other vaccinations for everyday viruses like the flu, it probably has some long term effects on fertilization. The DS doesn't invade they infiltrate. They are long game players. They leave just enough time and distance between what they start and what happens down the road for the connection to be murky and they set up the narrative far ahead of time. "There will be variants." So when people who have been vaccinated are dying from COVID they can say, "We always knew there would be variants." Then they will come out with another shot. This is ALWAYS the pattern. Create the crisis and then make the plebs dependent upon the DS for the cure. Crash the economy? Here's a few bucks from the IRS. Wash, rinse repeat.
Whatever happened to that guy who took his vaccine in the vial out the door and sent it away to land to be tested??? I want to know what he found out!
$10 says we never hear from him again.
Turned out he didn't have a doctor on call like he said, he released another video asking for people who are able to test it. Possible LARP.
I was wondering about that just this morning. WTF?
Your stretching pretty hard to make excuses for Trump and the vaccine. I have a simpler one - Trump likes the vaccine. He says it should be called the Trump Vaccine. This doesn't require me to make any leaps of faith, just take him at his own words - which is usually the right way to go with Trump.
Now if Trump likes the Vaccine, what does that mean? Maybe, just maybe, the vaccine is not a death jab.
There is no excuse for the deception.
You're right. I'd like to be a fly on the wall in Mar-a-lago to know wtf is going on.
Theres a perfectly reasonable excuse. We are at war! Casualties are a product of war.even in a silent war.
If you cant accept that fact,you are probably gonna be one of those that Q said would end up in a hospital if they knew the truth
Theres many theories why trump is pushing it. I have my questions about it but i remind myself that this is war. We wont know all the whys for a while longer.
This.^. Imagine even if they had 'looking glass' style tech and could be given an outcome or a range of possibilities. What if they were all bad? Just one option was more palatable and conscionable than the others. It's possible the opposition plans were too far advanced and entrenched to be able to complete a loss-free action.
I know we are at war, but you don’t kill your own team. There are a lot of Trump people who took it because he said it was safe. I love Trump, but I’m not making any excuses for him. I still think he is wrong to promote the vax. I wish he would just not say anything about it rather than this obnoxious bragging.
We were given Q for a reason -- to learn to research and think for ourselves.
This makes a lot of sense to me - thank you for sharing your thoughts.
He's pushing it because it's relatively safe and it forced the end of the lockdowns. Pretty simple.
I also think anything Trump is for, the DemonRats are rabbidly against. I think this is psychological warfare. Him rushing it prevented indefinite lockdown, quick reopening except in liberal shitholes and them not being able to mandate them because they are eua. I think as soon as enough retarded leftists see how bad they are from personal experience, friends, vaers, they will turn against the vaxx and it will end. Its a big redpill for the leftists. As fradci's emails are exposed it shows masks were bullshit, it came from lab and they suppressed life saving drugs Ivermectin and hcq. The deaths of half a million + people are on the hands of these satanic communist traitors and demonrats. If fraudci acknowledged the efficacy of Ivermectin and hcq then there'd be no eua for the experimental mRna injection. Fraudi and all conspirators need put to death.
Mike Adams the Health Ranger has an interesting theory that since there are many more liberals lining up for the shot than conservatives, in the long run we lose some of our people but we win.
If it turns out to be a population control program after all, this could turn the tide even more effectively then open borders has for the liberals. And it has the added benefit of exposing Big Pharma.
In a few weeks we'll be hearing about the banking cartels being in on it as well. All corrupt organizations must be exposed, tarred and feathered, and driven out of town forever.
So, when Big Pharma is brought DOWN...enter the Med Beds?
The only hole I see in this theory is that HCQ and Ivermectin are not a one and done application. They have to be taken on a regular basis.
I'm pretty sure that when Trump got Covid, he was treated with HCQ. I don't understand why he would allow the FDA fuckery with vaccines when there was a solid path with HCQ.
He was already taking HCQ. He was treated with Ivermectin, a steroid and an antibiotic.
I agree. I keep going back to all the lies about the pandemic. Bill Gates promoting depopulation thru vaccines, John’s Hopkins scenario with a deadly vaccine, World Economic Foundation planning the pandemic, on and we are supposed to feel safe with this human experiment??? In what universe would I forever change my immune system for an un proven vaccine invented for a non pandemic?? Makes no sense! I don’t know what Trump is up to, but I’m not disposable in my humble opinion.
Hoping it's not as bad as some predict.
The good thing, though, is that although it's "questionable", the jab is not (currently) mandatory as would likely have been the case under the D-S' 3-5 year lockdown and jab plan. You can choose to avoid it.
Sometimes the only available choices are bad ones, in which case, the "least bad" is the "best" choice. We may never know all the specifics, but it could very well be that the EUA jab may have been the "best" among the available (all bad) choices of how to deal with the coof, the lockdowns, the medical community/FDA, the swamp and the D-S.
I would guess it is a "wash". Everyone will get covid at some point. The vaccine probably does the same bad things the virus is causing. The same people severly affected by the virus are the same people who will be severly affected by the vaccine. It is probably mostly genetic.......but who the hell knows.
HENRIETTA LACKS I don't know if there is any truth to this, but I read they used her DNA, which may be why the black population is having a disproportionate amount of adverse reactions.
My guess is melatonin and lack of vitamin D absorption in the dark skin color.
No need to guess. That's a proven fact. Asians are even more susceptible because not only do thay have dark skin but also, as a rule, they avoid sunshine.
In an old document even fauci said that hcq was considered a vaccine. A puppies first vaccine shots are literally for corona virus and it's made by Merck.
You mean "some puppies' " or "a puppy's".
Had the shots not been fast tracked we would be Venezuela in a heartbeat. Many more would die.
Remember the Q post about the scene in "The Hunt for Red October"? Where the captain turned into the torpedo, thus disarming it before it could detonate?
When Trump announced Operation Warp Speed it's what immediately came to mind.
Knowing their long-term plan he chose to force their hand. Those of us capable of research refuse the shot, and many who take it may be just fine. Many more who can't be bothered to take their health into their own hands will survive because of the shots. My hopes are that they have an antidote ready.
Remember the "99% will be in the hospital."? That still strikes me as such a crazy post. What if that means that we have a cure for all disease and damage caused by injections? Everyone would flock to receive it.
Now, perhaps that cure is actually the mark of the beast and Trump is the antichrist. Wouldn't that be some shit?!
Big pharma is a huge cog in the deepnstate wheel.
Big pharma needs to be destroyed. Tjey donnot advance health care, the advance sickness so we keep the hospitals full and moneybflowing to their pockets.
Customers before cures......
Well written and thought out....the charade ends soon.
Placebo/ nocebo. We are in a quantum soup... Catherine Austin Fitts said she has received mail from subscribers all over the world and silicon valley are the only group not reporting negative vax effects...
300 years of germ theory dictates that you can not Question vaccines.
I am however a bit confused as to why the 'free thinkers' and 'liberated individuals' are not actively attacking the man they so despise when he encourages vaccines. Did he not paint a large enough target on his chest?
Big pharma is a biggie to take down. After that the next biggie is used car salesman and lawyers. That should tell you how awful big pharma is.
Our medical industry can never be trusted again.
Well and then leaders insult people's intelligence by offering free stuff for taking the jab
I've asked this question about Trump and the vaccine as well. I will add that a great deal of my confusion stems from the fact that if there is a viable cure or treatment, and Trump knows there is, then one doesn't need a vaccine. Why push a vaccine that most people don't need? To get the world open again? That's what I'm going with. Additionally, Trump has not openly endorsed any of the vax makers. He came close when he expressed outrage when J&J was pulled temporarily. Bottom line, I'm not getting the vaccine because I don't need it but I am not convinced that it is as bad as everyone here makes it out to be. Ultimately, that's the reason Trump is speaking positively about them. If he thought they were bad, he wouldn't hesitate to tell us. IMO.
Trump already advocated HCQ and look what happened. He was vilified and ridiculed. Pointless to go down that path again. The experimental injection is the ONLY "treatment" that the ds and the sheeples will accept.
Yes, I know. But it doesn't change the fact that a treatment/cure exists. The media vilified him for mentioning HCQ and other therapeutics. I remember. But it didn't stop lots and lots of people (myself included) from getting their hands on those meds via Frontline Doctors and other sources. My point was he knows a treatment exists and since the media vilified him, he had to stick with the vaccine narrative in order to get the country open.
Another Possibility:
Because the vaccine isn't dangerous, or not anymore so than other vaccines.
Because the Pandemic Scare was replaced by the Vaccine Scare, and we have shills among us pumping the hype, and then genuine and (justifiably) suspicious folks here glom onto it.
Which is more likely: #1 The deep state lost our fear of the virus, so they replaced it with the vaccine fear - the vaccine OUR President pushed the development of.... or #2 Trump is poisoning the world?
I think the likely option is #1.
Count how many times Q has instructed us to think logically:
(29 times) Is Q lying when he repeatedly says "Patriots are in Control" and "Enjoy The Show"? Is Trump Poisoning the world? Or, is the Deep State trying to keep the fear and mistrust alive? Think Logically.
The covid deaths (as the cdc belatedly admitted) were 95% inflated. 95 out of 100 had serious 1 or more co-morbidities, i.e. they were dying anyway.
Vaccine deaths are just as easily inflated. Some outright shilling + honest people scared, and conflate two issues into one, such as Stage 4 Cancer victim in family gets the jab, and dies one month later due to new cancer. Not necessarily related, but we each create our own reality. We see what we want to see, especially with a bias against it, and some professional prompting. People do die every single day. if 100 million plus have gotten the jab, deaths are still happening. My wife and I have not had the shot, but EVERYONE else in my large family has, and they are all fine. All of them. Whatever we focus on, expands. Good, or bad. Positive or negative. Then the echo chamber kicks in.
As said, I have NOT gotten the shot, nor do I intend to... I don't think it is necessary. I also don't think it is poisonous. (If Gates and Fauci had their way, sure... but Patriots are in control, and have been since at least Q's 4th ever post in 2017:
Your other choice is to say Q is lying, Trump is a demon, killing the world with his poison.
We had a lot of scientific mumbo jumbo for Covid, too.
I am not smarter than anybody else - I was terrified of the vaccine when it came out. I bought into all the fear, because we know Gates and others wanted and intended to go this route. I was very vocal to my family about PLEASE do not get it. They ignored me, and I was sad and resigned to their fate.
They end up all being fine, and I am talking about a lot of people between my family, and large workplace. Everyone is fine.
It got me thinking -What am i reading and hearing from media and social media, as opposed to what I am actually seeing?
Where are the stacks of dead bodies from this deadly vaccine? Are the morgues full, etc. Just like the hospitals weren't full from Covid, the morgues and hospitals are not full now, either.
So I thought some more...
Who wants us to be in fear? They do.
Who wants us to be suspicious of Trump? They do.
Who knows we are vaccine suspicious? They do.
Who recognizes that as a vulnerability they can exploit? They do.
Who wants to divide the Patriot community? They do.
Who wants to distract us with stories OTHER than the election Audit? They do.
Who wants to make us look like "conspiracy theorists" by crying "POISON VACCINE!" to the sheeple, so that we lose credibility about the election and the children? They do.
Trump has repeatedly touted the effectiveness of the vaccines, and put his reputation (and NECK) on the line about the vaccine. Q has repeatedly said they are in control, and we should enjoy the show.
I was fooled, and then embarrassed when I realized it. But I admit it. And I learned, and said, "Aha! I was not awake as I thought I was, but now I am a little more awake."
P.S. (I am still not getting the shot, though, lol!) I don't think it is necessary, and I don't think it is poison. I Trust Trump. I trust Q. If this was anymore harmful than other vaccines, Trump would not remain quiet, and certainly would not keep attaching himself to it in the press.